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Everything posted by whatevaman

  1. stop denying the obvious whore....i dont believe u any which was you put it.
  2. didnt investigate my man, it was obvious from that sluts threads, that's all.
  3. like i said guys of course she would deny it, why would she admit it...........lmfao!
  4. did you fail to read the second part of that sentence??? if you did this is what i said: but it didn't take away from the fact that the selection of MuziK sucked ass. and like i said before I am done with you ROOKIE!
  5. How did he deserve it? How do you know the resident didnt let him since they are SUPPOSED to be friends. Stop digging yourself into a bigger hole my man. Quit while your ahead. And the comment about his second shit being all new shit MIGHT be true, but it didn't take away from the fact that the selection of MuziK sucked ass. I am done with you, you are wasting my time, ROOKIE! NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXT!
  6. obviously you are one of his friends. but you know what my man if you read my post i wasn't being offensive. i said that his mixing is awesome, but i didn't like his track selection it was too old for my liking. i was there two times he spun there and both times i heard from several people in the crowd some of my friends included who said his track selection was crap and i felt the same way. and regardless of it was new or old tracks he was spinning they were WEAK! and for someone who works in a record store, they should be ashamed of themselves thats all! so you can respond if you want and call me a fag, but you can't take away from the fact that your boys track selection is WEAK! and dont say he was spinning for noone because when he was on there were plenty of people there listening. your boy is just salty because he wanted more time on the ones and twos on a night where he was the opener and should have been happy he got that chance instead of being greedy and asking for more time being that he is a no name....tell him to have fun opening for Baez on Sat night.....lmfao!!!
  7. I posted this alread on another thread but I figured I would make it a new thread so the whole board could see why Barbie Slut hates Platinum. Well well well my friends the mystery on why barbie girl hates platinum has been figured out my friends. Tom E K works at Planet X and has had beef with the owner of Platinum from what I have heard through some mutual friends. And as you can see from a prior post: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthrea...20&pagenumber=3 that BarbieSlut promoted Planet X before and being that Tom works at planet X and has had obvious beef with the owners of platinum so why wouldn't she bash the club. Now I know she will turn around and deny it all, but we all know that she is a lying full of shit bitch and A) One of Toms friends or Blowing him or C) Toms girl or D)All of the above. The shady part of it all is that Tom is supposed to be Mark Amatucci's friend but obviously he is just as shady as BarbieSlut! AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  8. UMMMMMM if I were a Dj I would play non stop bangers all the time TOOL.
  9. well well well my friends the mystery on why barbie girl hates platinum has been figured out my friends. Tom E K works at Planet X and has had beef with the owner of Platinum from what I have heard through some mutual friends. And as you can see from a prior post: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=92097&perpage=20&pagenumber=3 that BarbieSlut promoted Planet X before and being that Tom works at planet X and has had obvious beef with the owners of platinum so why wouldn't she bash the club. Now I know she will turn around and deny it all, but we all know that she is a lying full of shit bitch! AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  10. i have heard tom before at platinum. his mixing is all that, but i don't like his track selection. kind of too old for my liking.
  11. 12+ weekly 24+ on special events. and kettleone his sets were far from flawless two years ago either. I am done with this thread it is pointless.
  12. not part of his cult at all my man, just wanted to see how you thought crystal effected his mixing. personaly i am going to have to disagree with you though. have you ever done crystal? it doesnt make you all disoriented it makes you wide awake and not banged up at all. his train wrecks have nothing to do with his drug use. Everyone is human and when you spin for 12+ hours a week you are bound to make a mistakes here and there. We are all human and we all can't be perfect all of the time. Now if you said something like his track selection has changed and is not the same I will agree, because he plays lots and lots of tech these days and no more trance, this i can agree with. but to say his mixing is in the gutter because of crystal I will have to laugh. Maybe if he was like DT and had someone open for him till 4-5 am and then he jumps on the tables till 10 and spins a 5 hour set he could be flawless also..... :laugh: . And I am not taking anyhting away from DT because he is one of my favorite Dj's I am just trying to prove a point.
  13. effecting his dj'ng?!?!?!?!? please do explain. and i am not starting drama, just curious to see how you think that doing crystal is effecting his Dj'ng. because before crystal there were plenty of other drugs.
  14. EASY KILLER I WAS JUST ASKING YOU A QUESTION. Why you getting all defensive? Oh my name is Saleen and I know when all the hot Dj's are spinning down the shore. What a TOOL! Get a clue.
  15. that picture is so fake. his finger is not even around the trigger. if you look closely it looks like his thump is pointing up in the air. probably someone just fucking around with photoshop or something.
  16. why must everyone make refrence to JP and crystal. who the fuck cares what the guy does with himself, it is his life not yours. i am sure your no fucking saint either. people are such fucking hypocrites. and i doubt that JP will be at abyss and i doubt that not being able to do crystal has anything to do with it.
  17. whenever I have heard mark spin he has never once seemed to disappoint. he definitely has a bright future ahead of him. it's great to finaly have a Dj in NJ who is not afraid to spin some quality tracks. I am pissed however that I missed him last night, but I know that I will be at Platinum this Friday that's for sure.
  18. AMEN! I asked BarbieWhore about four times what clubs she had the most fun at, and she never answered once! Should I try a fifth time??? Nah it is not even worth my time! You can just tell she is a coors light drinking white trash pig! BarbieWhore ~~~~~~~>
  19. notice how she still ignored my question!
  20. You are so dumb it is not even funny! I asked where you like to go, to see what clubs you enjoy and have the most fun at. OK so you maybe you don't know about muzik and that is fine, but I didn't ask you a question regarding muzik. I asked what are your favorite venues to attend, and like the three prior times you have failed to answer the question. Proving once again how fucking stupid you are. Let me ask one more time and see if you can get it right on the fourth time. So BarbieWhore what are some of your favorite venues???
  21. notice how she still didn't answer the question. well what is it?
  22. she wont reply cause she is a clueless whore. she ignored my question when i asked her what he favorite venues are. once a dumb whore always a dumb whore.
  23. **cough** **cough** COVER UP **cough** **cough**
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