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Everything posted by whatevaman

  1. Hey Marshall Yambag, what about all the tracks that are no longer available on Vinyl??? How does a Dj go about spinning these track yuou fucking toolbag. And don't tell me that the only tracks you spin on MP3 are only unreleased because your a fucking liar, bottom line. You mean to tell me Boris, and Jonathan, and Tenag's, Denny, Sanata, Junior etc, etc are all pieces of shit because they spin mp3's also you fucking herb. Maybe you should learn to keep your pie hole shut before you speak beause all you speak is nonsense. Wow you were rsident at Stingrays in jersey can I fucking shake your hand??? Fucking tool. You must only spin underground clubs because in all honesty I have heard your fucking name at a place that you have spun at in ages. For someone who has been spinning so long you must be doing something wrong because as time goes on we hear less and less of you. Just the way I like it because you come across and a worthless uneducated piece of shit. I hope you career continues on the path it has been on for the most part, on the way down the shitter! Rule number one in this bizz (and I am sure you should know this because you have been around so long) and that is respect the Dj's around you and support them and don't bash them. It will get you further in the long run. But obviously you haven't even followed that rule because you are a has been that actualy was never anything at any point to begin with you. You herb!
  2. Cause I'm addicted to Druuuuuuuuuuuuuuugzzz........lol. Friends, MuZiK and to unwind.
  3. You think??? Talk about a no brainer. Hey you win some and you lose some, and sometimes you just plain and simple make a dumb fucking move. Only the strong survive in this business thats for sure. P.S. Glow Stick ALWAYS permitted!
  5. Mark Blowing up like the Natron!!! I am so happy things are working out for you! Fuck the haters and the people who doubt you! P.S. Are glowsticks welcomed!!!
  6. because some people can wear jeans and make then look good and not look like a pair of lees that they bought at wallmart.
  7. Yeah Denny!!! Good shit!!! Thanks for playing BOOOOOOOOOOOTS!!! Definitely made my night! You are the man. Dominick
  8. SEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! Nice seeing you too you animal.
  9. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM lemme see. Davis G or Mark Amatucci??? I think that is a no brainer. It's good to see that the big dawgs like Abyss knew what was up and didn't pass up on talent when it was staring them right in the face. But this is just my opinion. I hope every club does well and suceeds so there is plenty of places to go. But I know where I will be once the fall/winter comes by.
  10. Fridays will NEVER be what they once were muzik wise this past winter that's for sure. But with the right changes it can be a great college bar/club.
  11. typical busters. there will always be haters in this bizz. oh well back to the topic at hand! good for mark and sucks for all the peeps that doubted him. some people can tell the difference between silver and gold.
  12. All I can say is congratualations Mark!!! Remember what I said, baby steps! Good things come to those who wait and put there time and effort into something. and as you can see it is slowly but surely happening. I can not think of anyone else who is more deserving. I am happy that club abyss has seen the talent that you have and are giving you the opportunity that others clubs had but didn't keep. Hey you know what they say about those who sleep. Anyways good shit kid! I know you will make that night happen there is no doubt in my mind!
  13. just call urself BG MaN ps - this is Muzik Man.. lol
  14. the lights go on the lights go off.....BLACK OUT.....at the flick of GODS switch.....flick of GODS switch. Dave mad props bro on being able to spin and do lights at the same time...... G A M E Shit looked hot.......NOT. I feel your pain bro...
  15. Still in shock is all I have to say. Aaron was a good friend of mine too and when I got news of this tragedy I just didn't know what to say. As I have said in other posts on other boards my heart goes out to his family, his girlfriend Rachel and his friends who like me have to deal with this. I hope this is an eye opener to some people who like to do that nasty ass drug. May god rest his soul. I know he is in a much better place now.
  16. Actualy you are wrong too. There is no set time as to when JP will be better. JP is JP and he spins all night. At any given point he will bore you or amaze you. I laugh at how people (and i am not saying you) are like I go at like 10 am cause that is when the good muzik will be played. What a joke! I have been there at 1am on a Sat night with my brother and he was absofuckinlutely killing it. Maybe back in the hay day many moons ago JP would have his set programmed and that is why people would wait to go so late (sunday morning), because it used to be a given that once the afterhours began he was guaranteed to rock a trance set, a vocal set and plenty of classics. it was not up until recently (last two yrs) that his programming has been absolutely horendous and he has been loving tech and going on nasty tech sets for hours or jumping from a vocal to a tech track back to a vocal then to some disco, etc etc (pure slopiness IMO). So to say that from 4-7 pm is the best time and that is when he will play his vocals I will 10000000000000% disagree. With JP it is hit or miss and what he is feeling at that time. Sometimes we are lucky and get a treat and the other times I will just go to the basement for a lil dose of Cleve...
  17. always go to bed before and go around 9-10am. always used to close out too, but i am sick of it. muzik at the very end usualy doesnt do it for me no more and it is all over the place. i think i am going to start going early and just leaving around 11-12. heard from plenty of people who used to close and go early now that the muzik has been real solid at that time. but who am i kidding anyways because i am an old man and have only been to that hell hole like three times this yr.
  18. then why are all the dj's down the shore playing in your eyes and the madona? cause they have to? cause they want to? or majority of the people want to hear the track? and regardless of the reason they are being played so please SFTU cause you are corny.
  19. hey look it's the other rooooooooookie!
  20. blood always sticks together you fucking herb. but honestly i find it humorous how you tell us to go back to sicktracks. like this is your board or something and we must leave now. and obviously you must post on sicktracks too if you new we post there. so what's more pathetic family sticking together or some random herb who knows who we are and what we are about when i don't have a clue nor do i care who the fuck you are. i just personaly find it funny how a rooooooookie like yourself thought that the cd was not mixed by JP. who is the fool now. p.s. you will catch me at factory once in a blue moon and i am far from being up jp's ass. but one thing is for sure you are still a rooooooooooooooookie!
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