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Everything posted by ogmiami

  1. Looks real good Dekan. Those are all quality bookings. I, for one, am glad to see Crobar picking the torch back up. You can count on my support. Dade
  2. Once again, the Podster is correct. If you look around Washington and 1st, you can usually find a space. The response for this event has been really good. This should be a great party.
  3. Clubspaceguy, I think you've made a wise decision. This should be a great night. Parking around there is really not too bad if you get there a little early. Try over on Washington near Joe's
  4. Don't forget about Sandra Collins @ Opium this Friday!!!!!
  5. Well...Edgar is a great DJ and a friend but Sandra is not here very often. Also, there's a reason she won the DanceStar award...she's really good.
  6. Nick - In America, (Land of the free and home of the brave), a "shill" is a sort of "yes man". Someone who will only offer praise even when it is not deserved. Very often, a shill is on the payroll. But you are right about Opium. It really can be a magic room with the right crowd and music.
  7. So what you're saying is that Dan is a schill for Cooljunkie and should not be taken seriously? Surely you can't be serious. That means that Saleen is the only honest reviewer on the board?
  8. Now I can sleep at night...we've got Don Pod's approval.
  9. K-Swing is a female DJ from NY. She's on the tour with Sandra because they have the same agent and are both on Perfecto. K-Swing plays a very cool style of proggy-breaky-funky house. She played for me at the Perfecto conference party and was amazing. She's definately worth listening to. Set times aren't set in stone yet but K-Swing will probably go on around 11:30 and Sandra will be sort of 2 till close. If the weather is good, it should be a great night of music.
  10. Thanks Nick. You should stop by. I know you're not into the "trancey" stuff but Sandra can be really surprising.
  12. I'm not sure I would agree with the "Oscar was bad" part of your post. I was surprised by a lot of what he played but I thought it was appropriate for the night and I had a lot of fun. He dropped some really unexpected album versions and kept the crowd dancing. I don't get to hear him all that often and I'm sure that was not the same set he would have played at 34 but for the Grove it was the right thing.
  13. I must say that last night was a surprise. We went by Quench to say hello to Buster and upstairs was rocking. Went over to Life and was treated like a king by Nelson, Eddy and the crew. Went for "one drink" and wound up getting drunk. Thanks for a good time, guys! Dade
  14. Check out Mr.Moe's in Coconut Grove. Laid back, lots of screens, plenty of draft beer and a cool crowd.
  15. I'm not sure what your point is. You are talking about "building a market for Techno" by having a quality Techno DJ open at S34 or Crobar. What he was trying to do was promote a Techno party. There's a big difference. If you are building a market for anything, you better have patience and money to lose until it gets going. Club owners and promoters are all trying to give people what they want. The problem is that most people today want Hip Hop. Just compare the sales of Hip Hop to that of Dance and it gets pretty clear. Smart club owners and promoters find an audience that they can please and stick to that. People, especially Pod, are always ragging on Opium but they are the most successful club on the Beach. They do the occasional "music" event but their bread and butter is the VIP crowd. What Dekan did was say "I love Techno and I am going to throw a Techno party because Techno is the best". That's great. There were many times that I did events at Shadow because I loved the DJ or style. I could do that because I owned the club and could decide, if I chose to, to develop a sound or just do it for personal pleasure. Sometimes it worked...sometimes it didn't. BUT I NEVER BLAMED THE CUSTOMERS ESPECIALLY NOT THE CP CREW WHO ARE A BIG PART OF THE MINORITY IN THIS TOWN WHO LOVE THE DANCE SCENE.
  16. This is a great thread... Dekan, you had a bad event. Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you...deal with it. Mistake #1. You did a weekday party at a new venue in a shitty section of the beach. Mistake #2. You thought you promoted it well...you didn't. I live in the Grove and I'm on the beach every day and I never saw a flyer I never saw an ad. Mistake #3. You promoted "TECHNO". While I admire your effort and conviction, there really is no market in Miami for Techno. I keep seeing peeps on this board asking for Carl Cox. Carl is a friend of mine and an amazing DJ but I've lost money doing shows with him in Miami twice. Mistake #4. You thought CP would make an impact. I am a fan of most CPers and of the medium in general...but...There are not enough of them...they have limited $$$...they have jobs to go to the next morning. The reason I support CP when I am doing an event is that they add a vibe that I like and they care about the music. Mistake #5. You thought that Sean Ink would draw people. There are just not that many Electronica saavy people out there. I doubt that there are 100 people in Miami who know who he is and would be willing to pay to hear him...much less on a weekday before a big holiday weekend. Mistake #6. You promoted a new party with a relatively unknown DJ right before a holiday weekend when Hybrid, Ferry Corsten, Harvey, Q-Burns, Denny, PVD, Groove Armada and other BIG names were coming to town. How much money do you think people have? I could go on but I'll stop there. I have made my living for the last seven years doing this. I am part of the reason that there is a music scene here. I have done many events that were not commercial successes. WHAT I DID NOT DO WAS BLAME EVERYONE ELSE FOR THE FAILURE. Maybe You're right...maybe we're all just a bunch of lazy, mindless, worthless, ignorant fucks. Or maybe you just didn't do a very good job of promoting. If you don't like the scene here...LEAVE! Go back to NY and see how easy it is to promote that party there. Either that or do a better job next time of giving people what THEY want not what YOU want.
  17. Hey Ramon, FYI - Even if he brought his parents and a note from his teacher and he drank only soda pop it would still not be legal for you to have him in the club.
  18. All I can say is that Paul played for me at WMC in Prive and was outstanding. The energy was amazing.
  19. Several years ago the local authorities launched an investigation into drugs at Shadow Lounge. They sent under-cover cops into the club over a four month period looking to shut us down. There was never a "raid" or even an overt action against us. One day they came in and served me with papers in the afternoon. Among the 16 counts of "drug activity" witnessed by authorities were the following: "Agents witnessed two girls sucking on pacifiers" "Agents witnessed three men on dancefloor who were obviously intoxicated" "Agents witnessed several people inhaling Vicks Inhalers" Of the 16 "events" there were four "hand-to-hand sales of X to cops. Three of those were from the same guy. So in four months of under-cover work, they were able to find two dealers. The club was never closed for a minute because of this and we eventually settled with then by paying a small fine. However, there were no club employees involved in any of the activity which made it easy to settle. I don't know the circumstances of the Space situation but I hope they come through it quickly and cleanly as it would be bad for us all if they were to get shut down.
  20. For the record: I never comped CP hoping that they would spend lots of money. I do it because, for the most part, CP people care about the scene and the music and have something to add to the party.
  21. It's a great party on the sand on a holiday weekend...what more could you ask for? I think the price is fair for something as cool and different as this. The Ultra crew always puts on a good show. Besides, when have we had a chance to see Groove Armada live in Miami?
  22. ogmiami

    Fuck Crobar

    Another well thought out, articulate answer.
  23. ogmiami

    Fuck Crobar

    Thanks...I think.....
  24. ogmiami

    Fuck Crobar

    Seriously, what makes no sense at all is that you WANT to go to a club. The club says "come before midnight and we'll comp you". You show up late with 20 people (BTW - I heard that you showed up with 6 guys and grabbed a bachelorette party that was waiting outside and offered to get them in free so that you would look like you were with girls) and they say no, which is reasonable. Now it's "Fuck them...That place sucks". OR they have a dress code and you don't pay attention to it but are surprised when they won't let you in....followe by "FUCK THEM...They Suck..." Yeah, I'll bet Crobar and Space are reworking their door policies now that you've shown them the light. New promotion at Crobar and Space 34...If you come early and are dressed well the cover is doubled BUT if you show up late, with 20 or more people...looking like a slob....COME ON IN!!! Andrew, there have been times that you've showed up at an event of mine at Opium dressed completely sloppy. You know what kind of place Opium is and you make the choice to go there but don't have the respect to dress accordingly like everyone else. Yet I have made the exception and let you in...comped. Why not make it easy on us and yourself by meeting halfway? Why must it always be that if the club has rules that you don't like...THEY SUCK?
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