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Posts posted by ogmiami

  1. Originally posted by rcrespo

    it was great this past year @ Spi .. Infusion took the cake with their insane breaks LIVE PA ... after that I walked over to BED To hear the last couple of hours of howells .. totally fun night .. Marine Parade night would be fuckin great. I'll settle for Free*Land :)

    Adam's available for the night before Thanksgiving....I couldn't find a club that wanted to do it. Go Figure!

  2. Originally posted by phrankadelic

    dade, you've always been one of the few that have had the balls to book these guys. whether it be conference or not, i'm glad that u've brought them over here. i saw adam when you booked him at shadow. i think it was the night of some sony amatuer night. yes, i was one of the 15 or so that actually stayed.

    i would love to see a marine parade night or even any night with pilgrem, freeland and the rest of the uk/nu skool boys.

    I love the breaks. The bad news is that they really are a hard sell around here outside of conference. The good news is that Nocturnal has three rooms so I can get my breaks fix by putting it in the smaller room every now and then.

    I actually produced the Marine Parade event at Spi last conference. Those guys are the real deal. This year we're looking to do something much bigger...probably a daytime event with all those guys together and a few LIVE acts. I'll keep you informed.

  3. I've had it for a long time. Outstanding breaks mix!!! Rennie and General Midi did the Perfecto Breaks room for me at conference last year with Liquid Todd and k-swing and tore it up. I actually spoke to Rennie today about doin g his Beatfest event here with Adam and the rest of the crew.

  4. Space does the best job around here of promoting. You can't turn around without seeing their shit. Maze on the other hand is probably the worst or close to it. It's really simple...the clubs that spend money promoting are successful and the others aren't.

  5. A big part of the problem is all these labels that we put on music. Greg's not playing pure "techno" any more than Marcus is playing pure "trance." People are too hung up on these genres and most can't tell the difference between them. Greg plays good music. Good music played by a quality DJ plus a club that knows what they're doing equals success.

    Like I said, if Greg were the resident at Space, he would have the big following...even playing techno.

  6. Originally posted by mrmatas2277

    i TOTALLY agree with u Dade....but it is a shame that a Dj like Stryke gets no crowd....i know Stryke will get another shot very soon and as always he has my support...

    If the club knew how to promote, Stryke would have a crowd to play to. If the club got behind the night with some money, Stryke would build a huge following. If Stryke had a residency at Space, he would be the biggest DJ in Miami right now. It's a partnership. The DJ has to do his part and the club has to do theirs. When George Acosta started at Shadow, he had no following. The first few Saturdays were painful to watch. We promoted the shit out of it and he played his heart out and the rest took care of itself. Maze just expects that some DJ is going to come there and lead his flock like the Pied Piper and when it doesn't happen, they don't even understand why.

  7. Sorry to say it but.....it was bound to happen. The Maze guys have never "gotten it." They don't understand how this market works and nothing they do in there will work. You're better off being out of there. I'm sure that they're saying that you didn't draw people and it's your fault it didn't work but the truth is that they have no idea how to promote a nightclub. Too bad really...Maze had potential.

  8. Originally posted by philippio

    You guys still need to do something about that construction sign on the McArthur that still says Space 34!

    Woo, I'm so relieved that it's still the same management!

    Besides like Andrew mentioned, the most fun and underground parties (Magic Sessions, Ovum, Naked Music, etc, etc...) IMO, are anywhere but 34.

    I actually just drove by the sign and it now says "SPACE IS BACK."

  9. Originally posted by philippio

    OGmiami, let me start by saying that I do not EVER intend to rely solely on DJing for income. I have already worked in an aeronautical engineering firm and plan to continue my studies in business and project management. It is unrealistic to think that one can live in this city working solely as a dj. I did not attack Oscar G as a dj, I said his set at Space or whatever sucked when he opened for Danny. Meaning I THOUGHT IT SUCKED!!! ME, not Sobeton, not digital7, not anyone else. I did. Am I all of a sudden being raised on a pedestal to speak for the entire fucking board???

    Second, I am a househead. I do not like most of the electronic music that comes out of Europe because it gets mainstream too quickly. IMO, the best house still comes from the US, I can't deny that. I apologize that I am from Greece and I apologize that many of my childhood friends still reside there... And for that matter, I apologize that my first exposure to house was when DT played in Athens.

    Regarding your list of dj's...I don't think Nick Warren and Jody Wisternoff are all that. I saw Warren in Athens and although it was packed, his set did not appeal to me. And judging Jody W. only by his mixes on cd, I would rate him as average. Their latest release as WOW wasn't even mixed. Dave Ralph is from the Oakenfuck camp (just listening to his transport cd gives me a migraine). He's a sellout in my book.

    Regarding EV at Crobar. I saw the marquee but I was with a group of friends so we just said what the fuck we'll go upstairs. But none of us like hip-hop so we went back to the main room.

    Every single time I have dj'ed somewhere so far, I haven't gotten paid. I do it cause I like to do it. I do it as much for myself as to please my friends.

    If you do a little homework and learn what Oakenfold was doing for the Dance scene while you were still singing along with Big Bird and the Sesame Street Crew, I think you'll see how disrespectful you're being. If you ever get to be half as good technically as Dave Ralph I'll be amazed. I was talking about WOW LIVE not as DJs...but Nick Warren can play with the best of them. But let's not beat around the bush here. What I really want to know is who the fuck do you think you are to make these kinds of judgements? You have the right to your opinion but when you start talking this kind of crap about guys who have earned their bones around the globe from YEARS of hard work, you just sound stupid. When you say "I am a househead. I do not like most of the electronic music that comes out of Europe because it gets mainstream too quickly.", do you mean that you're one of those elitist assholes who loves a track until it gets played on the radio and then labels it "commercial crap"? Why is it that you are disgusted by a DJ who spins CDs? Is music only good if it comes from vinyl?

    This is a waste of time. You obviously don't get what I'm trying to convey so I'll stop trying. You keep up the good work.

  10. Originally posted by philippio

    Cut the shit saleen!

    Thanks Chaz!

    OGmiami, like I said, I don't think I'd want to put my money in the promoting business, at least not in Miami. The music I like is not represented here and it would be a feat in itself trying to get people hooked on it. You were at Yousef. You saw what happened. The man came all the way from Liverpool and played a really funky set which I really liked. I counted no less than six people going up to the booth asking for hip-hop. The next night he played Avalon with Joeski & Onionz. A very close friend and west coast house aficionado said they rocked!!! Nothing short of amazing and the crowd was hopping. Like thephoenix said, I only promote parties by word of mouth and on this board. I will say to you what I have said to others: I sincerely apologize for being somewhat of a house connoisseur. I realize now that many promoters in the Miami scene do not like that some clubgoers are more informed than the general public because it means they have to go through the trouble of looking for quality. Such a hard task for a scene that's so deeply rooted in $$$. I do not think I know everything. I do not pretend to know everything. IMO, I know enough to be able to avoid cheese and mainstream dance parties. In addition, I'd rather dj than promote. I do not consider myself good enough to play a big venue.

    I put on the Yousef show with Nick and Craig. We did it for free because we felt like it was a good opportunity to get Yousef some good exposure in the area. To compare that show to a Friday night at Avalon is not really fair. I also thought Yousef played a great set. I love that style and was annoyed by people asking him to play Hip-hop. What you left out of your comments is the fact that there were lots of people there who really dug Yousef.

    As for the scene down here being rooted in $$$....well, it costs a lot to do these shows. DJ fees are higher than ever, clubs cost a fortune to build and maintain, promoting a show properly is very expensive, staff has to be paid.....and so on. The point is that money plays a big part and that's the way it is in every city.

    Don't apologize for loving what you love. You certainly have that right as do the people who don't agree with you. What gets under my skin is the attacks on the people who don't agree with you or the attacks on the DJ. I have my own tastes in music and they change all the time as I am exposed to different stuff. I realize that everyone does not share my tastes so I try to be accepting of their opinions.

  11. My comment was not meant to be demeaning although I can see how you could take it that way.

    What I meant was that DJs like Edgar and Oscar G and many of the others that he dismisses have paid their dues. They have worked hard, built a following and earned their slots at the clubs.

    How you express your opinion is as important as the opinion itself.For a guy who aspires to make a living doing this work, it's bad to have that little respect for the guys who came before them.

    Do a search for my past posts and you'll see that I preach tollerence and acceptance.

  12. OK.....

    I never said that Phillip's opinion was not valid. I am glad he has one and is willing to express it. Believe me when I say I am the least vane person you'll ever meet. Any of the Cp people who know me will tell you that I care more for the scene than anyone, I have brought tons of quality artists to Miami even when it meant losing money to do it, I have never told anyone their opinion was less than mine.

    What I object to is the attitude that is inherent in his posts which says, "I know more about music than you clueless people" or "Me and my friends from europe think everything here is shit." Read his posts regarding Space34 and you'll see what I mean. This topic started when he attacked people for writing positive reviews and calling them "sheep". If someone loves Edgar V and has an amazing time whenever they hear him play, does that make their review any less valid? For some reason it does to Phillip.

    Here are some quotes that bothered me and prompted me to get into the discussion:

    Unfortunately, we made the mistake of going to Crobar not knowing that Edgar V. was there. Upstairs it was hip-hop. The tables were covered and the guy was a wannabe dj fade mixing on CDJ's! LAME!!!

    Unfortunately, I could say the same for downstairs. Edgar V's tables were closed and he was also using only cd's!!! WTF???

    As I was standing there completely unmoved by the noise emanating from Crobar's speakers, all I could think was... I will need to schedule a dentist appointment first thing in the morning!!!


    It was like Edgar V's tummy finally exploded and velveeta splattered all over the main room!!!

    Where's the respect in that post? Can't you say that Edgar was not doing it for you without being disrespectful? By the way, you could have read the marquee and seen that Edgar was there before going in. Also, does playing from CDs make the music less good?

    But when everybody posts that this dj X was so great and that dj Y was so great after every single set they play it makes me sick. Miami should stop fixating on a few local circuit dj's and their silly adventures in clubland.

    Because Phillip says so and that's that!

    Please stop the countless raving reviews about dj's who do not deserve all that hype and be honest enough to place the compliments on the true dj's that actually deserve them!

    I guess we can assume that you mean you, Phillip.

    I'm just tired of the wanna-be DJs who think they have all the answers ranting about how everything sucks and they know how to do it better and putting down the guys who are working....while they are DJing at someone's house.

  13. Add to that list...

    Dave Ralph who could not get a gig in America at all when I gave him a residency.

    Way Out West's first US live gig

    Breeder's first US gig

    Quivver's first Miami gig

    and many more who nobody ever heard of before I gave them a shot.

    Thanks, Pod......I was going to respond but it really would not matter. Guys like that think they know it all and have very little respect for the opinions of people actually working to make the scene better.

    Phillip, if you don't like what is being done around town, grab your balls and promote a party with the type of music you like. Put your money where your mouth is.

    We, (the people in the business of putting on these events), also have individual tastes in music. The thing is that we have to appeal to a broad audience. Nerve is a great example of what happens when you appeal to just the musically educated...great music and a thin crowd of people who expect to get in free and spend $20 a piece. That doesn't make for a very good business.

    When Nocturnal opens we will be very musically diverse and will dive into new sounds and talent. I believe it's essential to grow the scene. We will also give the masses what they want.

  14. if someone's idea of a review is: oh my god! dj X was great last night, period, they'll hear a piece of me! They're just asking for it. Learn to be fucking critical, people. Question everything and do not take anything at face value. Criticize the lights, the bar service, talk about the crowd (how responsive were they to the music), talk about the tracks that were played (cohesion, continuity, juxtaposition, mixing style, special effects, etc). Suggest how the night could have been better (i.e. by tossing Edgar V out and throwing in someone serious like Hybrid, or Nick Holder or Cevin Fisher or Christopher Lawrence or Grandmaster Flash or Sven Vath, etc). Yeah, you like that name dropping???
    most people I know. go out to a club to dance, hear good beats, get crazy, and enjoy the company of their friends. the lights, crowd, bar service, etc. are simply a part of the experience. why dwell on things which are so minimal. in the general scheme of things, and most of which you have no control over. I believe the focus should really be on. enjoying the music you like, enjoying the company of your friends, and having the best time you can possibly have.

    It seems to me like you're a little conflicted. Believe it or not some people actually love Edgar V. When they write those reviews it's because that's their honest opinion. Why is it less valid than yours? Why do you think that someone who loves what Edgar plays knows nothing?

    I've been in the club business for a long time and had a huge part in pioneering the serious music scene here in Miami. The truth is that most people who go out on a Saturday night don't know shit about Dance Music. All they want is some fun. What you fail to understand is that clubs exist for everyone's enjoyment, not just the musically educated. I've done every show from the biggest of names to the super talented guy who has never had a gig and I can tell you that there is always someone who loves it and always someone who hates it....is one of them right?

    Let me guess........

    You're 21 years old

    You just started clubbing yet you believe you know everything

    You spend most of your time at the clubs talking about how much they suck and what you would do to make it better

    If you ran a club, it would put Space out of business because you really know good music.

    The only good dance music is the dance music you say is good

    How far off am I? The glowing reviews don't hurt the scene. What hurts the scene is people like you with your narrow-minded refusal to accept anyone's opinions as valid unless they are aligned with yours.

  15. cp is like this:

    1. roland is always sick with maybe a once in a while a post about him being too mellow

    2. GA could blow everyone in the crowd and play the set of his life, but cp will always say he's washed up.... makes no sense to me..

    3. edgar v is always "omgggggggg i died, sickkkkkkkkkkkk", never once will anyone on here give him a bad review. why?

    4. oscar g, gets the praise from board all the time, but cp only hears him when they are waiting for some euro trash dj to come on, or their drugs are keeping their engergy levels up so they hit the patio all the morning and see him, but usually they wish for the euro trash dj to come on.

    5. RR gets zero respect and for no good apparent reason. Hes just as good as any dj that plays in miami, including wmc djs

    6. MS is really entering the ev zone of clubbing, his sets are always "sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, omggggggggg I died" sucks for MS, he needs to avoid these idiots. They call him a trance dj but he plays little trance! man cp is full of morons...

    7. then you have the nerve djs, sick talent but few show up...

    That's actually a pretty good observation. The funny thing is that you used to be able to get people to want to try new stuff.

  16. The sad truth is that this is a town that responds to hype rather than talent. It's also tough to fill a room for techno for some reason. I really hope they do well and that people start expanding their tastes. It doesn't have to say Tiesto or Tenaglia on the flyer to be good.

    Does anyone know if they're associated with Privelege in the UK or if they just borrowed the name?

  17. Absolutely the best party I've been to in a long time.

    Crobar was packed with an amazing crowd all night. The entire night was top-shelf open bar compliments of MTV and the liquor flowed. Kinky performed a live set for about an hour before Louie came on and were outstanding. Louie came on just before 2AM and was truely a Master at Work. Started out with that really funky Latin House and moved into classics and loads of new stuff. I had planned to make my exit around 2:30 but wound up on the dancefloor till about 4AM. It was perfectly organized and produced...the sound was near perfect...the vibe was on fire. Serious props to Carmel for putting on the event...great job!!

  18. Originally posted by philippio

    If there was nothing there, it wouldn't phaze me in the least! Pod, I have 6 very close friends (2 are dj's and all are househeadz), 2 from Athens, 1 from Paris and 3 from Londo

    n who came to visit and when they compared Space 34 to clubs in their respective cities (I think Fabric London, Respect in Paris and +Soda, U-Matic and Venue in Athens), one phrase seemed to echo their opinion. "Space is cheese." They were here in April for Lawler and Zabiela. The one from London said something about Lawler being popular 1 1/2 years ago and asked me if anyone here had heard of Lee Burridge and Craig Richards Tyrant sets at Fabric or the sick Tyler Stadius work-up. Another friend from NYC came during WMC and went to see PvD. He couldn't stop laughing he almost shitted his pants!!! I can't remember his exact words... He said it reminded him of SF on a saturday night (Jonathan Peters) except more lame. Is that possible??? He said he'd take Halo + Hipp-E at Centro-Fly, DT at Vinyl or anyone at Sullivan Lounge or Julius Papp and Marques Wyatt at Shelter over Space anyday.

    I have nothing against Crobar. In fact I was really sad when the Bang Wednesdays party was closed. The music at Backdoor Bamby is really funky and it attracts a very music-loving crowd. And although I'm not a huge fan, I occasionally like to hear a Cedric Gervais set.

    My point is, Space (the club, not the universe) to me, is totally insignificant. And maybe I'm a purist, but I don't absolutely have to have extremely fancy lighting, vip areas or a billion decibels of sound deafening my ears to have a good time at a club. To me, it's the atmosphere (people and music and the dj's ability to connect the two) that make (or break) a night.

    I wouldn't say for sure though that Space would bring down the small joints with it. Some people seem to have the right formula for success. Who knows??? The superclub idea has gotten stale. As many people said earlier, the scene evolves. So let go of the cash vacuum known as ex- Space 34 and bring talent to smaller clubs (Mark Farina, James Lavelle, dj Heather, Miguel Migs, Tony Humphries, Doc Martin, Terry Francis, Todd Terry, MAW, Mazi, Pete Moss, Thievery Corp., David Alvarado, Pete Heller, Terry Farley, Jason Bye, Jori Hulkkonen, Jasper Dahlback, Danny Rampling, Jazzanova, Laurent Garnier, Francois K. Marques Wyatt, Lance deSardi, Julius Papp, Cevin Fisher...any of these would be nice)!!!

    Wow, you really are pissed off.

    I've been to all the clubs you mentioned except for the two in Greece. What makes them so great in your friends' opinions? Is it the music? Is it the design? The sound? From your post it seems that they simply play the style of music you and your friends are into.

    Almost every DJ you listed plays Miami. Maybe not Space...but Miami. Why did you and your friends go to Space if you didn't want to see a washed up Lawler?

    All the guys in the bottom section are here semi-regularly. The party is called Aquabooty and moves around. Most of those guys have played for them or for me over the last couple of years. Where were you.....at Space? We had Yousef at an intimate venue in Coconut Grove a week and a half ago. How did a "househed" like you miss that one? Lee Burridge was at Nerve a few weeks ago. Tyler Stadius was in town recently as were Zabiela, Demi, LTJ Bukem, Slacker, Stryke, Seb Fontaine, Timo Maas, Oakenfold, Sandra Collins....I can't even remember all of them. Space does their thing and are good at it but it may not be for you. Miami definately has something for everyone. Go somewhere else. It's that simple.

    If people love Space all that means is they have a different opinion than you do. If you can't find music you love in Miami, you don't know where to look.

    For the record, I don't work for LP...never made a dime from him. In fact, I am opening a place next door to him. I've known him for a very long time and we have a relationship of mutual respect. He called me when he decided to close the club. He was planning to close after Morillo (BTW - Is Morillo considered shit by your group as well?). He had actually planned a vacation. He spoke to DT and DT wanted to close the club he opened. LP decided to do it and now you call him a liar. When he printed the Morillo flyer he really thought it would be the end........does that make it a lie when the plan changes? He thought he would be able to do a transfer quickly and have the new management honor the pending contracts. It's not going to be that quick. Should he pay for the gigs and not do them? Should he fuck over the artists and cancel? Should the staff go without paychecks for a month and a half? I think he's doing the right thing. Selling a business like that does not happen over night. I know from experience. His real mistake was letting his customers know what was happening before he really had the details nailed down.

    It sounds to me like you and your friends just need to stop going to Space and go to the many other great parties that suit your tastes. Try Jazid on Sunday or any Aquabooty event or I/O Lounge or Layo & Bushwacka @ Opium in a couple of weeks (cheap plug since I'm promoting the night with Nick from Cooljunkie) or Wednesday at Pearl or any one of the 20 great events a week that happen here. That's what I do.

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