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Everything posted by workenonlife

  1. LoL uh huh i'm done with u onLess u have some disrespect to give it's really upon u i mean i don't post here to make friends or to be your friend i post here to state my oppion and to gather other's oppion's upon diffrent subjects not to have people with noting better to do bug me with words LoL
  2. LoL run your mouth LiL girl cause i recall seeing a pic of u 1 day on this and i didn't say sh1t LoL but lets just say this now tho if ugly guys get hot girls lets fLip side it and say ugly girls get hot guys cause most ugly girls are easy, so after staten that i gather u Have a hot Boyfriend then LoL and just to say people i've never disrespected any of yaLL befor onLess i was provoked to do so,LoL so yaLL can say wut want but on real i wanna saY alot more but i don't think it's right to diresect people onless they give u reasons so be happy some of yaLL that i don't just pick on people out of the blue i only pick on peopLe who think it's right to start stuff first in my mind yall can post all the naked pics u wanT and talk how ever u want cause i have no reason or right to say noting bout any 1's way of life or way they decide to live it but some of yaLL have to learn that aspect of Life
  3. your bring up past sh1t lol i get in mood i tell u off cause u was haten on me for some thing probley and u bring it up i don't even recall wut it was in first place so stop stressen it yes i know your gonna say your not stressen it but if that was the case u would of never mentioned it but any ways for YaLL who have met me in person know i speak white and i'm not all wut yaLL think but any ways yeah i kill myself tryen to get jcked by 23 i mean sure i wish i was smarter i went to a good college for football and never even opened a book i know i'm dumb as sh1t fuk it this is y i gotta work so hard to build other areas up damn i want a nose job and 50 pounds and deff wish my skin doc would clear my fuken skin up so it's perfect sh1t im 21, girls seem to get playmate like around 23 so i got a few years to build up those area's and i don't care if yall Like me,love me or hate me cause all i am doing issaten m oppion and if t brings hate so be it cause some people will relaze wut i speak isn't always as bad as other's take it
  4. u can't see he lezbo's clear enough with the blue the oange looked better but u should deFF add more girL's
  5. i mean wut ever happended to looks count cause i always see cute girls wth guys who shouldn't even be out in public let alone be with a cute girl, i mean look's count the most i kill my self tryen to get jacked by like 23 so i can get a playmate ad sh1t but i see these cute girls these dayswth these ugly peeps and it makes u think even if ther rich it still shouldn't count i'll walk around at nite with money in a none public place and i'll fuk for the money but i can't be seen in public withe the money onless it's cute LoL so wut are girL's thinken these days i hope by the time i get 23 or so girL's are reLazen looks first then mind and sh1t cause if u date a guy or a girl for ther minds and if yall disagree u got noting else to like bout them so at least if u date some 1 for looks u can just look at them and be like thats y i love u
  6. 7 cue girls all ith ugly boy freinds hhmmm muic sounded thesame as most places an hhhmmmmmm its ike a place take your girl friend cause all the cute chciks had like a griup o ugly guys with so u deff can't meet a girl ther but u take your irl ther it seems so u don't gotta worry bout a real man roben her lo tho i was biggest juice head in ther sowas decent they need a bar tho
  7. ea i always hate seeing that sh1t too i mean i am clean no drugs no booz and like i club and u always see like a drunk chick with like ugly people all over them but u don't know maybe thats a couple or some thing so u gotta be quiet and sh1t an keep your peace but its just sad to see cute chciks geting that fuked up and even talken to some of these guys girls eed higher standerds these days cause i mean looks count aLot in life i mean sh1t i kill my elf every day too get jacked and sh1t so when i'm lik 23 or so i will bet the sh1t and can hope fully get a play boy playmate but when u ssee a cute chcik with a ugly guy its just like a smack in the face y i worry so much if girls got such low standeds i hope whe i get 23 girls are all stuck up and judge life on looks and body lol then mind LoL
  8. are any them pics of u babe if so u got nice ass up in that first 1
  9. put some porn stars in it and like a strip club and we set kid i'lL use it and damn i just got home and see yaLL still potenbout this lol let it drop to bottom already some 1 has to start a intresting Topic cause my dik and me showing it isn't intreasting LoL weLL at least to me it isn't so some 1 post a good topic and let this sh1t drop
  10. most deFF i men i wanna be ike 260 yawn most guys don't get up ther till like 23 tho so i got years to work on it but i'm deff striden to be t least 240 by summer
  11. but know now that u posted pics girly alL these guys gonna sweat u and giRls are gonna hate on u LoL its life the same sex hates the opp sex enjoys lol all the guys hate on me the only girl who hates on me ever is the 1 i called ugly LoL
  12. pretty good girly better then i espected from this board i mean i met the girl that ever 1 thought was probley the hottest weLL she thinks it LoL no names and i thought she was toe up and een told her soo LoL so i espected aLot worse but damn pretty nice girly
  13. true girly people do need to stop stressen strangers so much and worryen bout them peopel just gotta deal with ther own lifes and damn girly u gotta post naked pics i bet you'll get fans and no hate and every 1 will be your best friend LoL
  14. LoL i def argee with u dolik i'm tired of seeing my nae up wih peopel talken out it and damn even i'm tired of seeing my pics up every where if people would just shut mouth i would probley even stop the sig pics but they gotta keep stressen them so lol it's funny to leave them on
  15. dolik i agree with u i stated befor the pic that the dik pic was old sh1t when ever i get jaked the wilL be so many more dik pics LoL i should take 1 now i am bigger now then i was in that dik pic LoL
  16. ot every 1 a fagget i met some of yaLL and it was chiLL just those who have to keep bringing me up in topics or say stuff bout my pics i caLL faggets i mean i dont' care bout other peoples sh1t if isee a guy's pic in his sig i don't eve nlook so i don't hate on him i let people live so some of yaLL gotta stop stressing other's and worry bout your self that is all i mean by this topic ps= bout the fagget sh1t its alway is the guys sayen sh1t bout the pics so it mean's ther checken my pcis out which means ther faggets
  17. i lived in deigo for 17 years i mean i'm not a blond but i did serf and i dont 'recall seeing as many mexi's as i see now LoL
  18. u got weird standerds then i guess cause i mean if u ask 100 people at least 70 gonna say cali got hotter guys then nyc nj sh1t like
  19. u do wut u want kid i think its funny sh1t i mean u wanna post ass hair pic damn it'll be funner so go kid
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