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Everything posted by workenonlife

  1. hhhmmmmmm just don't LooK at the area by the date and time kid LoL any ways yall brought it yall hated on my old pics i left then yall postbout me so damn be happy i just ain't naked i that pic LoL
  2. true if we had male cheerleaders i would of thought bout it deff is better to be near the cheerleaders then the other fool's
  3. male cheerleader fun i used to always run over after pratice nd threw the cheerleadrs around i mean it looks simple to do those hand stands and sh1t but it takes alot of skill and work to threw a 110 pound girl up in the air and hold her in place so i give u props kid it's way harder then it looks
  4. i am impressed u know how to look at a pic cause i been liften like 2 months and chest is bout all i stride for ad i'm worken on and bout teachen LoL
  5. try to udertand wut i type and u will relaze more then once in a while
  6. yes yes i aways get told i make sense in sick twisted ways
  7. not sure eiether fuk it i got a dik that fixes it all LoL
  8. i have a dik and i so know how i sound pc kill my stds i mean ther is alot of people who shouldn't get laid but do cause of this onlne sh1t i could fuk way more girls and would wanna fuk way more whores if they wasn't aol tricks life is based upon talken and this online makes talken to easy for people
  9. i go to clubs to pick up girls and that only but drugs are nasty they affect the way u look and booze slows growth so i try to avoid both as much as i can
  10. na well i do feeL that way but i said it in a funny way
  11. hhhhmmmmmm i'm not sure bout the bashen exit i like it i mean the chinse girL's are nice and ther many to choose from most all look the same tho LoL
  12. the only thing i hate bout im chats is that alot of nerds are geting laid that shouldn't be cause they get girls to feel guilty and sh1t for them i hate them people i mean i would of loved he 70's or 80's i mean back then it toke skill to get laid and these days the talent aspect of geting ass is gone and lot of people are geting laid who shouldn't be and damn if ther was no pc's or online i would have so many more b1tchs damn i would of been dead from std's already
  13. u can only see the top of my dik be happy LoL and offensive LoL only to people who never watched tv or been to a cLub at a club you would see alot moRe of my self LoL
  14. LoL i thought they still post hhhmmmm haven't been payen atteion off balence i think bling bling u ment will post i am sure
  15. im chats kiLL time and from my younger days it's a great way to pick up strange girL's who u would of never met other wise and most of them are easy so bring them condoms cause stds wiLL kiLL u LoL
  16. na i droped out of georgia tech LoL i think that was a college and damn i been done with u befor i even met u so stop worryen bout wut i said and get a life girL go take more pics of u kissen herbs and i'll take more solo pics of me naked LoL and live life just stop stressing mine cause on real i think yours is funny and deff isn't worth george's time so be gone
  17. don't yall hate it when u like caLL a b1tch ugly or some thing and they just gotta be Like steen it for ever and always gotta bring it up damn i knwo i caLL aLot of people sh1t and people are always like holded grudges and thinken they can get even and on reaL i forget wut i even sad most of the time so damn people gotta get lifes and girL's just gotta take the words and drop it ther and forget words of wisdom from george
  18. and babe d lol u gotta have no life u still stress and thinken u gotta like post in my sh1ts and act like i give a fuk i told u wut i thought aleady so damn get a life and stop stressen the past george has spoken aLready so on real if u can;'t forget then fine carry on but i can't even remember wut u stressen any ways so be gone with that
  19. LoL i know i'm just happy i am wider and mroe built he got a few yeas when he my age gonn be huge yawn it all good tho he'll get me laid when i'm like 26 and he' 21 LoL
  20. lol lil cousin posted that lol let him live and wait i seen u kissen some bald looken kid in the same contest lol and u don't here me maken jokes and u know i am feening too say some sh1t LoL but i'll let u Live and bout that sotoworld crap it's played mad anoyen girL' s and any herb who would take it serious is a joke i had a besta ass pic in ther lol fuken losers take it serious and its a joke but i had a ex in the survival sh1t so i told him to put the pic in i mean mad girL's imu and liek spot u in public and say sup and some are cute so i mean it has it's pluses heres more pics of lil cousin got him a fake dmv lisence plus he's a future juicer LoL i bet none of yall can guess the real age LoL ad he postd on this but he called a few girls fat then got hated and stoped posten thers my lil family LoL i'll get him to post on this again
  21. hhhmmmm i thought of a orange hoe LoL
  22. exit did have a crazy serch had to pop shoes off guy was feeLen up my ass still smuggled in 4 grams of coke tho rasied th price and walked out iwth carzy amount of money or like 60 buck worth of sh1t
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