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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by workenonlife

  1. these days 5 club beeers buys u a case out side of club so 3 club beers wll but u a case damn it really suks to drink these days then u wonder y drugs are so popular it's cheper to get fuked up
  2. i am wonderen how long befor a beer is 10 bucks
  3. the 6 $ watter with a beer after taste is my fav LoL
  4. good girL just forget the sh1t and yo i bought the clearsil LoL still is sh1ty tho
  5. name=george means=dumb wanna be juice head
  6. LoL o please u buged me i told u to fuk off callled u a few names i am sure u been called worse so stop the hate and just forget damn it i don't know who u are so do the same over there LoL
  7. so sup sup people someof yaLL i me others i haven't eiether way sup sup , hhhmmmm life it's boren and it' a waste to live but at least now i'll drop some crazy topics once in a blue on yaLL to keep u people on your toes, sh1t any cute chicks on this board and ish and wut bout the juice head population LoL
  8. LoL and i wish that 40 was the 2.50 $ it cost's here LoL
  9. LoL don't be mad cause of wut i said last time u imed me lol just don't bug me again and we cooL i mean sh1t i don't even remember s1t any ways i wasn't payen atteion LoL so relax girL
  10. LoL i've met lyons befor he good people and he makes sense bout the post's being moved and ish yaLL gotta chill a lil and let people live
  11. i'm not down with the drug sh1t but i wish booze was cheaper i would deff get ripped in ther if it was cheaper on the wallet
  12. i lift like 10 mins a day lol just tonen and tryen to bulk chest bouts it
  13. i always do it sober it geting boren fast so i just hang from the celling's to kill time
  14. when it gets warm i'll play bball alot besides i am a hermit LoL
  15. sleep does the body good wut can i say
  16. i can see i had fans LoL some 1 informed me bout this i was onleave from board cause of all the hate bu i will stay in touch once in a blue with this love i see
  17. hhmmmmm it seem's like every 1 i've met from this baord and thought was chill has stated they are leaven it i mean quoth and mugz i think both said it now trecend so on real this board is geting boren any ways so i'm taken leave from it i am sure most of yaLL won't care or will be happy but fuk it i just wanted to to state it like the rest have so be good's be safe and i'll check in once in a blue to see if the chill people are back and to see if it's worth posten any more
  18. i am deff agreeing with u kid this is y i post here once in a blue, the ones i've met was mad chill people but the rest yawn just don't do it for me to post here more it's geting boren over here most deff
  19. bad habit been doing it since i was like a early teen back when i couldn't type the i in sh1t or spell fuk right LoL
  20. damn i seen the word hat in the topic and i figured this was gona be a hate post dedacated to my pic in post LoL sh1t hopefully later maybe
  21. i happen to agree with u i mean he does have to learn to keep his mouth shut and he should at least back up his words befor he starts offenden people cause e offends them sayen fat geek and nerd's sh1t like and that is exclty wut he is LoL
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