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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. uh-oh, i don't know that one...
  2. working and studying...booooooor-ing
  3. nope...*disappointed* it is an older movie...often on HBO...
  4. bustaknut: where do you live? that stinks yep, still without AC and it SUCKS leftover chinese s/b eaten that same night much later when you come stumbling home drunk, so you could do without the fridge, lol sue: fill me in on the rest of that story next time we talk...
  5. lol, and staying at the beach... (NYCchic24: 3 more weeks!!!)
  6. yours might be belts or necklaces...you have one of each for ever occasion, lol
  7. pay attention, cutie, i already linked that on page 1 did you play the silly game they have??
  8. 600 posts for ME, yippeeeeee! and g'night
  9. and fax their senator? i decided to, and edited their letter to include: "I'm writing because I am very concerned about the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (the RAVE Act). This bill would only serve to punish the business men and women for crimes that may be committed b their clientele. I find it ironic and hypocritical that the federal government can't even keep drugs out of its own prisons, yet this law fines business owners hundreds of thousands of dollars for failing to keep people from carrying drugs onto their premises... ...If enacted, the raves may cut down because of the fears of fines and sentences, but...this will not solve the problem. The RAVE act will only drive the offenders further underground and away from public health and safety regulations... The drug problem is in the individuals, at home, in schools,etc as much or more as in the dance and RAVE scene. We have youth with too much money and time that are bored and turn to a "fun time". Please don't punish those of us that legitimately enjoy the dance/club/RAVE scene without drugs. You will not eliminate the problem by eliminating raves. We need to look further into our homes and schools and communities instead of planting raves/clubs as a scapegoat..."
  10. if you know what this is from, i will be super-impressed... "I'm hot...and you're not. So, if you wanna hang with me, I'll give it one shot. Stop that...Top that. I don't really give a ___, about tryin to top that."
  11. http://www.ivillagehealth.com/quiz/iqtest/pages/0,12910,261445_295384,00.html
  12. everyone has something ...some people spend big $$$ on fancy watches, some on sunglasses, necklaces, whatever...what is it for you???
  13. bump...the board is dead tonight
  14. agree with destiny, but think the goose/gander one is backwards cause the gander is the male i think it means that when you make the women happy, and keep them content, it is good for the men too in the long run, lol... but... anyone know this one: a stitch in time saves nine...what the hell??? what IS a stitch in time??
  15. what "dada" means, as in "dadaism"? anyone know what dadaism looks like? anyone care? i learned it today for design class and thought it was kinda cool...
  16. so, my AC broke 2 days ago, and i live in FLORIDA, yes, FLORIDA...meaning it is 11:50PM and it is still 86 freakin degrees out...and so my apt is HOT AS HELL...so...i want to know what YOU think is the most important appliance--what could you NOT live without?? no AC is kicking my *ss right now, lol:flame:
  17. we could have made millions, lol seriously though, kids, now i have to finish cutting them out(cause you know i did not do them all last night and postwhored and went to bed instead), and have backups for class Tuesday...are you KIDDING, lol???
  18. damn those police...lol...hmmmm... but, the other day, i was shopping at the mall, you know, looking for some gear to buy...and i saw this [guy] he co'rocked my world, and i had to adjust my, er, self, lol...he looked at me and smiled and said, "you got plans for the night?" i said, "hopefully if things go well, i'll be with YOU tonight" then we journeyed to his house, one thing led to another, we opened the door, hit the floor, looked up and it was his mother...and, well, you can prolly figure out the rest, and that was the end of HIM...lol
  19. i think we all agree...abstinence is WAY better than bad sex, lol... and as for needing bad sex every once in a while to let you know what is good sex...i veto that: i say it should just be good sex every once in a while to remind you what GREAT sex is, lol
  20. dammit i am NOT happy about that post!!!!! *bad spragga!*
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