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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. i definitely want someone who enjoys the scene as much as i do, b/c it is hard to reconcile with someone who doesn't understand...though, i want someone who can blockbuster night with me too a nice balanced guy for me!! and i agree with the "it sucks when you break up and you have to see each other out" part...
  2. lol, tylenol PM is definitely the wonder-drug for sleep! it KNOCKS you out!!
  3. ok, 18 left, and i have to take one down and toast you for making me with that statement so now there are... 17 bottles of beer on the wall!!!
  4. sexxyh: good answer, i think i am on that page, lol... and nycmuzic, i feel your pain...lol, being single sucks when you have to have other people's happiness rubbed in your face, lol...
  5. yup, yup but sadly, it seems like everyone i meet cheats on their GF/BF, and that gives me even less faith in a future relationship, ya know?
  6. names of people you know or just names of whoever?
  7. wow, that's a tough one...stealing is HUGE, as is drama...however, maybe the kid is really in too deep and is reaching out, in which case, it would be pretty d*ck, of the BF to blow him off at a critical time...i would say that your boy needs to really sit down and talk to his BF...not to make him choose, but to say something to the effect of "look--this is really hurting our relationship...i understand you need to be there for your friend, but you can not babysit him either or he will never take responsibility for himself", cause it sounds like the friend is on a path to disaster and sometimes the only way we get off that path is if we hit bottom...making the BF make a choice will backfire, but the BF needs to let the friend grow up a little on his own...
  8. that's why living by yourself is the way to go sorry, DG bad roomies suck...i had one in college, and then lived with her again in boston and she SUCKED! just kidding, SuZyQ!!! *mwah*
  9. that's a pretty cool site...i am promoting it now--hers is next i think
  10. BuMp ... just watched moulin rouge for the first time...WOW.
  11. ok, line stealer, you are now officially a *dork*, LOL ghhhost, that was funny
  12. girl, you know you 99% always take priority, so take a cough drop and quit your "AHEMmin", lol be careful sending to voicemail with a nextel though or the caller knows, LOL
  13. they even have a dumb game to go with the dumb facts... http://www.snapple.com/index.asp?Pageid=3&subid=3a&contentid=3a (if it doesn/t work, go to www.snapple.com then enter snappleton, then at the bottom of the pic, there is a "see more of snappleton" button, and then you can click on real facts)
  14. nope, it is macromedia, like flash and director... but, i will email you when i get stuck then
  15. retards: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...is that it?
  16. i am so fair skinned, natural sun is great, but only with lots of sunscreen--to get any sort of tan, i have to lay out FOREVER, or go for the can
  17. just 20 bottles of beer on the wall 20 bottles of beer on the wall, 20 bottles of beeeeeeeer... take one down and drink it with my dinner, so now there are just...
  18. if it turns out fun, you guys have to go again in August with me when i come up north again
  19. and then taking that cool shower to clean off, and getting all excited and fired up to sweat all up again DAMMIT...
  20. hot tubs are nice too
  21. gotta give this a :laugh: but seriously, i think for me personally, i am a very sexual person, so sex is HUGE...plus, i could never marry/stay with someone that the sex was not GREAT with--again, just MO...BUT, i also respect the fact that relationships are possible without sex for a while--once you get into time and commitment though, i think you need to take that test-drive
  22. i agree with that, BUT...we live in a society where instant gratification is the way to go--we take what we want when we want it, use it till we are done, and then discard(yes, this is a general statement, but...) i see so many people around me doing that with GF/BFs and relationships--they are not in it for the long term, just for the till-i-have-my-fill...is there hope for a happily ever after at all? is it possible to find someone that you can truly spend the rest of your life with...or, on a smaller scale, who can keep their d*ck in their pants(or opposite for girl-cheaters, lol) and NOT cheat and be mature enough for a monogamous relationship?
  23. me too, and herein, for me, lies the problem...i don't want to "play" anymore and date people just for the sake of doing so...i am at the point where that is a waste of time--not that i am ready to get married next week either, but i AM looking for a little security in a relationship...so, i will be single for a while lol...
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