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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. yes, i am a PPG fanatic i have the *cough*videos*cough*...lol. bubbles is my fave, and i can not wait to see the movie!!
  2. elongate, huh? nice word, lol
  3. lol, that DOES suck!! mine used to be unloading the dishwasher...i HATED it! and dammit, now that i have NO dishwasher, i regret my b*tching!
  4. suthrnbelle


    simply for women? toys for both? not worth it? the only way to go? what do YOU think?
  5. i feel your pain, sassa but before the nunnery, i am considering investing in "the rabbit", on the advice of several friends, until i can find a decent, non-psycho guy
  6. hope there is one around the time i come back up to visit so i can see the sexboarders in action pics definitely interesting and looks like it was a hell of a good time!
  7. spray you down?? huh? *explain*
  8. household chore? C'mon, we all have to do them and there is always that one that you would do ANYTHING to put off...
  9. since i am stuck down here in sunny FL, i am always curious and wanting to meet EVERYONE...i had so much fun with the peeps i DID meet when i visited, so i would love to meet more...and put face to the personality, so to speak, lol
  10. yummy, yummy, i LOVE wranglers!!! i drive a 97 Nissan Pathfinder, and i just spent 3 hours washing and waxing it the other day i LOVE my SUV!!
  11. the powerpuff girls, but it used to be wonder woman of course remember the good old days, when cartoons were actually GOOD??? thundercats, etc?
  12. it's definitely time to change this rhyme to keep this thread in its prime and this rap sublime
  13. yippeeeeee!!!!! :bounce: good for you
  14. keep dreaming, and IM me when you wake up
  15. hmmm....that last girl looks REALLY familiar...wonder who she is
  16. is that the best you can come up with? tsk, tsk, you are slipping, old man j/k *kiss*
  17. seriously though, why is this forum always set to show the fewest? what's the deal
  18. careful sweetheart, you are knocking my Best Friend, my gators, and me seriously, though, no southern football fan is necessarily "classy"--that's just not the right word we like to get down and dirty with tailgates and jim beam and cheer for our boys...btw, launch, if you HAVE one of those "little bitch" shirts, wouldn't that be "pot calling the kettle black" to knock my girl?? NYCchic, great shirt lol...where can we get one of those?
  19. \ that IS a complete disaster! gator football makes me cry when they miss a pass, much less screw up a touchdown or **gasp** i almost can't say it....LOSE a game!!! and when spurrier left, it was a DARK, DARK day, many tears were shed, and yes, i had to go to the puppy adoption center and play with cute cuddly puppies for several hours to pull myself together lol...
  20. FLEIXIBILITY is the main thing i think...tall, short, whatever, if you can swing those legs behind your head you won't hit him lol...
  21. lol, yours leave and come back and mine NEVER LEAVE
  22. let her go...once a cheater, always a cheater--and with your FRIEND? "notsomuch" there are WAY better girls out there
  23. suthrnbelle


    lmao, :laugh: CHOICE....
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