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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. Little Red Corvette, Ooooh, Oooooh Baby you're much too fast... LMAO: that was for NYCchic24, and for the younguns that did NOT recognize that song this past weekend when you guys were out, lol
  2. but i can't WAIT till you get to FL girl...beach, here we come!!
  3. i am going to show up in august and stalk you, LOL just you WAIT, SF, here i come, lol... and neena: sue is just being a biotch and not letting me go when i go to boston, cause of her "budget"--isn't that MEAN??
  4. you are too funny!! ok, top secret mode in effect--synchronize your watches to september, LOL...see you at rendevous point
  5. awwww, thanks can't wait to meet you then! and, jay, are you in on this too? LMAO, sue, you need to fill me in on this weekend!
  6. out of control in moderation lol...and the SF? eddie, you don't even remember sitting on my lap, lmao but you are the bomb too sweetie so, i guess this is to say that you guys know the big birthday event in september? you think i was trouble at SF? wait till the 13th, baby, lol *evil grin*
  7. she is MY favorite person too and i can't WAIT till august and september
  8. as far as tighy-whities, NO GUY should wear them...they do NOT look good on ANY GUYS....repeat, ANY guys, lol...boxer briefs are sexy and close enough, lol... for girls, i agree with tastyt that panty lines are soooooo trashy/tacky...fat women should not wear thongs, but they should not wear yards of lycra either, and somehow, they ALWAYS do, lol...but seriously, how can a woman feel remotely sexy in a pair of granny panties?????
  9. one more thing though, cause that is not to say that i don't every once in a while like to hook it up somewhere not necessarily in front of people, but where there is that fun risk of getting caught...say, in a parking garage, or something like that... *evil grin*
  10. i SECOND that...i just got told off in my last relationship b/c i was not "as affectionate" as the guy...gimme a break--when i am out with a group of people, the point is to hang with them, not be all over the guy i am supposedly going home to be all over later anyways, lol
  11. Hope you had a great birthday and you have a great weekend to match!!
  12. 1. What time is it? 2:31am 2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Jennifer Lee Brigman 3. Nicknames: (too many) boston, jennylee, JB, jenn, blondie... 4. Parents names: donna and ellis 5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 24 6. Date you regularly blow them out? aug 11 7. Height: 5'8"ish 8. Eye Color: blue 9. Hair Color: strawberry blonde 10. Piercings: ears 11. Tattoos: butterfly on ankle and daisy on hip--got the butterfly with NYCchic when she got hers yeah! 12. How much do you love your job on a scale of 1-10: 5 13. Birthplace: jax, FL 14. Hometown: same 15. Current Residence: same 16. Had your heart broken: hell yeah 17. Been in love before? yes 18. Been to Africa? nope 19. Been to Vegas? nope but going for me and NYCchic's bday! 20. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes 21. Been in a car accident? yep again 22. Croutons or Bacon Bits? bacon bits 23. Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip: mayo 24. Coke or Pepsi? coke 25. Car - 2 or 4 door? 4 door 26. Sprite or 7-up? sprite 27. What is your Occupation? bartender 28. Favorite TV show (s): friends 29. Favorite Color? cobalt blue, RED, pale yellow 30. What do you sleep in? tshirt and undies or my scrubs and tank top 31. Favorite movie(s)? Top Gun, last of the mohicans, 101 dalmations, fast and the furious 32. Favorite Holiday? christmas 33. Favorite day of the week? saturday 34. Favorite word, phrase or quote? negative, ghostrider, the pattern is full...OR notsomuch 35.Favorite toothpaste? crest ultra 36. Favorite Restaurant? longhotn , LOL 37. Favorite alcoholic drink(s)? margaritas, jim beam, stoli razz and redbull, mudslides, stoli van white russians 38. Favorite sport to watch? FOOTBALL! *duh* 39. Preferred type of ice cream? too many...maybe ben and jerry's peanut butter cup 40. Favorite Sesame Street character? grover, or elmo 41. Disney/Warner Bros. movie? 101 dalmations...sue, cinderella is disney, lol 42. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? steak and shake 43. What color is your carpet in your bedroom? hard wood floors 44. How many times did you fail your permit or drivers license test? none 45. Who is the last person you got email from? a friend in boston 46. Ever been convicted of a crime? Nope 47. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card: ikea, or pottery barn, i think 48. What do you do most often when you are bored? call my friends and harass them or log onto my computer 49. Friend that lives the farthest away? my bro in seattle 50.Most annoying thing? people who run you like mad in the restaurant and then DON'T TIP 51. Bedtime? LATE 52. Who will respond to this the fastest? ??? 54. What time is it? 2:40
  13. i def believe in soulmates, and i will never settle for less...now, if i meet my soulmate and they get run over by a bus, i don't know if i believe there is another out there...i think there is a right person for everyone, and we just have to find them, but i also believe that you can love people in difft ways and for difft reasons, so...
  14. hmmm...why not? sex : female height: 5'8" ish weight: 136 lbs yesterday age: old...lol, 24 bra size: small, AKA, 34B penis size: i like 'em big, lol hair color: strawberry blonde
  15. NYCchic24 is gonna freak out, lol, but almost 3 weeks and holding...i am gonna see how long i can go, and a DAY is long for me, lol, so i am hurtin
  16. sounds delightful i have that problem too, which is why the rave reviews interested me...desenitized, huh--does that really happen? that would SUCK...it is hard enough to have an orgasm already, lol
  17. \ lmao, that is SO funny...the first DVD? i actually have them on VHS, b/c when i got the first one i didn'thave my DVD yet. and gmccookny, i SO wanted that pen!! every episode i would write down the info at the end so i could order my own, and every time my mom said "no"...didn't the pen have a name? i forget it
  18. ok, i am literally LOL at this thread now...gabo, you with a plastic blow up doll, smacking her *ss, and talking dirty, etc is just an image that makes me laugh, whereas, from what i have been told, a vibrator is not necessarily COOL but would make me rather happy
  19. ummm, i think everyone already KNOWS that! btw, nice place you got there gabo...looks like you have plenty of women "scurrying" around, too
  20. LMAO... :laugh:
  21. why, oh why, did you just make me picture that???
  22. she is a cutie guys...i can see why you are fighting over her! that must be a SMALL vibrator!
  23. agreed...it is hard to just switch gears from being together to just being friends...that takes TIME
  24. wonder why the sex toy issues have everyone clammed up...no one replied to this one or the vibrator one i posted...interesting on a sex board, lol
  25. interesting...guess no one stepped up to the plate on this issue... a girl at work got one the other day for her bday and gave it rave reviews, and it got me thinking...but i guess i will just have to keep wondering
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