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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. it makes for interesting times when we are all out together and a story comes out about what we all did on a certain day and we really did no such thing, lol...
  2. i will let you guys know...i have read about loss of sex drive and painful sex, and those scare me also, hair growth, MAJOR weight gain, fatigue, lowered immune system, SUPER heavy periods, etc...one girl said she could not even have sex on her wedding night cause she had no desire to anymore, and b/c by that time sex was so painful!!! YIKES!! so, i am a little scared since i just took it...but i will keep ya'll posted any more replies are welcome, and thanks hardtopleaz for the input and happykitten and jy
  3. to me, being a slut is a way of carrying yourself(i agree with foxyminx) more than a comment to the number of people you sleep with...however, someone who sleeps with a lot of people(promiscuous) and has the attitude of a trashy slut, would be not only promiscuous, but a slut. better?
  4. everything i read is soooo negative and scary...i just took my first one, so i am worried now thanks for the input!!!
  5. like that one? lol...when/if i get there, i will post the hell out of CP telling everyone about it, lol(when i can move again, that is)
  6. i will be there tonight or tomorrow night, yippee
  7. EXACTLY!! lol, then you feel like you let them down or something if you don't cum! (although, they really CAN'T be let down--lucky bastards, lol) guess that is why so many girls fake it--so they don't have to deal with the hassle! but man, i want that earth shattering sh*t i keep hearing about...cause what i have had is NOT that, lol--it is damn good, don't get me wrong...BUT, bring on the paralysis
  8. well, if i "cheated"... 1. bungalow stocked with water, and SOME food(rest i would find on the island) and stereo equip and a radio to get rescued when i needed it.(also, sunscreen and that first aid kit would be in there) 2. MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC 3. of course, a member of the male persuasion to serve my needs ...if he had to be famous, i would say vin diesel-YUM if not, then i have someone in mind **i liked the one about bringing your best friend, but i think NYCchic would be able to come and visit whenever she wanted...and someone would have to come and rescue me, lol.
  9. i HATE that...like there is something wrong with us or something! like it is not discouraging enough to have never or very rarely had them; dontcha think we would LIKE to have them all the time like they do??? JEEZ...lol
  10. a person that is promiscuous is definitely ALWAYS a slut! being a slut is more a way of behaving to me--i would say some girls are slutty that are not getting any at all they just act like trash and they come off as sluts...i would also say that some girls sleeping with more than their share, so to speak (lol), of men are not sluts--they carry themselves like quality, respectable women, and they are/should be treated as such...
  11. suthrnbelle


    ok, I am sure someone has asked about this before...but I need some info. Has anyone ever been on it? If so, for how long? Did you have side effects? If so, what were they? Please help--Everything I read on this is making me SUPER nervous...thanks
  12. yes, cutie...sorry i did not see this earlier (have not been online since saturday--i HATE not having the net in my aptmt yet!!!) but it is tinkerbelle and my initials...i LOVE that little fairy-vixen; she reminds me of...
  13. i heard it was fun sorry i have not been on lately till i get my damn cable set up will try to join in tonight tho!!!!
  14. lol...good choice for him...safer, too. yes, if it goes through and gets set up--i will make the trip for it if not, i will be up again soon anyways...
  15. did you read this part? i didn't knock your opinion...i just said we ALL could benefit from suggesting and working together instead of just dismissing the idea...easy, tiger - so, does anyone have any ideas on how to make this event work somehow, somewhere? teklord, any ideas for location?
  16. seriously! attitudes get us nowhere...even though this is"just a msgboard" we can still express out concerns/opinions somewhat politely...Fluid put a lot of time/thought into this, and yes, we would have had to pay some, but i personally think the idea of having a private room/floor was way better than trying to snag seats for a lot of us in a bar...if there is a way to get a space in a bar for CPers to hang, then that would be great, but hmmm...i would have to guess we would still have to pay SOMETHING for the space...this way we had a dj, space, etc...yes, i know lots of you are not crazy about the SF, and yes, coming from FL the cover was a bit steep to me too, but it was an IDEA...maybe suggestions to amend that idea, or feedback would have been better instead of just criticism? also, the idea of just canceling is a bit of a copout...there are a lot of people on this board interested in doing this, so it would be sad if we could not work together and make it happen...this is a FORUM...a msgboard...and suggestions are always more helpful than negativity...i am NOT attacking spragga, Fluid, quoth, or anyone in particular, so not starting a storm of heated replies, k? just commenting that it would be nice if we worked TOGETHER on things instead of tearing them down sometimes...
  17. i like the way you think, jon
  18. now it IS friday, lol... hey, did gil pull off the ultimate crackhead scandal last weekend? or did he get busted?
  19. yeah yeah yeah another excuse for me to fly up to NYC again
  20. you get the tongue for that! and not in an enjoyable way either, lol... i should at least get to be an honorary host, or a back-up contestant b/c with my track record, i will be single again by that time(NYCchic will back me up on THAT, lol)
  21. good idea, girl that's why you are my best friend! but you have to plan in advance so i can have an excuse to fly up there... AND, you have to make a clause in the rules that says you don't have to be TOTALLY single, or something, so u and i can still go... :laugh:
  22. and the available ones are always handicapped, so i had to start dating quick so i wasn't handicapped, LOL spragga, you know i couldn't ever recover from you not going out with us when i came to visit, so *sigh* i had to *sigh* move on with my life...
  23. LMAO...i have a week-friend...if he makes it to OFFICIAL BF status, don't worry, i will throw myself a party, lol...and you will get to meet him--for now, he is on the warranty-trial period but you are too funny--btw, i won't wait till after TEN MONTHS to call him a BF, i promise (love you!!!)
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