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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. so did i!!! lol... but, did you get it wrong in a "speling" bee or a spelling bee? jk...couldn't resist
  2. :laugh: you cheated on an IQ test!!!
  3. i know i haven't seen any...although i was curious how one becomes a card-carrying member of postwhores, inc...
  4. don't worry,hon...i still go through like a case a week of gatorade...i LOVE it...was just looking for some variety
  5. at least you are thinking about it from her side a little though a good step
  6. i am not bored anymore i was just waiting for class to start and hoping some interesting posts would have appeared in the night, but the board is soooooooooooo dead this past week that there were no new ones...so i was bored thanks for thr entertainment though
  7. that is seriously gross...you wonder how they were raised--can we say, "common courtesies"??????
  8. bump AGAIN for boredom
  9. exactly!!! wtf??? why would you want to talk to a complete random who is prolly not gonna want to talk to you? idk...
  10. idk, they only have info on where it is in your area...i didn't see a place where you could order online or a number or anything
  11. i hate it! wtf, do you think i would give my stats out to a prank caller? or a wrong number? nope! so why the hell are you asking me stupid ????s on IM when you have no idea who i AM!!!! grrr.....
  12. :laugh: if you can't get the girl of your dreams, get the first girl that answers the booty call, lolololol
  13. me too--never missed an episode...you know it is on the air again? i LOVE beau and luke--yummy and i wanted a wrangler named dixie, lol...
  14. honey, single by choice for me means that i recently broke up with a complete psycho, and am not seeing anyone...as for the sex, there are plenty of guys around here(and actually most of the guys i work with) that i could get that from, but i CHOOSE to chill out for a while...not that no one will hook up with me, but thanks anyway :rollseyes: as for the cheater part, i agree with ya there--don't cheat, just be up front and say you can't be faithful and you want to hook up with more than one person...honesty is the best policy.
  15. one more thing... playing the field can be a lot of fun--i am not knocking that , IF everyone is on the same page--if not, people get hurt. using people like toys or objects is not cool...and once you are in a relationship, that is a whole different story, and you should respect the person you supposedly LOVE enough to be honest and true to them as you would want them to be to you...just MO.
  16. what's the deal with random people IMing??? the other week this guy accidentally IMed me and then proceeded to want to chat--now he IMs me every time i am on! how annoying...then, another IMed me the other day, and again today, and i asked who he was and if i knew him, and he said, "no, i got your SN off a website" i said, "what website?", cause CP is the only possibility i know of, and he said he didn't know and it was a long time ago...then he proceeds to ask me how old i am...WTF?!?!?!? does this crap happen to anyone else???
  17. :laugh: just don't date him and you are fine, lol
  18. not to mention the fact that women are not toys--PEOPLE are not toys, and you and tommyarmani should think of the people that you hurt with the lies, deceit and cheating...talk about karma! sounds like YOURS is gonna be the one erupting sooner or later!
  19. that is really, really sad...for one, you are NOT giving them what they want--b/c women, for the most part, want HONESTY and trust, and you have neither...you lie to them to get what YOU want, and it doesn't sound like you will ever have a tru relationship, so that is sad...
  20. oops--almost forgot: soon, i hope
  21. :clap: my thoughts exactly...PLUS, IMO, "once a cheater, always a cheater"--i know this is not ALWAYS true, but it seems to be a pattern behavior, so i definitely feel sorry for your GF, tommyarmani!
  22. um...not to burst your bubble, but cheating is not on the list of attributes for a "good" one...
  23. then get the altima--they are really nice cars, so it's not like you are slummin, lol
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