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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. suthrnbelle

    ugly chics...

    i have to jump back in here and just say that for me, i think it is sad when i see a naturally pretty friend not taking care of herself, almost like she is trying to counteract her gift of good looks--does that make sense? i wasn't really even talking about weight, although it makes me sad when my friends complain that they are unhappy about their weight and won't do anything about it either...idk, just wanted to clear it up a little that i was not SOOOOO superficial, and that it was not a weight issue that i thought this thread was focusing on at first...
  2. suthrnbelle

    ugly chics...

  3. i am living the highlife--i am finally getting central A/C in my apartment instead of a wall unit that has been broken for 2 weeks so, as of tuesday, when the parts come in, the heatstroke should end but, this makes me think...cause in boston, there was not much central A/C...they had mostly wall and window units...however, in FL it is ESSENTIAL so, do you have central A/C? do you need it? how do you keep cool in the summer??
  4. and i hate it when people say, "oh, you have a headache???" i want to rip off their heads to show them how bad it hurts, but i am too busy throwing up lol...
  5. did you take a bunch of classes to learn? or just read or what? i really want/need to get into yoga...
  6. i third that vote for the dell kid...
  7. that is absolutely AWFUL! the poor kid was only 7!
  8. suthrnbelle

    ugly chics...

    i agree, and it always makes me kinda sad when people DON'T ever try...
  9. suthrnbelle

    ugly chics...

    um...you were bored, and/or horny, and she was there
  10. :laugh: i need one of those!! lol, it is like the all-weather, all-terrain model
  11. lol, you would have to jump in your plane cause i live in florida!
  12. that is what imitrex does for me...i HATE them... migraines SUCK.
  13. the market is making a comeback, yipppeeeeeeee!!! less cranky people
  14. :clap: glad you are back!!!! hope you had a great time
  15. unfortunately, i know what you mean finals and work and stress are making me sooooooo tempermental...sucks!!!
  16. i thought she was staying another week? but if you are back, welcome back!!!!
  17. i HATE that! although i hate running into ex's at all much less looking like sh*t...
  18. i liked them both but especially the one spygirl posted now THAT was funny
  19. hmm...haven't tried percogesic--is it a pill?...i take maxalt and the imitrex injection...yucky
  20. i am just glad other people listen to the words and relate seems like everyone i hang with lately just sings them mindlessly without paying attention
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