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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. hmmm...i never got that either...dg, where did you find that gem of knowledge?
  2. my shower is wired too...never fails...
  3. cause she writes like that a lot, silly
  4. o there were thunderstorms here too...twisters and waterspouts even...but tons and tons of mean guests still came to eat dinner at my restaurant and left their tip money at home...grrrr
  5. that would be a good thing to have since you are the official chef for the bump dinner party, lol
  6. lol, i used to watch the really old ones...when CJ was a regular and when stephanie FIRST came on...
  7. LMAO about the "i'll just give you my # and wait for you to come over" scenario--i might use that on the next one that does it... nice t-shirt in your sig ...i live in mullet country unfortunately, lol...
  8. good thing nurse glow is out of town....lol
  9. hope you had insurance...
  10. suthrnbelle


    lol, nice try at it though...where did you get the story?
  11. you just have to be super-blunt and say, "listen, this isn't working, and i don't want to date you anymore"...then, when he tries to stay on and keep taling and not take that, just say, "look, i have to go..." and hang up... sorry, hon.
  12. definitely baywatch...i have ot admit i used to watch it regularly, lol
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