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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. suthrnbelle


    lolololol ... seriously, DG, is there an answer to this??
  2. lol, we all think alike i guess...glad she emailed
  3. off to work...everyone have fun out tonight
  4. that too! lol... did you think anymore about the cars>?
  5. if he sees this, you won't have to worry about it, LOL
  6. bwaahahahah...harry and the hendersons!! sorry, hon... ok, all, have a good night--**off to work**
  7. suthrnbelle


    wait, this poor guy...finds the damn horse, falls off and breaks his leg, the doctor screws up and cuts it off, so now he has a NUB??? and THEN all his friends die in battle?
  8. you are so right--when the roads are dead, and you can drive and have the windows down and the music crankin...i just did that an hour ago on my way home from work...relaxing
  9. jon snyder...he is/was a country singer too...
  10. bwaaaahahahahahahah... :laugh: i can see it now, walking down the street and seeing a vendor with some bootleg tapes..."um, yes, do you have the DGmodel, NYCmuzik, Fonz episode? I'll give you $5..."
  11. and what a waste lol...
  12. suthrnbelle

    what is love?

    i agree with reginaP, and now i am singing that haddaway song too--LMAO, but i used to like it back in the day, so it is all good i guess...
  13. tastey, you make me :laugh: !! i have forgiven guys for cheating, but no more...my last serious BF slept with his ex...and then the next day took me out for this superspecial date and kissed my *ss and was so upset the whole day and finally at the end told me why after i asked him and asked him what was wrong...i forgave him for a little and then realized i was over it...you can push and push but one day you push too far and i was just over it. now, we talk every once in a while and he tells me he loves me and was so dumb and can't live without me, blah, blah, and i always say, "really? did you think about that while your d*ck was inside her when you were supposed to be sleeping at my place? obviously not." so, now cheating is IT for me...which is why i am staying single for a while so it can not happen, lol
  14. that is just toooooo funny...i have you all on speed-dial now, and i went and bought plenty of paperbags, Lol...
  15. :laugh: i agree with the runner and i would make friends with the person that could get stuff...as for the raping, not so much a problem for me in a women's facility but, i think i would just find the meanest "ladies" and give them my cigarettes...lol
  16. definitely makes you go "hmmmmmm"
  17. IMO, if you really wanted to call her, then you were fine to call her...life's too short to miss out by waiting till the right amount of time goes by...and what is the right amount of time anyways? she prolly has just not logged on yet and will email you back ASAP am i right in thinking you are talking about smurfette who is away? i am sure she is missin you right now
  18. tomorrow is friday though last day of your workweek!!!
  19. suthrnbelle


    if everyone else died, he is going to be pretty lonely waiting for that leg to heal...
  20. :laugh: serves you right, lol...hope you got to go out and have fun, though!
  21. me too... i made it to the citywide finals, and i had to spell pulpiteering...and i thought they said pulpitaring how the hell would a 6th grader know that was even a word? lol...oh well...
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