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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. the old lady finally catches up with me happy bday baby!! xo there is no way in hell you are still 19 you may LOOK 19, but...
  2. NYCCHIC24!!!! I love you girl! Have a great day! *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* hope you have the best birthday!!!! you deserve it p.s. now you are OLD like me, lol!!!!
  3. NYCCHIC24!!!! I love you girl! Have a great day! *mwah* wish i could be there!!!! p.s. now you are OLD like me, lol!!!!
  4. NYCCHIC24!!!! I love you girl! Have a great day! *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* wish i could be there to celebrate, but soon enough p.s. now you are OLD like me, lol!!!!
  5. happy late honey xoxoxoxo
  6. took a vacation for about a month from everything, including CP, lol...but i might be back now... how has the board been?
  7. careful, remember what happened when cameron and ferris tried that!! yikes, lol
  8. awwwwwww thanks!!! i just got this cause i was out of town all week, but you guys are awesome!!!! thanks sue: *mwah* hope to see you in a week or so,
  9. thanks, thanks i was out of town, so i just got this happy LATE birthday to YOU, spragga old man
  10. that sounds perfect, EXCEPT, that i want to think of other things sometimes--i think to be healthy in a relationship, you need to have some things separate from each other and you also need to have plenty of time with friends, etc--the main problem with my one long relationship was that all we focused on was each other...know what i mean?
  11. my longest was 15-16months, and no we did not end well, and no, we do not talk, and yes, i have compared others to him and missed him when times were bad, but not anymore that was my only long relationship--other than that, i am the queen of a few months or a few weeks, lol
  12. suthrnbelle


    then i am perfectly dressed today, lol
  13. now we can answer all those questions about phrases we had a few weeks ago, george
  14. or irene, or jamey, lol...they are much better at being mean to bad people, lol seriously, though, a tight group of friends is the only thing that got me through my time in boston, to the point that i even really liked being there and was sad to leave--i would give anything for my friends, and i think they would do the same for me...
  15. i like some of his stuff, yes...just really used to like that song...
  16. nah, he is with jennifer love hewitt so, i will pass...
  17. definitely, football and that is something coming from me, lol--must be my "new leaf", lol...and do i win the prize? cause you know i know them all--i did not know palmer was playing with weary, lol.... man, i can't wait for COLLEGE football!!!
  18. sorry to report that no one has been lately, so i have no good info for ya but we are all sure you will have a great time have fun!!!
  19. there is a rumor that i am getting one of those for my birthday, so now i can NOT wait, lol
  20. good call! although, i will eat lettuce sometimes.
  21. we will be out on the town, but i will be with the cheese heads, lol and i know her from school, as she said--i got the privilege of living with her ouur freshman year, lol...and yes, as she said, i am gonna try to escape and sneak up to NYC for a night, lol
  22. LMAO ROTF um, i checked the mail again today, and NOTHING--dammit, lol...
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