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Everything posted by njangel

  1. You're right..........the rest of the world is soooo sheltered, I mean Israel doesn’t deal w/suicide bombers every day, and countries like Northern Ireland haven’t been dealing w/a civil war since 1914. I could go on & on... but you’re right other countries have it so easy. Keep talking, dig yourself more into hole Feel free to answer me with a or - since that seems to have become the extent of your vocabulary w/me
  2. Thank you, by that response you've just proved my point. Reread your responses, maybe it will open your eyes.
  3. I said France & Germany would turn to us, if they needed help - that is all - Im not pro-war & I know the EU has more ppl than the US, but they are more than one country.
  4. Hippies like myself........ That’s right having an opinion that contradicts going to war makes me a hippie, I love people like you that have to attack people personally when they don’t agree with you, mature - let me tell you. I don’t think we should go to war, I’m not even going to continue this argument with you b/c you’re too closed minded to listen to other people's opinions and responded logically. You have your opinions, I have mine, but I’m mature enough to accept that. Its ignorant people like you that do more harm to country than good
  5. Prime - when I first read the title of this thread, I really thought it was gonna be about youre peen.
  6. ...........And when Bush shows me actual pictures of weapons, then, by all means, lets go to war. But personally I refuse to support a war that is based solely on speculation, and you can argue that any way you want, but Feb 5, Powell had nothing to show us. People can call France and Germany pussies (which I think they should support us, cause we would be the first ones they would go to for help), but on the other hand - they don't have idiots running their countries, they know Bush doesn't have much to go on. And also, disarming Iraq is not going to stop terrorist cells, they don’t need weapons of mass destruction to harm us, they can do that w/our own airplanes.
  7. Im anit-war, but I didnt march & never would for two reasons: 1) Its not going to change the governments actions 2) Protests usually turn violent & make the "anti-war people" look hostile & aggressive
  8. The real question is, why cant we all just accepted each others opinions & act our age. Some of us our for war, some are against, but fighting over message board isnt going to change each others minds. Listen to what other people have to say, but dont jump down their throat if you dont agree with.
  9. Who the fuck invited you??????
  10. Ok just wondering, I havent read the entire thread.
  11. Do you think Bush does have a reason to go to war, or are you just saying you think we should support of government no matter what their decisions are. (Im not belittling what you just said, or attacking you, Im just curious.)
  12. Ok. Cell Theory: various groups of terrorists (all from one main group, like Al Quada) are spread out into different parts of the country/world. When one cell is eliminated, another takes its place to finish or continue their work..........apply that with what you just said to me, and you'll see what you just said isn’t much of an argument. By the way, no need to get nasty, you have your views, I have mine.....chill out.
  13. Ummmmmmmmm, you dont think there is a cell in NYC?????
  14. call me tommorrow & we'll finish our conversation
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