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Everything posted by njangel

  1. :rock: - hell yeah - our state may smell a little funky in some parts, but at least I dont have to pump my own gas.
  2. I don't pretend like I know everything about SF. Trust me, if you know me, I'm the last person who tries to front about anything. What pissed me off about you was the way you came off in your post. You sounded like an arrogant asshole. I hate to break it to you, but just b/c you went to the "old factory" doesn't make you above the majority of ppl. who go there now. Maybe its not as good as it was, but nothing ever is - things change. So don't refer to "us shumucks". Maybe if you took the time out to put what you had to say in an intelligent format, you would not have sounded so ignorant. Some ppl. still enjoy factory, yeah from what I hear it used to be a lot better, but get off your high horse, just b/c your 5+ older than me, doesn't make you superior. And, you can throw may age in my face all you want, but I have news for you - I'm in college, I don't have a real job yet, this is my time to go out & party. & just because I'm not 21 for another 2 months, I don't have to feel bad for that. It's how old you act. not how old you are. I'm not some girl who runs around factory in a skirt & hooker boots, banged up out of her mind. You probably miss the old factory & have a right too, but grow up & act maturely about it when you post, b/c I made the comment "what a loser" - cause you sounded like one.
  3. What line?...........yes Im 20 & you still sound like a herb, point?
  4. When I start going to places in Jersey, then I can actually say something till then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its just a nice place to live (for the most part)
  5. :laugh: ............... what a fuckin loser
  6. I think he meant he himself trys to stay away from those certain types & stick to the others, could be wrong though.
  7. I heard Exit was closing, but SF is reopening on the conditions they hire a whole new security team????
  8. JP...........when hes not T'd out & actually on point Tengelia, Howells, Cox This was just on the Jersey board, it turned into a five page thread everyone arguing, it was amusing.
  9. Boys - stop stealing Barry's spotlight, he was trying to promote his come back from his one week hiatus.
  10. Boys - stop stealing Barry's spotlight, he was trying to promote his come back from his one week hiatus.
  11. I didnt say all the things I wanted to say but you cant take back what you keep taking away - cause I feel you, I feel you baby - I used to loooove this song.
  12. BG....haha, no but in all honesty.... teneglia, howells, cox
  13. this thread is making me laugh, which never happens when I read this board.
  14. I liked his two cents, he said there was nothing wrong w/posting a lot.......so why all the hostility???
  15. How come when other ppl wear it they're posers & when you wear it, its because you like it Maybe they're wearing it cause they like it too- its not good to be so judgemental & if you walked up to half of those kids w/spikes & diors.......you'd realize they know more about music, dj's etc. than you think.
  16. Yep, like I said before, keep talking, its now just making me laugh
  17. Where in this thread have I challenged your opinion????
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