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Everything posted by njangel

  1. Yeah right, Im lucky Barry is dishing out the money for our vacation. I might try it some day though, maybe a little closer to summer.
  2. Rainy Three holes
  3. .......... Im pround of you, I def. dont have the guts to do it, did you go to the J sisters?
  4. Why did you put this on the music board?????????????? meathead.
  5. Jesus Christ, get off his dick already
  6. I think just b/c someone has a right to do it, doesnt make it morally correct...........shes lucky she lives in this country & has that right, in Iraq her head would have been blown off.
  7. Only if you promise to change my diaper when I get there - Im saying that as a joke, dont take it as me being bitchy
  8. This made me sick. Im not a supporter of the Bush Admin. or the war with Iraq, but that it just plain out disrespect. I know that she has a right too (its even constitutional to burn the American flag), but how can you do that, even in front of Veterens???? Even if you do not agree with thing that are going on in our govt. right now, still be greatful to live here. What do you guys think????
  9. Yes, but you dont know him personally - what if he has really stuggled to get where he is. Sometimes ppl brag b/c they're proud. You dont know the whole story, niether do I, shouldnt judge.
  10. I think that is the whole Tri-State area in general. I think living next to a big city has a lot to do with it. Girls (for example) living in Montana arent as concerned with Tiffany's jewelry & Louis Vuitton bags as most of us are. Living by New York we constantly see designer names, expensive cars, etc. So eventually you equate those things with happiness or status. I think everyone does it in one way or another, its not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you dont go too overboard.
  11. njangel


    Didnt even realize what I wrote till I looked at it
  12. njangel


    I hear its supposed to be pretty sick
  13. That & arent hooked underwear really uncomfortable to work out in????
  14. Yes he forgets to do that when he is here...........Kermzy - I thougt you were saying you didnt want to read ibclubbins post, my bad for jumping down youre throat..............misunderstanding. Barry, dont waste your time, the fact this kid still remembers that post proves what I said before. BTW.............didnt you graduate in 98????
  15. High school? and i asked because i had never been to metro....just like i have never been to taste or cherri or whatever the newest lounge on the block is but to say that i dont know whats up....well now youre just fooling yourself buddy tell me i know nothing about DJ's, music, promoters, owners, bouncers, sound systems, bartenders.....tell me i know nothing about afterhours, comps, drink tickets.....TELL ME I DONT KNOW BG
  16. Then dont read his, by replying you're contradicting yourself.
  17. Its actually - I feel like I wanna be inside you when the sun goes down another one KTU will kill
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