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About lifeboy

  • Birthday 10/03/1980

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    music, females and math...
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  1. drone, then maybe you can explain to me where i made the mistake of thinking one style is one and the other another... what separates minimal techno from stuff such as parisio, liebing, beyer and guys with that type of style? what else would be the distinguishing characteristic of minimal and adatt? lasix, what time does the tronictreatment party usually run from and when is the party usually over? i think im gonna make it there this monday... like i said i dont normally go out on mondays and i'll probably be there alone but whatever, the lineups look awesome and i need a change of scene, vinyl and centro are the only two places i go to and they're kinda pricy, plus vinyl oops i mean arc (i just cant get used to calling it that) doesnt serve liquor so i usually have to get boozed up before i get in there im not a big drug person aside from smoking here n there, and all the other clubs in the city pretty much suck, well the music that is... im definitely not an exit/sf kinda person, personally i cant stand any of it... and these other trendy places just arent my style... i like good music... anyway... yea
  2. lasix, i just checked out the tronic treatment site! the lineups look unreal! i think i've just found a new monday night spot... as if i had a monday night spot to begin with.... ive heard of the party didnt know what it was about... thanks
  3. thanks drone, i'll be sure to check some of them out... i was under the impression that all of the people i mentioned did minimal techno, guess i was wrong, but either way it's that repetitive punching rhythm that i love with as little breaks and real big buildups as possible, i think those ridiculous trance buildup sound decent but they take away from the song as a whole, but yea people like jeff mills and chris liebing is the style that gets me the most! mauro picotto too but he crosses the borders of trance and house now and again... although he makes it sound really good a lot of people attempting to do what he does just sound silly... anyway... thanks for the input! mauro rocks! oh and some stuff by this dude i dunno if you ever heard of him but he's awesome... Gaetano Parisio <~ sick!
  4. relatively speaking i'm new to the entire electronica/clubbing/partying scene, i started when i was 18, and im almost 22 now... so it hasnt been that long... like many many other people i started out going to little raves listening to people such as dj-xdream, pleasurehead, gonzo, dever, micro and so on... quickly my tastes evolved into more commercial named dj's like tiesto oakenfold van dyk and so on.... as i started going to more parties i moved onto the house kick with people like danny tenaglia, howells, deep dish and so on... lately ive discovered minimal techno, and it's such a sick unbelievable style, i'm (almost) bored by everything else... oakenfold doesnt impress me anymore (except for nixon's spirit, which quotes hunter s. thompson) i passed up seeing van dyk twice and didnt care the only people i'd actually go see lately is anyone playing at centro fly and arc, but even then i leave feeling the slightest bit dissatisfied. ive loved picotto for the longest time and really am anxious to see him perform, others i'd kill to see are jeff mills, liebing, oliver lieb, dj rush, dj hell, thomas shumahker(sp?), i even saw hawtin play a killer set that i believe was better than the host, carl cox's, set at the southstreet seaport in the 3rd floor mall... so yea he really killed it... i believe picotto's style is that of an evolved minimal technoist a la hard house via subtle trance melodies... and it works... whatever you call it, his sets are composed of pure energy... i dont think i'd want to stop moving at all... which is why they should fix the damn ventilation system in arc, for my sake and everyone elses... thanks for reading
  5. well i'm an october baby, and i was introduced to mauro nearly 2 years ago. i'll be turning 22 in october and the last time i tried to see mauro my ride bailed, we were supposed to see him in boston, and d.c., arc is definitely my favorite venue in nyc but... when i went to the grand opening 2 of danny vs. danny it was entirely too hot! the ventilation in there completely sucks since they removed the huge fans, they've got some small ones and some cold smoke system that doesnt really work that well... i really hope they can fix this problem asap before mauro gets here because the crowd he will draw will be HUGE! and arc is not really that big, it would be nice to have some dancing space for mauro... peace
  6. another thing to dwell upon would be motives. why is someone doing what they're doing, sometimes people become successful for the wrong reasons, intelligent or not, others go to great lengths to be intelligent for their own satisfaction, as a personal goal, to ensure that they're life is progressing in a forward direction... one way or another whatever you decide to strive for, be it money, knowledge, recognition or whatever, everyones situation will be in some way different from yours, i believe the ultimate outcome is being comfortable in your own skin.. whether when you reflect on what you've done in your life and determine if it satisfies you, and that satisfication is what i believe people should strive for, for some it's money, for me ... well that's personal
  7. the big question is, why do you really care? if you're there all about being yourself, you're spending an aweful lot of time criticizing the likes of others, since my first time at vinyl to my most recent it's been about having a good time, ignore what others do, wear, have, say, drink, eat, take and so on and so forth and concentrate on making it an enjoyable and memorable night for yourselves, because it is about.... being yourself i'd presume... i can understand that an unapreciative crowd could spoil it for some, but there isn't much you can do to stop people from going to one of the hottest after hours spots in nyc... suck it up...
  8. yea danny totally killed it, this place is definitely one of the best and hottest spots in the city! as far as music is concerned, and tons of hot females too...
  9. i see you're a tool fan, right on! they rock i saw them at msg recently, they're one of my favorite bands! and good luck getting into that school.
  10. i'm there every friday from around 3-8am should be good tonight for danny's b-day, can't wait, see you all there...
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