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Everything posted by erica127

  1. i agree with you on that one, but i definitely feel really bad for those that don't have this going for them...i seriously wish u guys the best of luck & hope everything turns out the way u want it if it does go through
  2. it's funny you say that...the reason i said that stuff about the mirror was one of my ex b/f's & i swear that he is gay now & my family laughs at me, but my friends see it..so i believe you sweety, it is possible
  3. i was never in a situation like that before...but i am talkin about a guy that takes longer than me to get ready and stuff & constantly cares about his looks, i can't stand that...like mystify said, you could be the hottest guy out there, but if i can't have a converastion wit you, i am no longer interested
  4. i like a guy that is toned & definitely not too muscular. i don't wanna be choked to death if he hugs me & i kinda like someone to cuddle with & i don't want to feel hard muscles holdin my tummy...But as every girl mentioned, personality is a must....and i seriously can't stand the guys that know they look good & that's all they care about..they have to be at the gym 5 or 6 days a week & stare at themselves in the mirror more than me
  5. Well, at least you are celebrating something....Glad to hear you are drunk....we were all drinkin up here at school & went sledding...most fun i have had all semester
  6. I am so sorry to hear that sweety....This weather made me stay in becasuse my professor almost got into an accident on the way to school...I even skipped out on a liquor run because not many people really know how to drive in the snow
  7. well, the snow did stop for a lil bit up in northern jersey, but for sum reason, it's back on...this sux cuz i wanna go home early tomorrow & there have been soo many accidents so far
  8. well, the good news is, school got cancelled 30 mins into my class...I really hope you didn't have to take you exam, but if you did, then it's time to party now
  9. I am prayin for ya that classes r cancelled...i am actually in class now wit no professor & maybe 10 people out of 30
  10. i want ramapo to cancel classes, but as of now i still have my 10:00 & 11:30...all u guys that r leavin early from work or are off from school, i am soo jealous right now cuz i drank so much last nite hopin classes would be cancelled
  11. it's snowin in northern NJ & has been since 8:30...now i am hopin my 2 classes get cancelled, but i am off to my first one now...wish me luck
  12. hey sweety...I am on Zovia & have been on it for about 3 years or more now....I originally went on it bcuz of my bad cramps & severe bleeding & since then it has helped me a tremendous amount, but i am still on prescription for my cramps (Anaprox). I do smoke ocassionally & it hasn't affected my pill one bit....I was a heavy smoker when i did start on the pill & it worked fine & didn't have any side affects...never got sick & i don't really recall gainin any weight...I never really had mood swings, just PMS & that's it...My sister was on ortho for about 8 months maybe a year & my mom took her off of it cuz she became a serious bitch & none of us could handle her at all..I would def. talk to you gyno about what pill would be best for you...i hope this info helped u hunny
  13. i agree with you on this..this guy is an idiot & don't know how to talk i really hate it when people try to rub it in your face of all the things they can get..who the hell cares what you can get Joey?????
  14. i can NOT believe you just said that...in my eyes you are an A**HOLE already cuz u totally just stereotyped girls as drivin slow cars... i am sure there are a lot of girls out there besides myself that like the fast cars..u can just kiss my ass...If your girl reads this thread i hope she just walks away & doesn't try to get intouch with you...you def pissed me off & i hope no girl goes after your dumb ass...
  15. OMG...that brought back soo many memories
  16. I can't believe that person went thru all that just to see what would happen...Mystify i am sorry you got bad-mouthed in the process..i know i don't know you, but you definitely seem nice & rarely say anything mean to people unless they deserve it
  17. I wear my lipgloss everyday....the only time i put on eyeliner or mascara is when i go clubbing or maybe a party
  18. Hope you all had a happy thanksgiving
  19. I would say go for the V60i...I bought that from from verizon about 2 months ago & paid $200 & now it's a hell of a lot cheaper...Def has more things than the V60...The V60i doesn't have that black color on the front of the phone like the V60..when u go 2 the store or look at their pictures u can tell them apart...As for the service, i absolutely LOVE verizon...i have never had a problem at all...all my calls go thru, talked 2 my cousin out in cali & it was crystal clear...I would def. say look into the specials they are running now
  20. I am actually spendin the day with the family & hopefully around the evenin time come home & do some homework so i can go to ROXY on friday night
  21. i didn't mean to quote myself..i was tryin 2 edit my post ( way 2 tired rite now)...Jack IM me tomorrow & we can talk all about this...Happy thanxgivin hunny Erica
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