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Everything posted by rammelsberg

  1. Dude, we did that at my place last Saturday! It was totally phat! It went over really well, and me and my roomate are thinking about doing it every month. Probably on Saturday nights, so people can still go out and get the craziness out of their systems on Friday. I think house parties are a great alternative to clubs. Drinks are a lot cheaper, if you got friends that DJ, the music is still good, and the seats and floor are always clean.
  2. I was in a similar situation as you a while ago. I decided to go for it, though, and this Friday marks the 6 month anniversary of the best relationship I've ever had. Better than I could have imagined. Go for it. Worry about weither or not it'll work out after it either does or doesn't work out. Why preemptively decide it's not going to be worth it?
  3. I belive there are only two factors invovled there. A) The sincerity of their reformation and actions and The level of open mindedness and acceptance of the people whom they associate with. If somebody really does what they belive is best and are selfless about it, it's very difficult for onlookers to deny the person's benevolence. (sorry, serious question; serious answer)
  4. Ewww! You two get a room!!!
  5. Whew. This is a tough one man. I'm glad you decided to post about it. I hope it helps you out. What I feel is that it's the little things that make a relationship really great. It's not so much you have in common with the person you love, it's how much you two like sitting down at the end of the day to share each other's experiences with each other before you go to bed. It's how she looks at you and how she'll get you a cup of water if she thinks you want one and how she says good night that I feel really counts. It's how you hold hands when you're walking and if she remembers to let you know you're appreciated a couple times a week. People are going to change a lot over time. That's why I like to focus on the little things, because those things never have to go away. I hope that helps. Another thing you need to consider is that you are definitely going to have to tell your 6 yr girl that you're seeing this other girl. The sooner you do it the better. If you decided to break up with her, you might as well tell her why, and I can't imagine you deciding to stay with her for another 4 years and NOT telling her about it without doing a lot of damage to your conscience. No matter what, it's going to hurt your 6 yr girl a LOT. You've totally broken her trust already and no amount of circumventing or pretending will change that. Plus, I have a feeling that once you do tell her, the decision of weither to stay with her will virtually make itself. Good luck man.
  6. Y'all know that nearly ALL male models and dancers (not club guys, but professional dancers) aren't even into women? Hey! Don't throw rocks at me, I'm just tryin' to save you some heartbreak down the road! I'm probably more likely to take home one of those dudes that you fine ladies are!
  7. Well, I was still feelin it at work yesterday, and I had a hershey bar and I think I felt more normal afterwards. Not a very scientific experiement though. Lousy control groups.
  8. Ha ha ha! Yeah, I usually enter the club with a wallet and gum, and within 10 min I have her ID her Keys her Chap stick her Lip stick her bottle of water and her money. Okay, so it's not ALL that BAD! Damn girls and their tight pants and skirts with no good pockets!
  9. Absolutely agree!!! In fact, with my girlfriend I fell in love with her inellect and humor immediately. So much that I didn't want to date her because I thought she was totally best friend material. But the sex was just so good that I gave in after a month and asked her to be my girlfriend. DOH!
  10. Chapstick and masking tape make a great silencer when you're in a pinch!
  11. Man, I go minimalistic. I lose 5hit way too easily. I only take my wallet, which usually doesn't have any money in it and I keep it in my front pocket anyhow. At Buzz, some cracked out dude actually accused me of stealing his, and he confronted me outside the club at 5am! And at Destination NYC, some thug actually bumped into me and I felt him check 3 of my pockets. I shoulda stepped on the short phucker's head, but I was having a good time so I let him go. So I think packin phones, etc, is a pain in the a55. I go out to shed my responsibilities and connections for a few hours a week, why would I want a phone with me? When the music is that loud, it's only good for telling time anyhow, which I'm also trying to forget about. Oh, and I'm usually smuggling gum in my hidden pockets. I'm gonna be so mortified when Buzz security figures it out and unloads a whole Plen-T-Pak of Juicy Fruit from my waistline. Oh, and don't ask me for any after 3am. It's usually pretty nastified by then.
  12. I was talking to somebody who said chocolate makes you come down. One of their friends somehow took way too much E, I think, and she was starting to bug. They were so worried they were going to go to the drug store to look for something to help. To keep her occupied they gave her a bunch of chocolate to eat, and when they came back 20 min later, she was totally normal and operational. I know this is far fetched. It's probably not even true. But I was just wondering if anybody has experience with chocolate cancelling out a roll or a trip.
  13. What are they? What do they do? How permanent is the damage?
  14. See, Elmo started on K and look at him now! Learn from his example, kids, mmm-kay?
  15. Injected!? F that!!!! I hope I NEVER need help having a good time THAT badly.
  16. Sounds like a decent E alternative. Where do you get yours though? A friend with a perscription, or from a dealer? It's probably hard to find a dealer with Aderol. They'd probably laugh at you.
  17. I don't know if it's because I'm 'new'. Maybe I'm just 'special'. But I have a pretty good time the day or two after going out on e. Last weekend somebody I was hanging out with Sunday told me that the recovery period after rolling is called glow. Most of the people I go out with seem to dislike it. I was wondering how long you guys usually go through Glow until you feel like you're back to normal again. Also, do you like or dislike how you feel during that time? Some people tell me they feel tired, worthless, and even depressed or irritable for a while afterwards. What's it like for you?
  18. Me too. At a house party last weekend, I'd been planning on getting a couple people involved with me in trying to write poetry, just for fun. Like taking turns with the verses and then reading the story at the end to see what happened. But then after the night started, I totally forgot about it!!! Imagine that I've never written anything down while I was goin', but I spend the rest of the weekend thinking about not just what I thought while I was out, but trying to hold on to the style of perspective I had. I also try to think about it when I'm doing yoga or in the sauna at the gym. It's really worked out so far for me, and I feel it's changed my life for the better. It just takes a little bit of effort down time on a couple different days.
  19. 5hit, I post on these forums with my own, fairly unique last name!!! And then I poast where I'm going to be and what I'm going to wear that weekend! Look who's not paranoid! Of course, I'm not posting my plans for smuggling over planes either... I'm just here to spread a lil luvins.
  20. It sounds pretty rough. Definitely not a party drug. Has anybody here tried it?
  21. Orb and Orbital. I love the ambient, trippy techno for working. I'm a programmer so I have to think somewhat abstractly anyhow, and this puts me in the zone. Then right before lunch I'll mentally 'come down' with some http://www.ministryofsound.com/ radio.
  22. Thanks Kitty! We got glowsticks and I have filtered water, but I was thinking about buying some bottled water for convinence. And, Uh... taste. I think I'll skip the inhalers, but I do have Halls and aromatherapy oils. For cartoons, we've got the Best of Mr Bill (who remembers him?), Transformers the Movie, and Game Cube, I guess. And I think we'll set up the slot car tracks for some non-passive entertainment.
  23. H311 yeah, that's what I'm talkin' bout! I think we'll try that out! At my gym they've got this sweet steam room. It's all white tile and every couple minuites it fills up with new steam. They've got a sprtizer bottle in there full of mentho-eucaliptus and you can fill the air with that and breathe it in. I love goin' in there on Saturday's after going out on Friday.
  24. Okay, I'll try to hook it up. I was hoping to get Feelgood's set.
  25. Oh, the place is 3 stories and has an empty bedroom and a small back yard and a fireplace.
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