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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. They call that a service charge but I think it's actually more of a deterent.
  2. My computer hiccuped and when I hit the "refresh" button, I guess it reposted. Not my fault this thing's a piece of shit. But if I knew how I'd remove one of these threads so I don't look like quite such a dumbass. Oh well.
  3. Jroo, I'm so very money and I want to party. You game for this roadtrip?
  4. In defense of my company (yes they've brainwashed me, must acount for that Oakie thing too) a couple of extra bucks is not a big deal. You're paying for the "convenience." You could have walked your ass to Yoshi's. It's like paying for parking at Buzz. You can pay for the good lot or take your chances with the free parking. If Ticketmaster didn't make tickets available and the venue had to do it themselves, the cost of the ticket would go up, but there wouldn't be a "service charge." Not to mention the lines if you had to buy on site, or drive out to Nation in advance...etc. My .02, y'all.
  5. Yea!! I was so sad. And it's all grey and chilly outside. I guess I didn't realize how dependent I had become on the CP boards to break up my workday.
  6. It's lonely here all by myself. Am I the only one at work today?
  7. It's lonely here all by myself. Am I the only one at work today?
  8. I still holding out for a miracle. It could happen. I believe. Plus it would just about fucking kill me to have to read all y'all's posts about what a great time you'd had and how great the show was and who behaved like the biggest DJ ho. This dream can become a reality. And by the way - if anyone stumbles upon a nice well-paying job for me and a place to live in the DC area, please let me know - the party commute is taking its toll.
  9. Runner's got a point, the whole AC idea cropped up last weekend when he couldn't decide what to do and I badgered him into going to Buzz cause I wanted to meet him and then I didn't show at the meetup cause I was stalking Scott Henry. Maybe we should rent a big ol' van and everyone can go together like one big happy CP family.
  10. 5 1/2. nap 7 1/2 shower I should probably just plan on coming up early as hell on Saturday. That way Baxter will be in the kennel slightly less time and I will have zero temptation to go out on Friday and blow all my cash and end up all hung over. Need to be back in the greater Richmond metro area (I'm so funny.) before too, too late on Sunday.
  11. gamble... party... gamble... party... gamble... party... BOTH
  12. How do you feel about spending all you time ona train?
  13. It might be a good idea to try priceline. I always get cheap rooms that way. We'd need a firm itinerary and headcount first, right?
  14. Damn! Fuck Atlantic City.
  15. As long as you've got him wrestled to the ground and pinned to the floor, you should ask him. Then you can teach me that DJ...er....I mean cattle...russelin' move.
  16. Oakie is not evil. Crackheads.
  17. Let's try and see how many vices we can squeeze into two days. We can start with gambling and drinking and women of the night and move into club activities, maybe steal a car. Once we're on a roll, it'a ll down hill, babay!! Uh-oh. It's not even Friday and I've gone off the deep end already. Sorry.
  18. Y'all just decide and I'll come along for the ride. How 'bout dat? Although I will also admit to having a problem leaving the craps table. I get tunnel vision and tend to elbow anyone who tries to talk to me, even the drink girl,who under other circumstances, I would be exceptionally nice to.
  19. He just says he's gay(er) to trick girls into thinking he's "sensitive". Can't confirm of deny the penis thing.
  20. :laugh: rotflmao (had to look that up on the acronym thread.)
  21. I was going to made some smart-ass comment about David Hasselhoff being your dream man, but then I remembered that you're only 30% gay. So nevermind.
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