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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. I am not looking forward to this weekend. The past two weekends have been so laid back that I just don't think I can face another. I'm dying here.
  2. I could go goth for one night. Might be a blast, you know? "When cross-cultures meet and start to get real." We should document the evening for an MTV after-school special.
  3. So the Scooby Doo underoos will allow me to fit right in?
  4. Do they have a dress code?
  5. I had Scooby Doo underoos. They were cool.
  6. I've been holding out on committing because my car is in the shop. Yes, that's right, more than a week later and I am still racking up the rental charges as the mechanics do God knows what to my car at the rate of $99.99 per hour. And then they drop this bomb on me...We're "hoping" this will fix the problem. So - I'm not sure how much this whole situation will set me back. I'm not sure if I'll even be mobile this weekend to get up to DC in the first place. Dany Tenaglia is in San Francisco on Friday spinning at Release, so that part of the plan is bunk. Lawler will be at Buzz later this month. And as much as I love to gamble (craps, baby!) AC isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I humbly request a postponement and your forgiveness. And of course, Kuro's not going. The whole weekend was just a ruse to get him trapped in a closed environment with me for long periods of time. So fuck it.
  7. Honey, ain't nothin' for free.
  8. Time share is the way to go, then you can switch it up.
  9. Just saw it on the Buzz publicity post...June 7 is the first Bit O' Honey party on the deck.
  10. Funny like haha or funny like peculiar?
  11. I'd be more worried if he invited you over for homemade Italian.
  12. Isn't there something good going on at Buzz on the 7th too?
  13. one of my girlfriends goes by "onesillybiscuit"
  14. You used to bwe able to get Coke and Sprite and Minute Maid flavors and now they've got Pepsi and Mountain Dew Red (blech!) and some sort of weird berry flavor with a photo of the Rock on it. It's like the world stopped making sense or something.
  15. Did anyone else notice that they switched it up from Coke to Pepsi products?
  16. I'm sure you look very hansome.
  17. Hi We met in VIP last month. I was with Crank and Malanee. It was the night that Max all passed out and took a little nappy-nap. Anyhow, welcome to the board. We'll catch up again soon.
  18. Slurpees are the cure for what ails you...even a crappy day, even in the dead of winter. The only bad thing is the posibility of all four flavor choices sucking ass. I'm partial to the peach, myself.
  19. I need to rein in the obsession. I'm even boring myself with this.
  20. My car is broke down. Still. Please mark your calendars for Nourishment's next (mostly) confirmed DC appearance...May 10th. Not surprisingly, Mr. Scott Henry will be spinning at Buzz this very same evening.
  21. If you're already feeling sick, it's too late for echinacea, vitamin c or zinc. Those are preventatives. Try lots of fluids, especially plain old water. Unless you're really not up for it, you might want to try the gym. Sometimes a good workout will help boost your immune system. Then follow that with lots of sleep. Good luck!!
  22. My birthday is in two weeks... hint hint
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