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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. Why don't soccer players wear tighter shorts, like football players?
  2. Damn - I thought my computer jsut wasn't rebooting the page properly. Everyone must be posting on other boards or something.
  3. He how expects no gratitude shall never be disappointed. (in bed.)
  4. I think the pics are of two different parties. I was at the B-day gathering, but not the other. At any point in time though, feel absolutely free to introduce me to guys. All of them, but especially the hot ones.
  5. But that's perfect, my dear. Always leave 'em wanting more.
  6. Where the hell was I? How did I manage to NOT meet all those guys?
  7. Only in a perfect world......mmmmmm...........
  8. Did they really pull off 100 DJs in as many minutes?
  9. While I will conceed that the topic is indeed a little gross. It is no way near the level to which this board has sunk when discussing their bathroom habits. I don't want to hear anything about the females and their functions as "el grosso".
  10. What gets me are the oreos dipped in fudge. Out of control.
  11. What does it say to do in the handbook under these circumstances? Silly Egg.
  12. #1 There's a nother lemurgene plug. #2 For the record, "bad drugs" are the ones that don't kick in for an hour, when they do, force you to "nap" on random laps and then wear off immediately after said nap. #3 I think Oakenfold is the only DJ allowed to spin more than once in Ibiza.
  13. You must have BIG mosquitos.
  14. I think you have three options on the windows once you've had the screens custom made. 1) Deduct the amount from your rent check. 2) Take them with you when you leave. 3) Sell them when you're ready to move to the landlord, the next tennant or the neighbors. (For a small profit, of course.) my .02.
  15. I'm sorry, what was the date again? I must have missed that in there somewhere.
  16. Are you a "member", Nautilus?
  17. How could I have forgotten that I met Joeygk? Oh yeah...not sober.
  18. Gee - it must be such a burden to be that popular, Vic.
  19. As if you weren't sweet enough already.
  20. Hey! Good for you! I lost track of you after we vacated the comfy chairs. Thought you'd bailed out, but should have known you were too tough for that.
  21. What?! What happened? What? What?
  22. Took about a half hour nap on Vic's lap and the world was good again. That's the first night at Buzz that I wasn't sober. Think I'll go back to that from now on. Timo's set really impressed me. I went in with very low expectations so it was that much better. And a note on the foam. If you start feeling like this is something you might want to do in the future, remember to take Zag with you to fight off the gropers. He's remarkable good at it.
  23. I honestly believe that lemurgene.com gives you a cookie each and every time you pimp their site.
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