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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. Runner, I think Vic might be trying to tell you that he's been a little lonesome lately.
  2. Got stuck in traffic on the highway during lunch today in a car with no a/c for twenty minutes. It was torture and I'm quite sure I have no make up left whatever. It was gross. Lord knows if I'm gonna get that sweaty, it better not be from sitting still!
  3. What I mean, of course, is that when CP flies you to Chicago to check out the scene, organize meet ups and stimulate interest inthe CP boards, that you will quite obviously need company. Namely me. It was my idea after all.
  4. Damn. And I was just regretting not having driven up to watch, cause I was so freaking bored on Sunday. Good thing. I'm sure you would have kicked ass anyway. Those guys that did show up have no idea how lucky they are that you didn't.
  5. Vic - I think it's time you became an independent contractor for CP. You could be in charge of revitalizing boards representing cities across the nation. You could single-handedly promotoe clubbing unity in DC, Chicago, LA... Quite the silly little job of your and go full time on CP. Of course, this new position would require a number of field trips (and female companionship). With a little ingenuity, hootzpah and entrepreneurial spirit, you could make my dream for you a reality.
  6. Nope. Close the door. Walk away. Never look back.
  7. Hey - what's going on here in LA? Is this the Weyes and Vicman only board? Is this your own personal little lovefest? How come DC doesn't get any daily wisdom? What is this place? And who are you people, really?
  8. Hey, Jroo, Happy Birthday!! Make sure you get all the Brazilian you can eat!! (oops, silly me, Barzilian BBQ, of course is what I meant to say.) And if I don't get a chance to talk to you before Sunday...Tear it up on the track!!
  9. want want want me me me take take take
  10. Two hundred and forty dollars, worht of pudding. We had the money, we haaad to have the pudding.
  11. Whoops. Always forget that I don't live in Norfolk anymore. It's actually more like three and a half to Baltimore from Richmond. Is that better?
  12. Two questions: What HFS BBQ? Do you think SH will get done spinning early enough for me to make the five hour drive home and be fresh for work on Friday?
  13. hehehe hehehehe hehehe he He said "thingies".
  14. My orginal comment about how you'd crapped all over Lizard by posting an **official** thread right behind her non-official one.
  15. Talk to the wetback drug trafficker.
  16. You might have more luck getting resposes on the NYC board. I think only a few people from the B-more/DC area went, but I understand a number of NY folks drove down for the event.
  17. So, do you have any details for Sunday? Are you still planning on racing?
  18. nourishment

    The beach

    Even I (pure and wholesome and innocent thing that I am) knew about Fire Island's reputation.
  19. While that is a very good point, I feel I should clarify that the slummy apartment, as referenced above, was not in Richmond.
  20. ok ok ok I still think you should withold the rent until your issues are resolved. I'm not sure about DC, but in Virginia there are "livability" laws and renter's rights. Maybe check out the statues in your area. There's gotta be something you can access online. I do know how you feel though. The problem in my slummy apartment was three inch roaches and rats. That's when I learned that pine-sol really is a good product. The exterminator (aka my favorite person on earth) told me that's the only cleaner that will kill the bacteria carried by rodents. I use nothing else now, just in case.
  21. I just switched from hotmail to yahoo cause they're evil people who are bombarding my mailbox with 50 spams a day just to justify their $9.95 services. Whatever. They suck.
  22. Forgive me for going off subject here, but...Vic, that is a "cute" smiley. See how there's no cum spraying onto the smiely? Cute.
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