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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. Oh for fuck's sake, could we have a little privacy here, please?!
  2. Just out of curiosity, what was your previous objective in life?
  3. HOT DOUGHNUTS NOW! Yeah, Baby.
  4. Adjusting to drvining on the left hand side of the raod wasn't all that difficult. The main problem I had was crossing the street on foot. Even though I was looking at the cars coming straight at me, I was completely convinced that I was going to be struck down from the other direction.
  5. No, really, I mean it, the S'mores ones are truly awful. My roommates in college used to dare one another to eat them when they were drunk and starving and there was no food left in the house except for the monster box of S'mores pop-tarts that somebody's mom put in a "care" package, although she obviously didn't care or she would have sent a good flavor.
  6. Apparently this one would be unwelcome in my home. And the S'mores ones are foul to the extreme. Were I to still partake of these preservative filled sugar yum-yums, my first choice would always be the cinnnamon, forsted of course. And WTF is a Wild Magicburst? Gross. They can't even fake like it got real fruit filling.
  7. I hate banks. Thye are out to fuck you and steal your money at every opportunity. Now they won'y even give change. All I freaking wanted was a couple of tens for my twenty, which I just got out of their cash machine, and they wouldn't do it. I HATE banks! and insurance companies.
  8. Nevermind. I'm going back to work.
  9. The laws in America that I simply can't agree with are those that fall under the heading "it's for your own good". That's an infringement on my liberty as a free-thinking adult. If I want to do something dangerous, I ought to have the right, whether that means eating cookie dough out of a tube, taking amphetamines, not wearing my seat belt, running with scissors or not using a dental dam. The government needs to stay out of our lives and stop telling us what "they" think is good for us. As long as I'm only hurting myself, piss off. One could argue that almost anything you did could in some way negatively impact someone else, but where is the line drawn? If we are not careful to keep our government in check, they will be shutting down "dance parties", outlawing curse words and deciding what you can and can not wear. Oh yeah - they already do control most of that. Whoops - too early in the day for the political soapbox. More later is I'm still feeling full of myself and I think anyone is listening. Anyone...?
  10. Thanks y'all. Didn't know they had a name beyond "those baggy raver pants".
  11. Help me out here, what's a "UFO" in terms of clothing?
  12. It sounds like you're mad at this woman for infringing on your beautiful environment. Instead of thinking that she has no self control, try thinking that she has an illness, an addiction like any other. And being overweight leads to so many other illnesses like heart disease and diabletes to name a few. For me it's a lot like watching a smoker smoke. They're addicted and although they "did it to themselves" it's still hard for me to watch people kill themselves. On the other hand, it's your body, do whatever you want to it, as long as you're a beautiful corpse, right?
  13. Runner, you also misspelled two.
  14. Um...read a little more of what this online mag, Club Knowwhere, has to offer and I'm coming to the conclusion that it's primarily horseshit. It reads like the Onion, but for ravers. I mean really...in the A-hole? And the article about how clubbing and grinding your teeth will make your jaw overdevelop to the point where you can't properly chew your food? Come on, people, let's think about this a little.
  15. Have you heard anything back from DaVe yet?
  16. Have you seen the personals on CP? Talk about some scary shit. I thought at least they'd be clubbing personals, but I was seriously mistaken.
  17. Doesn't take much, does it, Vic?
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZAGS!! No fancy smilies, but all happy thoughts! Hope you're lounging by the pool, not working today.
  19. Nope, that musta been some other pervert that grabbed your ass.
  20. I think you'll only be able to pull it off if you actually believe in the dream. (Nice use of the word "malarky".)
  21. Hooray for perverts! If you can't beat 'em, let them beat you.
  22. Sounds like somebody actually is thinking about it...deep down, you know I'm right.
  23. I really think that if you took me seriously for like two seconds that you would be forced to admit that this idea could work and that you are the perfect man for the job. You're usually the only DC CP at the mettups as it is, you almost always post the OFFICIAL meetup threads, without you the board might collapse and you're always the friendliest CPer to the newbies (expect those times when you get a bug up your butt about something and shred somebody.) So think about it. I'm only 25% bullshitting here.
  24. I seem to be surrounded by pervs most of the time anyhow, at least Glow would be a change of scenery.
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