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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. Yep! Got your message. It made me very happy to hear that you'd had such a great time. Did you return with any PvD "souvenirs"? And yes, feeling somewhat better today. Even made it in to work!
  2. I was determined to make it to Glow on Saturday, but my head cold had other plans. Like sleeping. A lot.
  3. At least you're not calling them "cute" anymore.
  4. Check the DC board. Lots of good info available on both DC and Baltimore. You can also check out Redwood Trust and Sonar, both in Balto.
  5. As long as you're taking requests, I'd like to see a few pics of hot guys. Thanks.
  6. Sex and twinkies. Just doesn't get much better on a rainy Friday afternoon.
  7. Isn't Dream the place where the cabs won't go after 11pm? What was it like? What were the people like? Why was it so bad?
  8. Table manners. If a guy chews with his mouth open and makes those smackng noises or I can see the food churning around in there...it's done.
  9. What are you talking about? Shady wasn't there.
  10. Let's get one thing straight, "luck" never comes into play.
  11. Even if one is not all that interested in the sport, one could at least be patriotic and root for the home team. I may not be all that into "Ice Dancing", but I still want the American to kick some serious ass at the Olympics.
  12. Personally, I was at a lovely little establishment in Richmond known as "Easy Street" meeting my three very HOT girlfriends for cocktails and giggles.
  13. Scott Henry on a Phazon sound system...awfully tempting. If he goes first then I can bail out when Feelgood comes on and maybe even make it to work the next day....
  14. Were there a bunch of hot guys there?
  15. Do you think if I actually wore this shirt that anyone would get that it was sarcasm ? Or would I just be propositioned all night by horny, hard up dj wanna-be's?
  16. Millie told me you weren't a *real* dj.
  17. I prefer, "I am a DJ whore. I am willing to f*uck you so I can brag about it. Even if it's not good, I am willing to say it was."
  18. Thought that was stalking. And for the record, those guys loved every minute of their lives as bait.
  19. But I never claimed to be a "DJ Whore". Slut, perhaps. I do, however, admit to a small degree of stalking.
  20. I remember that whole episode going down a little different. So I say: Hey that looks like Timo. (as he is reaching for the door handle to get into his car.) Vic slams on the brakes, giving us all whiplash, and making the tires squeal, which in turn causes Timo to jerk his head in our direction with the deer-in-headlights look. His hand is still on the door handle. Vic begins yelling: Get the camera - Take a picture,No wait, I'll get out!! Cars back up behind us, Zag drops the combos and begins to rattle my seat. Timo, immobilized, is staring at us. At this point I begin to feel bad for Timo. He dropped an amazing set, and was sneaking out the back door, almost home free. Then a car full of baboons screeches to a halt not far from him and everybdy in it starts acting like crazies. It occurred to me that he might appreciate someone respecting his privacy and his personal space for a change. Sure, that makes be a bad dj whore and a dj-blocker, but it would have been a whole different story if I thought I might have gotten some dj ass out of the deal.
  21. Hey - come to think of it, I haven't been booted out of the system in a long time. Just when you thought you'd learned to live with the irritation, it goes away and you don't even notice. Hmmmmm.
  22. Thought I'd add one more thing. I seem to be very full of myself today. And I don't want to start anymore drama. So please keep in mind that the post you just read is complete BS. OFFICIAL threads are started by anybody who feels the time is right and wants to take the initiative. --whoops-- too late.
  23. Vic has to post all the OFFICIAL threads. It's the rules. Unfortunately, he's in the process of moving offices. Well moving from his own private personal office to a cube anyway. So you might have to wait until he gets home and can post from there. Or someone else might be willing to risk the consequences of Vic's wrath and start and OFFICIAL Friday meetup thread. You never know.
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