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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. You'll never make it through security. They have ones now made from space age polymers. They were originally developed for the astronaughts to wear on the Russian space station. Cause everybody knows that it's not a good idea to turn your back on a Russian who's been in isolation for months at a time. Anyhow, with clubs like Glow and Exit, it became obvious that there was a non-military market for the things. They're a little pricier than the standard steel variety, but hey, you get what you pay for. They're lighter, more flexible and the lining makes it so they don't chafe while dancing. And the best part - they're top shelf dishwasher safe. Just my $0.02.
  2. Don't get me wrong, I'll go by myself. (Probably after Moutso vacates the booth) But I was hoping for some male CP protection from the ass grabbers.
  3. Take the train. I'll pick you up. Since I don't live in DC, can't offer a place to stay. Try mentioning that you're hot and you should receive plenty.
  4. I don't suppose I would have any CP companions if I wanted to check out this scene on Saturday, would I? *bats eyelashes like a wanton hussy*
  5. Where the hell did that total piece of nonsense come from?
  6. No. Not even in a "weird" way. Sensitive much?
  7. Oh - and I had something really deep and meaningful to say about soul and how it relates to the artistry of music in general and techno in specific. So in PM'd Runner about it and the jerk ripped off my idea and posted it almost verbatim. So if you're giving prizes it should really go to me, not Runner.
  8. For the record, soulfood is pretty much anything with "fatback" in it.
  9. OK - Sauvee wants us to punch his "dick"? Is that short for punchline? So...he wants us to tell "dick" jokes? I think I must have joined this conversation a little late.
  10. OK - so I turn my back for like a minute to get some actual work done and THIS is what I get?
  11. Oh, it's just too easy. Why, of why do you set yourself up like this? I am trying to resist.....aw, fuck it...two words....fewer cookies.
  12. And that would be different, because how...?
  13. You're just mad cause I won't let you watch.
  14. faster and harder than a ten dollar whore.
  15. Like pearls of wisdom dropping from the lips of the gods.
  16. Hey, wait a mintue, is this about that thread with the outdoor venue description? I didn't even catch on that you were promoting for them. I thought you were being nice an offering up a new place to check out. But it did sound a little like this magical fairly-land type of place. Which is not necessarily any kind of a bad thing. I wasn't trying to hurt anybodys feelings or piss on anybody's love parade. Really.
  17. Thank god you have too much time on your hands, Butterfli. I laughed so hard, I think I hurt my pancreas. Think I'll bookmark that priceless gem. Maybe I'l email him the link. hehehe
  18. I am really confused. This is like the third fight in a week. If the original comments were not meant nasty, they seem to be taken that way. First there was pluryou's friend, then lizard and now kitty. Is it their comments that are starting all this grumpiness, or our reaction? The whole idea of the boards is to be welcoming of new people and ideas, right?
  19. Sounds like the perfect venue for fairy trance. hehehe
  20. That color is SO much better than the gay-ass peach action you had going on.
  21. Right...but don't you think what happens in the "chamber" should stay there?
  22. Y'all need to watch what you say. You know your thrid roommate lurks on the boards and he will most likely not take kindly to be refered to as a "pet monkey who gets spanked a lot."
  23. nourishment


    Last I heard he'd was in western Europe and was headed to the middle east. This week, I think.
  24. The link is not visible. Maybe I have that feature turned off in my options. Oh DUH! I was looking for a link to the thread , not a quote. I get it now. oops. hahaha
  25. I found it myself. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=100279&highlight=lizard23 I was expecting worse actually. Like specific bashing on an individual level. Think I'll start lurking on the NYC board for comparison. Zag - I don't get it. What are you refering to? Maybe I'd understand what the hell you're talking about if I hadn't left my brain at home.
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