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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. Oh, I like the question mark. It's as if you're posing the question: Who is Vicman? Like you have a secret superhero identity or something. Or, philosophically: Who IS Vicman? Why is he here? What is the meaning of his existence? How come he spends so much time posting?
  2. Honeydew is kinda nice. It's nostalgic for me. Remember? We met at Honeydew 3. I bet if you could see his feet, this little green guy would have on orange shoes.
  3. Technically, Cookie Monster is a muppet, too.
  4. 5:17 PM Monday. No car, but they are working overtime. They will call me tonight when it's finished and leave the key under the mat. Right. So now I'm begging for a ride home. If it's done tonight, right , then I'll be begging for a ride out to BFE to pick the damn thing up. And if it's not done tonight, which seems more likely, that leaves me begging for a ride to work tomorrow and then also out to get my car in BFE, assuming it's done tomorrow. Right.
  5. One of my close friends is moving to DC at the end of the month and needs a place to live, even just in the short term. He spent some time on Sunday scouting potential living situations and said everyone he met was creepy or dirty or a lunatic or something. So if you know anyone who's looking, could you please let me know? Thanks.
  6. I can't wait till you guys move in together.
  7. I don't know if the review is online or not. And to be honest, it might have been in Urb. I can double check when I ger home and possibly post the whole article, citing the appropriate copyright information, of course.
  8. You're ruining the story. *pad*
  9. Little red x's make me think of Richard Dawson and the Family Feud. Survey says!! Oh - and I just read a review of the Pet Shop Boys tour in Muzik Magazine and they pretty much trashed it. Just an FYI.
  10. Drug use makes people do some strange things.
  11. You have to admit, it was a god story. Had a moral and everything. *pad*
  12. Please use the addtional space below to post sympathy and pity. Please PM me for the address where flowers and donations are being accepted.
  13. Because writing to you all individually is beginning to take up a lot of time that I could be using to pad my posts and because I know you're all so interested and also because I need to vent publically...here goes. Let me begin by saying that I love that car, even though I've only had it for about two months. I thought I was making such a fiscally mature decision. My Honda was totalled through no fault of my own. At which point I thought it was a great opportunity to take the cash left over after the Honda was paid off by the insurance company and buy an older car outright. That way I could take the money I would have put towards a payment and pay off my credit car debt. In all, I would have been driving this older car (a Mazda) for about eight months. So about two weeks ago, I started having a problem that deteriorated quickly. It goes like this. Apply pressure to brake and the engine stalls. Dropped the Mazda at the shop on Wednesday of last week. Get rental car. The nice folks at the shop tell me that it will take four hours to make the repairs and I can pick it up the next day. Uh-uh. One thing after another. Their parking lot floods, they have a family member that has just been diagnosed with cancer, they have to fire one of their mechanics, the wrong part is shipped, the right part is on back order. Meanwhile I miss Danny Howells. Rental changes increse. My phone calls are not returned in a timely fashion. Today I took a two hour lunch and went to the shop. The correct part has arrived. This may/may not fix the problem. We won't know until I've paid for it. If it does not fix the problem, the cost to rebuild the transmission will be an additional fee (which, it turns out, is significantly more than the car is worth.) Oh, and there's no way we can even pop the hood on your car to get started until Monday anyway. Rental cars are not really that inexpensive. A few more days and the rental charges will outweigh the repair costs. So....I will be relying on favors for transportation this weekend. If the shit does not continue to rain down on my head (actually it's no where near as bad as it could be, so I shouldn't complain at all but I am anyway cause it makes me feel better) and everything goes just the way I want it to, I'll get the car back on Monday, sell it immediatley for at least as much as I have sunk into it and I return to the land of monthly payments like I should have done in the first place. So what's my point here...that attempting to be responsible backfired. And that I'll have something worked out by next weekend, even if it's a sinlge day rental. Damn, but I'm resourceful. Whew.
  14. What's a ''foam" party?
  15. Oh and Bogart's Wednesday are very cool. Too bad nobody dances. And when I go there, I tend to feel old. Mondays are cool too, if you get a chance.
  16. Rumor has it that some cp folks will be in Richmond on the 11th for a certain unnamed somebody's birthday bash. PM me if you want directions.
  17. I'm from Norfolk. Were they playing at the Boathouse or the Norva?
  18. stop. your compassion is overwhelming me. the flashbacks are nightmarish. i have yet to attend a wedding where this atrocity is not played. it's hard to say which inspires a speedier exit, the electric slide or the bouquet toss.
  19. They made me do the "Electric Slide" in gym class. In my gym uniform. And they video tape the carnage. I've never fully recovered.
  20. Depending upon how this experiment in social science works out, the following week we can hit a hip-hop club.
  21. How big is your dust collection now? I have some nice specimens of the "bunny" variety if you're interested.
  22. All you have to do is wear a dog collar and volunteer for a spanking and we're in.
  23. Do you think it would work? Do you think we'd have to stay sober? Do you think they'd pay our cover charge?
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