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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. I did the shopping thing once too. You should see the picture of me and my friend on Santa's lap. LOL. I'm laughing just thinking about it. I came home with knee-high sliver snake skin platform boots that were an entire size too big.
  2. Yuck. I hate the Air & Space Musem. I like the American History one. Last time I was there, I was *ahem * It was a fun. heh heh heh
  3. The anticipation is killing me. Argh!
  4. I feel like me and Scott are getting sloppy seconds here.
  5. Kuro- I've been waiting for a disc from you since my birthday (last year). Shady - Can I get a copy of yours, too?
  6. HOORAY!! Tiny, don't be a sissy, you've got plenty of time to pack. Kuro...? Nautilus...? Vic...?
  7. I know it's way too early to post and **officail** thread, but does anyone wanna go with me to Glow on March 15? Scott Henry's spinning and I've got some friends down here that think Richmond has a decent scene. I need to set them straight. (Or crooked...whatever) Just call me the troop leader. So...do you wanna go, huh, huh, huh?
  8. We have the "black ice" in Richmond. Everyone's here though.
  9. Is it snowing in DC? Just somerandom flurries so far here in fabulous Richmond. We were supposed to have a meeting today with folks from all over the state and most had cancelled by 8 this morning.
  10. And you just happened to "stumble" across this gem?
  11. In my experience, the majority was not greasy. Although they turned out to be liars more often than not.
  12. And y'all made fun of me cause I wanted to get to the club early on NYE. This is exactly the kind of thing I experienced in Boston the year before. Not to mention Honeydew.
  13. I wish I had time to check up on this myself, but just out of curiosity, do the websites for the Roxy and PvD have anything to say about this situation and how it was handled?
  14. Tini- let your raw detrmination be a shining example to DJ Whores everywhere!! I am in awe.
  15. Ripped fuel would be that much more cooler if it went underground and cost 8 times as much. Yeah.
  16. Memorial Day weekend.
  17. Should the government really have such control over what a citizen (and Vic, too) decides to put into their own body? We've heard the warnings. Shouldn't we be allowed to choose for ourselves. Cigarettes are legal, alcohol is legal, MDMA is not, Phen-fen was legal for a while. Seems like skewed judgement to me. *whew* I feel better after that nice little rant.
  18. I thought that most club owners would sacrifice safety if they thought they could make a buck off of it. How would a club owner benefit from having all the emergency exits locked? Maybe they'd be saving on payroll cause locked exits don't need expensive gorillas to stand in front of them acting manly.
  19. The scary thing is that you would have no idea if the doors marked exit are really exits at all. Could have been any of us. I'm sure Danny Tenaglia will have something to say about all of this.
  20. I am at work. Some nice young man gave my car a shove this moring so that I could maneuver onto the street. The main roads are ok around here, but the side streets and sidewalks are a slippery, dangerous mess. My office is freezing. My toes and fingers are so very cold. I've got my coat on, but that makes it awkward to do anything. I'd be happier in bed. Well, that's almost always true anyhow.
  21. I picked right up on that being the dj booth. What I didn't realize is that if you squint, it really does look like a freeze-frame sneeze & snot rocket combo. Cool.
  22. Good, Sauvee, both "contest" and "confused" start with C. They don't rhyme with "Canada" though.
  23. Excellent. let's get set to grab some asses!! Yeah!! This time I plan on being the perpetrator, rather than the prey.
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