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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. So I guess I won't be seeing you out much anymore, eh?
  2. The stuff you know about isn't have as bad as what restaurant staff can do to your food on purpose and that you'll never notice.
  3. Tough life, Vixxen, if that's all you have to complain about.
  4. Hey, boost me up onto that speaker box, would ya?
  5. There is no moratorium on ass slappin'. I will slap dat ass o' yours any ol' time, honey.
  6. Free ass slaps for everyone!! Better than ice cream day.
  7. You'll have to check with my social coordinator, Tinibutterfly. She'ss pretty well got the next couple of months mapped out for me.
  8. What are friends for, if not for letting you cop a cheap feel? You know you love it.
  9. Gosh, Tini, thank you so much for posting that so everyone can enjoy it. So, uh, what exactly was I rambling on about anyway? I wasn't asking you to have my lovechild again, was I?
  10. Hey thanks. So far the pre-birthday has been quite nice. I'm only a teeny-tiny bit hungover today. Wish I could come up and party, but I'll been spending quality time with the family this weekend. I'll be sure to post my review of Norfolk's *hottest* nightclubs on Monday.
  11. I plan to be barely legal for as long as possible.
  12. For about five minutes, I was actually considering taking work home over the weekend. Then I hit my head on the desk really hard a few times and reconsidered. Working on Saturday is bad enough, but I am not absolutely positively not working on any Saturday that also happens to be my birthday!!
  13. Can you say...... ......My job sucks monkey ass today?...... .......................................very good.
  14. OMG I could waste my whole day at this. Not good. Must...use...super...willpower......go...back...to...woooork....
  15. I think it's great that these young women took a stand on something they think is wrong. Maybe they encouraged some thought/discussion on the topic of free speech. It's interesting that they were using the right to free speech to demonstrate against someone else's.
  16. I can't believe I was the only one out of all those people who was hungry.
  17. The entire night was fab. Just kept getting better actually. And the rest of the weekend...well...that just kept getting more and more odd. I wish someone had tried just a little bit harder to convince me to stay the extra night to hear Jen Lasher.... kidding Oh! Oh! I thought of another complaint. VIP. It's annoying to hear promoters talking up how fabulous VIP is when they know damn well that you won't get anywhere near. It's like telling the kids at the orpahage how great your parents are to buy you an ice cream and it's too bad they don't have parents, or ice cream for that matter while you eat your ice cream right in front of them. Yeah, it's like that, only I don't want your fucking ice cream anyway, you little snot, cause I'm lactose intolerant. How you like that!? And until he took the decks, I had no idea that that short Asian kid that kept shoving past me on his way into and out of VIP as I was trying to chat up the bouncer was Ty T.
  18. Cookie, I feel that "intentionally slippery" might be a tad unfair. To me it was less deceptive and more "sloppy business practice."
  19. Dude, you pay $7.99 for tampons?! Look, pay me back and I will bring you some from Richmond next time I come up. They're like 5 bucks here. DC prices are out of control.
  20. I suppose I can wait... Of course now I need to find something else to take up my afternoon.
  21. Does the City Paper have a website so those of us not in the city (me) can check this out too? I plan on not working for the rest of the afternoon anyway.
  22. "working from home" = challenging Vic for top posting honors of the day
  23. WHat the hell are you doing on a computer all day? I thought you had Fridays off from now till eternity.
  24. And all CPers will have VIP access...right...?....
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