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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. It's Wednesday, the Oasis party at Europa is tonight. I might manage to get a little mangled.
  2. Quickest way to locate my sanity when it has run off with the dish and the spoon is to plan a quiet weekend away. Usually to the beach....
  3. Who cares where they go to school as long as they don't try to text message each other on the dance floor at "BE Yourself"?
  4. You little sneak! You never even once mentioned an impending birthday!! Have a great one! Enjoy the weather while it lasts. *mwah*
  5. Don't they let "the wizard" in there? Where's the freakin' rule about not dressing like Merlin (of Gandolf or whatever) because those long flowing robes will prohibit the movement necessary for effective limb control and acceptable dancing technique?
  6. Calm down there, sister, that's another weekend.
  7. Are we talking about a weekend or a long weekend? Cause I can't ask for time off from work yet. And are there any females interested besides me?
  8. Do all Korean girls have tight abs and big boobs?
  9. Good Lord! Nobody told me Gina was a man!!
  10. My recommendation is not to stay longer than four days. Any longer than four days and the smog of neediness and desperation that hangs about Las Vegas will start to cling to you like cigarette smoke inside of a club. Three days is just about perfect. Last time I was there, it was for five days and I thought I was going to I'm down for the penthouse idea.
  11. A couple of days ago, she said "clusterfuck".
  12. Simple. Just make sure you have a water bottle in each back pocket.
  13. Only if I have been very, very good this year.
  14. Please note the armpit purse casually hanging from the door. Damn - outgunned again!
  15. No. I just wanted to know if Vic would stand there holding his breath until he turned blue and passed out or something. Sheesh. Sorry to disappoint you, Cookie. I have to work this weekend. Although our friends from Norfolk are attempting to strong-arm me into going anyhow.
  16. I'll be there this Friday. Just stand in front of the cage and hold your breath till I get there. Remember to bring your camera.
  17. fred....fred.....hey, somebody PM me and let me know what "fred" is code for.
  18. You know I gots to booty dance! And I'm great at it, too. Ask Runner.
  19. The dark side, come to the dark side......and fill the tub with jello (any flavor will do)...yes.....that's it....the dark side....
  20. I was dazzled for hours.
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