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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by nourishment

  1. OK - who's going? And almost as important, is anyone thinking about hosting a pre/after party?
  2. Oh wait a minute...you mean thst it isn't necessarily purple yogurt. That changes everything. Eww, by the way.
  3. If Xena can be a warrior princess, why can't Sauvee be a wizard princess?
  4. So.....it took you four and a half hours to do one push-up?
  5. You were at the gym for 4 1/2 hours?
  6. Maybe you have to replace all the oil in your car with purple yogurt before attempting this maneuver.
  7. a purple yogurt smasher? I ask you this nourish...what goes inside a garage? A car. and what is the result of parking inside the garage? . The paint job lasts longer. and putting it in reverse...and then putting it in drive.....and over again. You ruin your transmission. Yes, indeed, it all makes perfect sense now.
  8. What's a purple yogurt smasher? Please feel free to not answer me if this is some gross sex euphemism or something that I'd really rather not know in the first place. PS Welcome home.
  9. Bullshit, you are too going, if for no other reason than morbid curiosity.
  10. How would one go about getting one's hands on some VIP passes, hmmmm?
  11. Oooooooooooo!! Peanut butter M&M's. That sounds so good.
  12. What are the perks of becoming a moderator, anyway? Girls? Drugs? Stylin' threads at discount prices?
  13. Are we there yet? Is it much further till the end of the day.....?
  14. I'm pretty sure that 50cent guy is from Richmond. Seems like there's an awfully big deal being made about him playing here sometime soon.
  15. Jen Lasher...I know where Kuro's gonna be.
  16. Am I wrong, or is Vic saying that taking a crap is better than seeing PvD live?
  17. Love DnB, hate the MC. I prefer random ass grabbing to keeping my hands up in the air.
  18. Can you make me a shirt with that smiley on it? Please.
  19. Maybe you just imagined her. Was she wearing a clown suit?
  20. I received an email this morning informing that I did not have a choice in the matter, so it looks like I'm going.
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