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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. i will say a prayer for your pup and you say one for mine !!
  2. pickles has an underbite too - it always looks like he is smiling i just found outt he may have to have a very serious surgery, he has bladder stones and is having an ultrasound this monday to determine just how big they are and where they are in his bladder .... i'm sooooooo worried !!!
  3. how could you - they are so cute and innocent !!!
  4. oooooops, sorry about he triple post, i didn't think it was working !! look at the other threads though, they have a different picture !! he was a pickle jar !! he is a shih tzu and is around 5 years old, i adopted him from the pound this past july - he is the BEST little pup in the WORLD !!
  5. here is Mr. Pickles in his Halloween Costume !!!
  6. here are pictures of my pup Mr. Pickles at my Halloween Party this weekend ... HOW ADORABLE IS HE ???
  7. here are pictures of my pup Mr. Pickles at my Halloween Party this weekend ... HOW ADORABLE IS HE ???
  8. i'm not a shallow person by any means .... but i think looks are what first attracts a person to another !! i also think that personaility could make an ugly person pretty and a pretty person ugly !! it's a combination of the two without a doubt !!
  9. my FU goes to life and for this year being the WORST year ever !! the past 6 months have been tragedy after tragedy and i can't take it anymore !!! mr. pickles is sick and needs an operation, i don't know what else could go wrong right now ...... :( :(
  10. i think the police know more then they tell us, it will just be a matter of time before it all comes out !! in the meantime, no shopping at HOME DEPOT for me !! :(
  11. i hope this isn't terrorist related .... this is just getting scarier and scarier !!!
  12. i was thinking it may terrorist related too, but not sure because i also thought that terrorists would want to harm a large group rather than individuals one at a time .... but with OSAMA as the mastermind, you never know. i believe in capital punishment as well - the family of all the victims should each be allowed a SHOT at them !!!
  13. okay, i'm confused now .... did they catch that MO FO sniper yet or what ??? last night they say they are looking for a guy and his son but that it has nothing to do with the sniper, then this morning they say they got the guy and his son and that they are linked to the sniper - what's the deal ??? also - what is your opinion about these 2 IF they are the killers ??? i say we line them up and shoot them !! just in the leg first, let them feel the pain, then in the arm, feel it more and then right between the eyes
  14. OH MY GOD - i would so go i was even thinking of taking my dog, he is like my kid anyway !!! i started making his costume last night, it's soooooo CUTE
  15. i have the best saying ... "if you hurt me once, it's YOUR fault, if you hurt me twice, it's MY fault" i agree with spygirl, sometimes it takes a lot of getting hurt before you finally realize what you want and what excatly it is that you are looking for. they do say, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince" !! i used to think that it was me who was at fault, but the truth is, it's not that i don't know how to love or how to give, it's just that i didn't find the person who can love me back and give just as much yet. both good and bad come with all things, you live, you learn and you go on ... sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.
  16. i know the crew up at planet x (and i know people who buy stuff from them) and they are good peeps !!! the weblink is www.planetxusa.com - why don't you just check it out and see for yourself if it's worth it ?? i would tell you what i think but i don't know anything about music what so ever, i just know the hearsay !!!
  17. ME TOO !!!! i love HALLOWEEN and if you want, i'll go trick or treating with you X :D
  18. it's HARD WORK on somebody to give all the time and not ever get anything in return, not only is it hard work but it makes you tired and after time it even makes you resentful ..... COMPROMISE is the key to any relationship !!! KUDOS TO US XRAPTUREX !!! as for him having a hard time meeting people, my advice is just keep a positive attitude and BE HONEST - chances are somebody is already looking for YOU !!!
  19. advice from a girl who dates the dj it takes more than just the girl being commited to him, she can show all the support in the world for him and his music and support him and his future in every way possible but unless that guy shows the same support for the "important" things in her life (even if it isn't the latest record selection) it's just not going to work. any relationship, whether it be with a dj or not should be about compromise. not everything you do and believe in is always going to make the other person happy all the time. you have to give a little and take a little. it's hard to try to understand somebodys passion in life, especially a passion as strong as the world of MUSIC, but with time and hard work it comes .... and as long as you love that person unconditionally i think making the relationship work isn't really as hard as some people think, the hard part is finding someone who believes that though too !!! i love my even if sometimes i feel he doesn't deserve it
  20. get it ON your ass, that is where i have mine !!! .... lower left butt cheek - sooooo SEXY !! ..... besides every girl and her best friend have them on the lower part of their back above their butt ..... be ORIGINAL !
  21. i was 13 and walking to ccd with the boy i had a crush on - well i walked right into a street sign, got a bloody nose and had to call my mom - i thought my life was OVER !!!
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