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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. i don't have any today - i'm just so damn HAPPY the weekend is here i could cry !!!! :party:
  2. mine was BARBIE AND THE ROCKERS - it came with the ROCKER BARBIE along with her stage and microphone. i still have the tape to this day - i even know all the songs still which is scary !!! "we're barbie and the rockers, rocking out we're tottally in the groove ... in the groove" next would be DEBBIE GIBSON - TRUE BLUE, god i loved that tape !!
  3. i'm not sure i believe in there being a soul mate just for me out there. i have been in only 2 serious relationships in my life and the last one i was in (from when i was 15-21) i thought he was my soul mate, i thought we would get married and be happy for the rest of time to come. then i GREW UP and started seeing things through my eyes rather than my heart. now i have been dating somebody for almost 2 years and i think they are the one for me. you never know because the love you have for each person that comes in and out of your life is always different love than the last. i don't want a soul mate - just somebody who completes me !!!
  4. and about to die what you choose as your last meal ?? timothy mcveigh chose 2 gallons of mint chip ice-cream. i would choose ... meatloaf and mashed potatoes with green beans and a big huge salad with ranch dressing - cherry jello for desert !!! also what would your last words be ?? mine would be "BARBIE ROCKS"
  5. i don't know why everyone is so surprised .... of course they had oral sex, they probably even had anal sex. they have been dating for years, they lived in the same house - i don't get what the fuss is about ???
  6. rachel had her baby last season silly .... tonight she decides who she will marry, joey or ross !!!!
  7. it's not really a weird name - it's a weird dish MEATLOAF MOUNTAIN !!! when we were young my dad would take a meatloaf, scoop out the middle and fill it with mashed potatos, corn, carrots anything you could think of, then he would cover the top back up. We'd pour gravy over it and it would be MEATLOAF MOUNTAIN .... it was soooooo good and to this day, still my favorite meal !!!!
  8. i am completly IN LOVE with justin timberlake !!!!!!! .... he is so yummy i could eat him alive ....
  9. hey perns .... i dip too !! it's cause we're ITALIAN baby - like dipping bread in sauce !! i also don't let my foods touch either - i don't know why i just get so mad if they do.
  10. i was 18 - it was graduation weekend !!! we were at a party and i was never so drunk in my life, my guy carried me home, put me to bed and i guess i decided i wasn't tired yet so i tried getting him to fool around - NO LUCK !! but i passed out on his stomache (in a straddle position) and he passed out too and i guess i just peed my pants while i was sleeping. i would never have known if he ddn't freak the hell out and wake up !! we were both fully dressed so it wasn't that bad but still ..... back then it wasn't too funny - but now looking back i can piss my pants all over again just thinking about it !!!
  11. one time i peed on somebody .... NOW THAT IS TOO DRUNK !!!
  12. i don't think i'm a morning person or a night person i'm a middle of the day person !!!! pm's - um no i usually don't check them but i will why did you send me one ?? hey johnson - you are right, i think it's because it's getting cold out and also because of the RAIN !!!!
  13. what is the hollywood diet - do you just starve yourself ??
  14. did anybody else feel like NOT getting out of bed this morning besides me ??? i don't know what it is but this past week i am sooooooo tired and so BORED with getting up and coming to work !!! all i wanted to do was lay in bed with my man and my pup this morning, make breakfast and then watch old movies all day .... anybody else in the same drought as me ??? :(
  15. i moved out when i was 19 - a year later i moved right back and didn't move out again until i was 24 (which i am now) i had no reason to move out - my parents were cool and i pretty much did as i please. i just moved because i felt it was time, i make good $$$ and i'm getting older and there was no reason why i shouldn't move either. i'm glad i did - i LOVE it, yeah the bills suck but that's a part if life. i also am closer with my parents now ... i actually talk to them rather than just pass them on my way in and out like i used to when i was home. as for the limit - do what works for you, everyones situations are different. i will say though that you realize a lot more about the real world when it's your penny paying fror it though, you also appreciate things more too !!!
  16. FAVORITE DRINKS.... bacardi limon and sprite double 007 with stoli O capt. and coke (these get me really drunk) FAVORITE BEER..... molson ice (i typically hate beer but when i drink it this is it - it also makes me verrry frisky ) FAVORITE SHOTS ..... purple hooter soco and lime jolly rancher
  17. i love the fall - the weather is not cold and it's not hot it's PERFECT !!!! i love snuggling with my man and my new puppy - hot chocolate with pop-corn and a good rental, ahhhh - that is HEAVEN to me !!!
  18. i'm not nearly as stacked as BARBIE .... but i make up for it in other ways !!! thanks for the VIP - the first siren i hear i'll be there !!! maybe i can build a shelter too and we can have one big BOMB PARTY ???
  19. OH MY GOD - i love them too !!!! i want some right now .....
  20. it's obvious that the one reason we all hate platinum is because the place BURNS people left and right - so in turn we all voice how and what we think of the place. it just so happens that some people talk a little bit louder and a little bit SOONER !!!
  21. kosta can i come to your shelter so i won't get scared anymore ??
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