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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. i think it's pretty scary what is going on .... you never know when a bomb is just going to drop !!! i got an e-mail alert from cnn though - it says the terrorist threat warning has been lowered. i bet because our defenses are down they are coming for us now !!!
  2. i think i just laughed so hard i almost pissed myself :laugh:
  3. i have an idea !!! let's all just KISS and pretend to be friends - whatcha say jelly bean ??
  4. Female (sex is fabulous dahling, just faboulous) 24 (oh my god - i am getting so OLD !!!) BARBIEWORLD of course !!!
  5. my only response ..... :laugh: :laugh:
  6. get waxed once a month and you will be in mint shape !!!
  7. i find it quite comical that last year when i was posting how HORRIBLE i thought platinum was (set up, crowd, cost, ect.) i was being attacked by their entire staff and friends of the staff. it's especially even more comical because this year ALL of them are platinum haters now too .... kind of makes you wonder huh ?? i tell you - you should all have just listened to BARBIE and everyone would have been HAPPY !!! PEACE and LOVE
  8. i heard the story on GOOD MORNING AMERICA today - they said there would be more busts to follow later this week so you all better be careful .... BAD BOY BAD BOY whatcha gonna do, watcha gonnd do when they come for YOU !!! just kidding - but yes the story is true
  9. wooooo - hooooo !!! this is my FVAORITE time of year i love the leave piles and the pumpkin and apple picking. the smell of the air and wearing warm fall coats !!! and YAY because pretty soon i get to put up my x-mas tree and all my snowman decorations !!! :bounce:
  10. order COOCHIE shave cream from somebody who is having a Fantasia Home Sex Toy Party .... it's the best $13 you will ever spend !!!! as for the waxing - i've done it before and it isn't that bad at all just drink a glass or two of wine first, you won't feel a thing !!! about the bareness of guys - i wouldn't go crazy (like with the waxing and all) but you should trim up !!! YUCK - i hate body hair ...... it's just GROSS !!!
  11. i feel sorry for tony ... especially since the feds have adrianna, i bet the stupid bitch talks
  12. yes - FRIDAY was AWESOME and it was nice to finally meet you jp18, although i think i remember you from you last year though ? as for the afterhours ... SORRY, that was my roomate that gave you the wrong directions (and to our own house !!) but at least you made it there !!! hell you even got there before i did !!! i missed PERNS too - but i was lucky i got to see her SATURDAY !!! anyway - it was a good night and a good time !! see you guys next friday right ??
  13. last year i tried pulling off the idea of being "war time" barbie and dressing my guy up as osama and dragging him around in a nuse but he wouldn't go for the idea. i just didn't want to be barbie again this year, i wanted something different ......
  14. i know it's a bit early but i'm a planner ..... and in 4 weeks i'm hosting a HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY so as the host i need a GOOD costume !!! i want something original - but not complicated as shit to wear. does anyone have any ideas for me ?? p.s. i've been barbie 2x's already, one year DISCO BARBIE, one year SUICIDE BARBIE so i'm trying to stear clear of that one !!! thanks for your ideas !!!
  15. this has been the loooooongest week of my life - THANK GOD it's friday, i just want to sleep and relax !!!
  16. i'm with perns on this one .... they are definitly real !!! don't you remember watching her grow up on PARTY OF FIVE ?? besides they are big, but not perfectly big sometimes they look good and sometimes they don't FAKE ones always look good ..... god i wish had a pair !!!
  17. FU to stress FU to sad things that are happening to me right now FU you to growing up and FU to the year 2002 !!! this truly has been the worst year of my life - i can not wait for 2003 ..... please HURRY !!!
  18. it really just depends on you and on your taste and style !!!
  19. i LOVE structure ... well it's EXPRESS for MEN now i think right ?? anyway - what you said is the only thing in this whole thread that makes any sense. if it looks good WEAR IT, who the hell cares who makes it !!! what a bunch of label whores !!!
  20. i don't know if it has actually changed me as a person but it has definitly put life and death into a whole new perspective. i have learned to appreciate life ... just like latinaz said, you enjoy walks in the park, time with your family and friends, even something as simple as a smile or a hug, so much more !!! eventually you learn the true value of life and the true value of those you love - it's just sad that it's usually when tradgedy occurs for most people.
  21. i don't agree with you .... what happened one year ago today was HISTORY and we witnessed a party of history that will be known to everyone of our generation for the rest of our lives and then taught to those who follow our generation. by showing clips on tv's and broadcasting memorial services is part of coping, it is part of showing respect and also part of mourning and at the same time it shows just how far we have come TOGETHER since that day. i don't think they are feeding off of the publics emotions because they too are part of the people that were affected by that day as well, we all were in some way or another.
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