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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. i saw them at the continental airlines arena i went with my sister and my friend - it was so FUN !!!
  2. oh my god - that almost made me just piss my pants !!! :laugh: one year i did my taxes and i owed the IRS like $900.00, i was like screw them so i just never filed that year. i have been filing since and i still get returns - do you think they will catch me one day and want their $900.00 ??
  3. it was awesome - they had so many special affects and i swore it was like the 4th of july with all the fireworks and flashes. i got the tickets off e-bay i paid $150.00 for 3 of them, it was so worth it !!!
  4. i saw them at continental airlines arena - the show was GREAT they really put on a good performance .... i would go AGAIN, no doubt !!! justin is so HOT !!!
  5. i know i'm probably going to get shit for this but i don't care .... i LOVE n'sync and i own all of their albums hell - i even saw them in concert this year !!! :heart:
  6. don't fret Stardo - i will employ you SENIOR STAFF - hell we will run our own site CLUB UNIVERSE !!!! :clap2:
  7. "if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife .... go from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you" didn't you guys ever hear that song ??
  8. hey - thanks stardo !!! and you sure hit that nail on the head - the absolute BEST pass time for slow days at work !!!
  9. OH MY GOD - do you think that is legal ??? :eek:
  11. 2 questions .... 1) why did laurie have somebody else's $$ anyway ?? was she holding it, was it for drugs, was it for drinks ?? 2) can we talk about something else, because this is almost as boring as when the board attacked barbiegirl for hating platinum ?? hey brian1500 .... 34, 26, 30 oh and for the record, i'm not friends with any of you and i don't any of you !!!
  13. slinky .... slinky .... la la la la la !! slinkies ROCK - they are the BEST !! i didn't know they still make them I WANT ONE !!
  14. i figured that much ... it just stinks because everytime i go to call them and be like "what's up with my phone" ... it works again. i'm due for a new one anyway maybe i will stop by the mall on my home THANK YOU for your help
  15. ok for like the 4th time today i just tried making a call from my cell and it says this .... "sorry but we are not able to authenticate your phone" what is this shit ?? it happens every so often and i have to hang up and try again it goes through and then BAM a few days later, the same shit. now today - it's not working at all some help here peeps - PLEASE ??
  16. that deserves a HUGE FU !! nothing worse than bread pie ....
  17. since i am OFF tommorow (and going to be baking in the sun all day !!) i wanted to give my weekly FU today ....... a big one to my BOSS for telling me that i need to put in more over time, HELLO i only already work 50 hour weeks and a second FU to the god damn AC being set at 40 below zero in this office building .... talk about titty hard on !!!! have a BARBIE TERRIFIC DAY AND A BARBIE TERRIFIC WEEKEND, the weather is supposed to be FABULOUS !!! :D :D
  18. laurie619 i don't know why you even feel you owe any of us any explanantion what so ever ..... SPEAK YOUR MIND and BE PROUD of it. we all say things that not everyone is going to agree with all the time .... that's what being ORIGINAL is all about !!! opinions are like assholes and we ALL GOT ONE !!! p.s. BARBIEGIRL FOR PRESIDENT !!! :D
  19. it is what makes the world go round ...... and the clock !!! :D
  20. i'm barbiegirl - friends with clubchic1006, the jerseygirl, perns, sweepy, mosesonacid and slim calhoun. i know a few other people but only by face. 4 months ago - there were people on this board who devoted their lives to figuring out who i was .... needless to say, i still laugh about it. i speak MY mind and how I feel, i am NOT influenced by anyone and try my best not to take sides. this is a messageboard for heavens sake .... not the real world which we live in and abide by everyday. however i am happy to say THANKS to cp and all of you for making my 10 hour days at work a little more interesting !!! p.s. stardo, you have always been nice maybe one day we can do shots !!
  21. make sure you get a CHEESTEAK at MIDWAY and if you like seafood (quick and easy seafood) go to THE BEACHCOMBER, they have great clams and buffalo shrimp !!!
  22. i'm not taking sides here by any means .... i just find it amusing how all of you say how "unimportant" how "eneducated how "pathetic" and how "stupid" both her and her comments are yet you all still play cat and mouse with her !! if you all hate the girl so much and all think what she says is meaningless and fake ... then why even bother responding to her threads. let the girl be who she is and say what she wants and how she feels. just like we all do day after day on this board. ignore her rather than feed into her. maybe she says and does these things just to get a rise out of all of you .... and it looks to me like it's working.
  23. poor laurie ..... she always take the heat for no reason why can't we all just get along ??
  24. well is somebody going to fill me in here or what ?? perns - send me an e-mail
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