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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. i may need to speak with the man and see if maybe we can rearrange our plans JUST for that night ......... i'm sure he will be up for it, as long as i smile and say please !!!!
  2. i've been to XS almost everytime that JV has been there ... trust me, it's always a GOOD TIME !!! clubchic1006, perns2002, mosesonacid, thejerseygirl are you guys heading down ??
  3. i could go for a nice frozen drink myself !!!
  4. i wish it would rain here .... we could use a WET DOWN anything to cool this place off !!!:worry2:
  5. my boyfriend and i were just talking about that - air conditioned seats !! is there any car that offers them out there ?? as for walking in the city .... GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL
  6. we have a golden retriever - and unfortunatly he isn't the smartest thing ... i'm going to have to think of something to keep him upstairs without actually locking him in one of the bedrooms !!
  7. our poor dog is at home in this heat ... we only have window ac units and they are in the 3 bedrooms, he must be dying !! i asked my boss if i could bring him here an keep him in my office, she was not up for the idea !! i'm running home soon so i could at least lock him in the room upstairs with the ac ... i know it's cruel to keep him cooped up but i have too !!!
  8. it has got to be about 110 outside i am not even kidding you !!!! ... this is insane ...
  9. i don't really like cats, i'm a dog person but your kitties are so cute !! i love the way that one is just chilling out in the sink !!
  10. just go to XS or to TEMPS they are the best 2 places !! :D
  11. this weekend is going to be BEAUTIFUL i can NOT wait !!!!!
  12. for the past two days these threads have gone to SHIT !! everybody knows what happened - BIG DEAL why do we need to keep talking about like 3000 x's a day ??? if you went to Merge and had a good time that is all that should matter !!! who gives a rats ass about if they knew or if they didn't or if they are getting sued or of they aren't - NOT ME !!! please ..... could we just drop it already it's making me sick please can someone post something else - this day is draaaaaaging ........
  13. a bunch of us went to river street a few weeks ago on a saturday. we had a good time but i think it's more because of the people that we were with as opposed to the place itself. if you are looking for something different and a more laid back than the jersey shore right now - try hoboken, it's slow there right now ... if you want to see it at it's best, i'd wait till the shore clubs go into hibernation !!!
  14. i think that a lot of people read this board - but i don't think that the comments of people behind screennames is really going to affect them and what they decide to do on any given night of the week. this is a messageboard, not a bible. people are going to go where they want and make either the best of the place or the worst of the place.
  15. i think this is kind of sad if you ask me. all these man made "club drugs" going around that you never really know what you are getting or what you are putting in your body. everyone goes through these new phases ... first with "e" then with "k" now everyone and their mother is doing lines of coke !! and to all these people it just seems so "recreational", like it's part of the club life or something. what happened to wanting to go out and party like a rock star because of the MUSIC, not because of the substance that is HOT on the market ???
  16. who cares whether Lasgo was real or fake anyway ??? all anybody should care about was whether they had a good time at MERGE or not - damn i'm sick of reading nothing but posts about MERGE and who said, who did, oh my god NONSENSE !!!
  17. your right - there are way too many places too choose !! i'd also get a house at the shore - i love the beach and life is just so much relaxing there ... then i'd want a vacation home away from that ... say the islands somewhere ... then i'd also want a house in colorado, that place is sooooo BEAUTIFUL !!!
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