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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. sorry you must have me confused .... it's your mom ass you smack to ride the wave in ..... NOT MINE !!
  2. and i think it's time you remove your head from your ass to get some fresh air !!! and by the way FUCK FACE - i have a dishwasher try harder next time you want to start some drama this shit is BORING !!!
  3. OH MY GOD !!! LMFAO :laugh: :laugh:
  4. i think you and notallthere are the same people !!!
  5. i think that everyone all around us is feeling some sort of fear over what has happened and over what still may happen. it's called being HUMAN and NO you are not losing your shit !!! i think more than now, a lot of people are taking a step back and looking and the life they have and how to make good of it, especially with all this evil going on around us everyday. try not to fear what is ahead, live for what you have now and make the best of every situation and every moment that you have with the people you love the most. as hard as it is - life goes on it's never the same as before but don't let the bad guys win keep going and show them we are STRONG, they didn't knock us down and they never will !!!!
  6. yeah and i will probably get hunted down and burned at the stake for it !!! oh well - it's cp for ya and ya gotta love it !!!
  7. even though this board is crawling with TEMPS PEOPLE, i'm going to take the chance..... i'm going with XS on this one !!! :D the music at TEMPS is by far more OUTSTANDING but i like the atmosphere at XS better there's more room and a more eclectic crowd.
  8. not only is it a FRIDAY, but this month end happens to be our YEAR END !!! what the hell idiot was thinking of running a fiscal year july to june .... it screws my plans every weekend that the 4th falls on every year !!! :mad: :mad:
  9. it doesn't matter what sex you are - all people lie !! i have been screwed over by girls and by guys, but i also am not afraid to admit that there have been times when i have even screwed people over as well. i didn't do it in a malicious way but it happens, to all of us, whether you are a guy or a girl i think !! be good to yourself and to the people that you love most ... all you could do is HOPE that what you give is what you get. life is a chance - TAKE IT !!
  10. i'm sorry but i think that if all of us came from famous families that made crazy loot, that we would all be out to claim our own fame as well. the girl may suck yes, but at least she is getting her name out there and making $$$ and yes, even though $$$ is not everything, she still has more than any of us do. i give her props for at least trying to do something, even if daddy is the reason she has this stairway to fame .... hell if it was in front of me, i'd walk up it too !!!
  11. enjoy your day and your weekend !!!
  12. it's monday - it's close to month end I'M SWAMPED .... want to help me ?? i can send you some pdf files to review ??
  13. perns - i agree with you but there is more to this story. these people knew and raised these animals to be malicious. they knew what they were capable of and still .... they did not have that animal on a leash. i also think they had problems with this woman. she was a lesbian and they had issues with her sexuality which is what some are saying is the reason the owners did not curb the dogs. 17 months later, the dogs are now dead and this couple is awaiting their sentence .... yet they still have never once apologized to the victims family, they have no remorse. i think they should be fed to zoo animals so they can see what it's like !!
  14. so whats the consensus on this ?? looks like the grand jury indictment of second degree murder was over-ruled by the judge. the convicted couple may only face up to 4 years in prison now. what do you guys think ?? should they go 15 to life or the 4 years ?? i didn't know the whole story but today i read about it. this couple didn't even call 911 after their dog mauled this lady leaving her with over 90 viscious wounds that killed her. she crawled back to her apt. and called for help herself while the couple consoled the dogs. i say LIFE - either that or throw them to the lions !!!
  15. i'm gonna have to go with the rest of you on this one - REJECTED !!!!
  16. i was thinking the same thing girl !!! now lets carry on and out of here LADIES .... this shit is weak !!!
  17. hey clubchic ..... don't sweat it. why waste your time getting all heated about this NONSENSE like these guys do ?? it's obvious that they misinterpret everything that is said but it's just their ignornace showing through, sometimes i don't think they can help it !! as for whatevaman go back into hiding. things around here are much more GROWN UP without you !! or is that you follow barbiegirls threads so closely that when you saw my response you got so excited you couldn't help yourself ?? i'll let it slide this time but next time, i might have to start crying like a little bitch, you know just the way you do !!! PEACE LOVE AND HAPPINESS TO ALL !! :laugh:
  18. i believe that ortley has private beaches but i think you have to be a resident, i'm not sure though !! why don't you try calling the chamber of commerce or town hall. GOOD LUCK !!
  19. i can't believe all this TENSION is over BASEBALL ??? :tongue: YANKEES - YANKEES - YANKEES - YANKEES they let the Mets win, it was a sympathy call !!
  20. hey dibs - i don't like to start drama i just say what i truly think and state my opinions openly i can't help the fact that there are people on cp who have different opinions then i do and feel the need to fight with me, but hey, i bite back if they do !!! this is what all makes the world go round' :spin:
  21. i have nothing against notallthere - i think his threads are FUN and they add LIFE to this board .... i just don't think that with his hate opinions towards a lot of us that he would be a good middle man. but hey - it's just an opinion and everybody has one !!!
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