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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. what's with all you guys and white pants ??
  2. this has got to be the funniest shit i think i ever read !!!
  3. i went and saw UNFAITHFUL last night - it wasn't nearly as good as i thought it would have been. a little unbelievable if you ask me - i mean come on, nobody gets away with murder these days well not unless your name is OJ !!
  4. last season ended in march of 2001 - more than a year ago already !!! when it starts up in september it will have been a whole year and half !!! oh well - i guess we will see what the new season brings. maybe it took so long cause tony's kid was in jail and in trouble with all those drug busts and beatings and didn't meadow make a cd ?? (i don't know their real life names ... sorry)
  5. Sunday September 15th !! get ready for some i heard on the radio today that they are officially starting the new season - FINALLY !!
  6. hey jenni - don't sweat it it's ONLY a message board !!! everyone on here says shit about BARBIEGIRL all the time and i could give two hoots - it's ENTRTAINING and to me watching everyone get so heated and be so serious over something as simple as a .com - well thats what the FUNNY thing is !!! just tell them to :bigfinger and walk away LAUGHING like i do
  7. fucking hardy har har har :laugh: it was YOU - you 4 foot, 4eyed FAGGOT !!! p.s. hey BG how are thursday nights at platinum going ??
  8. fessing up - and where do you see any fessing up ?? FAT CHANCE FUCK FACE ... get a life and find a new hobby, or better yet, buy yourself some barbie dolls, maybe that will cure your obsession !!!
  9. ya know it isn't that hard to find a picture of a 4 foot, 4 eyed, basement DJ pencil neck GEEK !!!
  10. first of all thank you so much for bringing ME back to life ... this board was starting to get boring these past few days !!! also - it must take a lot of talent to edit a picture that way !! wow BG you are really smart !! i think you may be my HERO !! so, you had to have gotten that picture from 2 places - one being sicktracks or 2 a promo cd that was given out ... which only brings me to the conclusion that my guesses of who most of you are is TRUE !!! thanks for the clue ... and by the way, maybe you should tell whatevaman (when you come up for some air from sucking him off) that it's HIM who should be careful who his NEW FOUND friends are - i mean after all he controls WHATEVER, WHATEVAMAN says right ??
  11. sorry laurie girl but i think that place sucks !! i was there once and you couldn't even move, not only that but they played HIP HOP !! i may not have gone on a good night but still ... it's the size of a shoebox and HOT AS HELL !! why don't you try OHM on a saturday !!
  12. instead of getting a DUP - just apply for a boat license, you don't need to take a test or anything. you just fill out the form and at the bottom of your license where it would say DUP it say re/ch which means renewal and change. jersey is going to be switching over to id's that look like credit cards anyway. they have a magnetic strip on the back and they run it through what looks like a credit card machine. they will be busting all the youngins soon enough and us older kiddies will be hassled a lot less !!!
  13. well it was AWESOME the night of the 26th !!! but to answer your question - Paradox is in Plainfield, NJ. they have bands that play downstairs in one room and then upstairs they have a hip-hop room and then a club room. it's a place for everyone to go !!! i think they close down for the summer though - cause everyone knows the jersey shore is the place to go then !!! :D
  14. i liked ABYSS better back then too !!! but maybe it was just that i was more new to the club scene back then though, i don't know.
  15. i've only been to merge twice so far and both times it was DEAD in there .... i mean like 10 ppl. max and that includes the 5 i was with. it was off season though once and the other time was in july last summer. maybe i just didn't pick good nights ??? i did however like the bermuda club !!! that place was always a FUN TIME !!! what are the good nights at merge anyway ??
  16. BUMP and it's never been so good !! :D
  17. i don't have a weekly FU this week - i have been way too busy to even think about someone or something that deserves one !!!
  18. i would never cheat on my curent boyfriend - i love him way to much to ever risk losing him over something so stupid. he is my best friend in the whole world and it's just not worth it. i cheated on a guy though before - see i was in a 6 year relationship from when i was 15 to 21. the guy i dated after him (which was the guy before this one) i cheated on all the time. but that was a given .... i was still so in love with my ex and i just always went back to him. i didn't feel bad at all and now i know that it's because i wasn't really into the new guy. but it's a long time later and i have found my true happines now. i mean after all .... you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your PRINCE !!
  19. i find it sooooooooo utterly amusing that all of this havoc was caused over a couple threads started about PLATINUM SUCKING !!! i didn't realize that what i thought was that important to all of you, however THANK YOU for the recognition !! let me add that still to this day i dislike platinum and i will continue to state my opinion not only about that place but about other places that i enjoy and do not enjoy ... like i have said a million and one times before this is a MESSAGE BOARD and this is MY opinion. for those of you that know or think you know who barbiegirl is i think it's great that i was able to contribute to some of the excitement in your lives. although i will also say that it is pretty sad that some of you lead such lives as to where you have all this EXTRA time on your hands. in the meantime ... GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON, unless of course like i said and all of you just value MY opinion so much that you can't !!! until next time - HAVE A FABULOUS BARBIEGIRL DAY !!! ..... and PEACE on earth to all ..... :D
  20. ahhh come on now - you could have found a better picture than that one .... everyone has seen that one already, it's off the website www.djtomek.com how original !!!
  21. i like some of his other stuff better but it will probaly grow on me so ask this question again next week !!
  22. you are so GAY - you really don't even have a clue !!!
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