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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. did you just read what you wrote allishara ?? talk about not making any sense just move on - ignore my threads and ignore the threads about me ..... but you WON'T because you are just as annoying and immature as you say i am !!!! talk about contradiction !!!!!
  2. i'll admit that i have been an ass before ... i have an opinion - if that makes me an asshole because you don't agree with my opinion than so be it !!! clubchic1006 - don't be fresh !!!
  3. i didn't start shooting people down on this board until i got attacked by them for starting a thread 2 months back about how i thought that platinum sucked. i start one thread based on MY opinion on what is a messageboard and everyone starts calling me stupid and a slut and what not .... so you knwo what - i am going to fight back and defend myself. as for knowing anyone on this board - i know quite a few of you yet you all insult me without even knowing who i am. this board is strictly for my entertainment purposes - i didn't realize it was a big quest to find out who barbiegirl was until it was posted with who they thought i was (by whatevaman and ibclubbin an dthe rest of the platinum posse). tell me i'm childish for calling people names and for insulting other but it is no different than all of you insulting me right back. trust that this board is not my life - it's fun and it makes my slow days at work go by a hell of a ot faster .... the only reason i even care to chime in !!!!
  4. oh and i suppose the threads that are started by other people about barbiegirl ... that you my dear post on - i gues they aren't childish and and i guess they make no sese either huh ??
  5. i agree ... abortion is by no means a form of birth control !!!
  6. hey clubchic 1006 you are very nice ... but you are also very naughty !!!! (i know you missy)
  7. GOOD POINT !!! kudos to you my friend ..
  8. FINALLY - somene who has the balls to support me !!!!
  9. nope - BARBIEGIRL is a figment of this boards imagination !! she really doesn't exist .... :D
  10. i hear ya on that one girl !!!
  11. ahh - who gives a rats ass what these people think they already all hate barbiegirl just because i hate platinum !! by the way - i saw the negative words you shed about the place as well a few times ... KUDOS to you my friend !!
  12. everyone keeps saying "salty" on this board what the hell does that mean ?? shed some light for me please ??
  13. what are you talking about ... do we have a problem with this ?? i was actually going to say HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ??
  14. bump .... well pretty soon anyway !!
  15. i would ask her ... but if you don't know this girl that well to begin with how do you know she will be honest with you and that you can trust what she is telling you ?? someone said earlier - "if your gonna play in the rain, bring an umbrella" - that is pretty funny shit !! i would think about it though - why do you even want to hook up with someone who you KNOW has been around the block ?? why not hook up with somebody respectable ??
  16. 1 - without a doubt my boyfriend 2 - an already assembled bungalow and 3 - my chapstick (i can't live without that stuff !!!)
  17. i was driving home from work today sitting in traffic and i was stuck behind a car that had a bumper completly covered with PRO LIFE stickers. i was just curious as to how people feel about this issue ?? i myself am PRO CHOICE - i believe that each person involved should be able to make the choice that they feel is best for them and their future. what do you guys think ??
  18. thanks - i think that's a pretty good idea !!! p.s. i spotted this name "swimmer219" months ago !!!
  19. oh geeeez ... now they are giving away free stuff just to get people to go there !!!
  20. i agree with the guy who posted that CLUBPLANET should be it's own season on real world !!!
  21. nope - guess again !! maybe you and whatevaman should start a gambling pool - there is potential for a lot of big bucks here ... who can guess who barbiegirl is ???
  22. and you tell me that I'M lame ... please BG how corny can you be changing what i really wrote ?? grow up and just let the drama pass already - my god !!! you and your llittle posse hate BARBIEGIRL all because of a few posts i made about hating platinum ... that's what really started this whole thing to begin with. just give it up already !!! get over it and come to realize that i am right about PLATINUM - it' sjust that most of you are too stubborn to admit it !!
  23. VIXENFOXY ..... what you just wrote has got to be the most intelligent thing i have ever seen written or posted on this board. KUDOS to you for being one of the few people who post here with any intelligence what so ever !!!
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