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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. my weekly FU goes out to whoever it was that invented this 5 day work week .... why can't we work 3 days or even 4 ?? friday should be part of the WEEKEND, screw this 5 day shit !!! oh and i also want to give a weekly FU to dry heaving the morning after you drank too much ..... uuughhhh, could someone please get me some rolaids !!!
  2. i literally think i just pissed my pants !!! that has got to be the funniest shit i have ever read in my life !!! :laugh:
  3. i don't ever remembering seeing her write anything about deporting ALL middle easterns .... i thought she said that only the suspected group (middle eastern men bewteen the ages of 18 and 40) should be deported. i think we should deport them all - i have changed my mind. SCREW those turban wearing freaks for coming to my country and blowing my shit up !! what's good for the goose is good for the gander right .... or however it goes !! ....
  4. i agree - the amount of thugz was a little out of control !!
  5. i was there with my PINK CORVETTE !!!
  6. you sure hit the nail right on the head with this i couldn't have said it any better myself !!! bring a good group with you and drink a lot !!! just be careful - the guys at my fathers office hang out here as well, that should say something !!!
  7. sigmagal - if you are looking in the city, try OHM. it's a mix between a lounge and a club, you guys can probably get reduced with the amount of people you have !!
  8. i'm not too into the fashion that diplays the name brand clear across the front of my chest but i will admit i like the FCUK shirts, they are kinda funny if you ask me !! it's not like they did that on purpose, they just got luck with their acronym !!
  9. GREAT friends + GREAT music = KICK ASS TIME !!!
  10. i think i have to agree with cmb1975 on this one. evil resides everywhere in everything in all shapes, sizes and colors. it takes on identities and harbors in places that even the american govt. can't seem to find or determine. i don't think we would be any better than the next "bad guy" if we went and deported people based just on stereotypical reasons. besides who would sell me all my lottery tickets and frozen cokes if they all left anyway ??
  11. i've heard really good things about this place - a few of my friends have gone and said it's BEAUTIFUL inside. i'll have to check it out. what are the best nights there ?
  12. i agree with neena ... i'm personnally not into MUSCLES - i like a guy who looks good and of course is not a fat slob or a skinny rail but the big bulky guys don't do anything for me at all. pretty much all of my friends feel that same way too. i guess it's just about each persons individual taste.
  13. i agree about the TEMPS cards !!! ... that was pretty funny ... i joined HOLLYWOOD TAN - that place is the BEST and they have the sickest tanning booths. they are expensive as all hell but worth it i think !! i live right next to one otherwise i would try your place out ! :D
  14. OXFORD sucks all around - i have been using them for years and just the other day i get a notice in the mail sayig they won't pay my bill because they don't have me listed as a member in their system. HELLO - i have been using oxford health insurance for years !!! what a bunch of dumbasses !!!
  15. and the drama continues !!!
  16. i agree about the weekly FU to the writers of FRIENDS and i want to add the writers of WILL AND GRACE to that too !!! what a waste of a night !!! i also want to give a FU out to WORK - it just plain sucks. no matter whether there is rain or shine outside i just don't ever want to have come to this place ever again !!! have a fab weekend cp !!!
  17. don't forget about the FOOD on the boardwalk !! ... i love the beachcomber and midway !! ...
  18. AHHHHH - don't ever go in the ball crawls or let your kids go in them. some parents send their kids in those things to PISS, especially at SESAME PLACE in PA. i was there with little kiddies once and i heard some mom tell her kids to go in their to pee .... SICK !!!!
  19. i never said spiderman sucked - i didn't even see it i didn't even see the new star wars that just came out last night, i don't want to see it either. i was just commenting on how i hate that movie (s) and how i will stick to the chick flicks !! oh yeah - luke skywalker that's his name see .... i really just don't like it !!
  20. everybody knows you go to seaside for two reasons ... for the clubs and the food at the Beachcomber and Midway on the boardwalk !!! nobody goes there to lay on the beach or to vacation - that is total TRASH TOWN !!!
  21. i think every PARTY GOER in the state of NEW JERSEY will be at the JERSEY SHORE this MDW ... where else on earth is there that weekend !!
  22. XS (saturdays) and SURF CLUB (sundays) !!! i'm not a big fan of TEMPTS - they have AWESOME music but way to many meatheads for me !! so to each it's own ....
  23. i HATE star wars - the only thing i ever liked was in the last one(well the first one released in 1977) was when princess lea and that guy were about to get crushed between the walls !! other than that i could never get into it and can't undertsand why all these people go crazy over it !! i'll stick to the chick flicks !!! let the guys take on STAR WARS !!!
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