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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. i really don't think any of us care who you are - we already know you are a LOSER !!!
  2. everytime i've been to bunkas i had a good time - it's not a place that i would choose to go to every weekend but like i said i have FUN there !! i think i wil stick with the surfclub - now that is a place i could do every weekend !! thanks laurie !!
  3. WHATEVAMAN you really need to get a life - SERIOULSY DUDE !!! but until you succumb and actually do, i will be LMFAO at how pathetic you really are !!!
  4. i've never been to dj'ais - i hear it's not that good is that true ?? i LOVE surf club sunday afternoons !!! :D
  5. umm hello bitch but i have been busy as hell today .... so no sorry barbiegirl didn't bail !!!! so SUCK it !!!
  6. laughing my ass off - rolling on the f'ing floor !!!! this really has got to be the funniest shit i have ever read in my life - :laugh: hell i don't know how i got lucky enough to be a part of this but i sure am happy that i am !!!
  7. lmfao - :laugh: you're kidding right ?? why don't you try a little harder next time you're running an investigation .... and maybe you will get it right !!! hmmmm - 20 minutes from nyc huh ?? BINGO !!!!
  8. i don't wach much tv so i can't really vote - but i will admit that those marathons that pretty much suck most of the time .... well they have gotten me through more than one hung over sunday afternoon in my lifetime !!!
  9. i got the chance to watch this last night - that father has a SICKNESS, i think not only in his head but in his heart. why would you ever give those kinds of drugs to your kid is beyond me !!!! overall a good special - makes not only me think twice but hopefully a lot of other peeps !!!!
  10. hey man - it's a message board ... don't take it so seriously .... besides - don't worry be happy !!!
  11. looks like this chick told you ...... lmfao :laugh:
  12. i seriously think that you need counseling - you have completely convinced yourself of this "fairy tale" that you have created !! do you do X - because there is a really good special on tonight that i'm going to catch that i heard about and i think it would be a good idea if you chime in yourself !!!! :D :D
  13. hey bitch - i never said i was after anybody's guy so why dont you go f' yourself
  14. do you honestly think i care WHO you are ?? not at all my friend - i have a life ..... not like some people !!! oh and i could give a rats ass who you think i am or what you heard !!!! go suck a few more dicks and maybe this time you will get the right answers !!! now back to the real reason this thread was started ..... BORIS ALL THE WAY BABY !!!
  15. you are right - YOU LOOK LIKE THE FOOL now buzz off - you F'ing nimrod, get a life, one that isn't on this board and then maybe you will get a CLUE !!!
  16. probably the only thing we will ever agree on !!!!!
  17. barbiegirl doesn't have any friends - that's why i play on cp !!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA
  18. i'm glad that somebody brought this thread back to life ... i love reading DRAMA about ME, ME, ME !!! anyway - paradox is in plainfield and a little birdie told me that paradox had about 200 MORE people then that shitty club platinum had !!!
  19. you seriously need to get on with your pathetic life ..... and when you finally realize who i really am - your going to owe quite a few apologies to a lot of people - dj tom and his girl being 2 of them !!! but anyway - days at EXIT with BORIS were "back in the day" i'm a youngin' so the days at the ROXY were before MY TIME !!!
  20. laurie619 - me and you should start our own message board !!! .... but i like that everyone hates me, it passes the boring time .... not only that but it's sooooooooooooo much FUN !!!
  21. i'm voting for BORIS - remember the OLD DAYS at EXIT ?? plus he is so HOT !!!
  22. i missed it but everyone of my friends has been talking about it. does anyone know when it will be on again ??
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