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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. you should try going through a temp. agency in your area. they usually will find you what you are looking for and you can tell them your salary requirements as well. some agencies even offer jobs that become permanent after so many months or so. GOOD LUCK !!
  2. can you put BARBIEGIRL plus 5 on the list please ??
  3. if hating platinum makes me the most opininated bitch on here than i am happy to call myself an ASSHOLE !!! now quit following my BORING threads around and get back to work ... don't you have dicks to suck you club whore ??
  4. most annoying - nobody, this board is strictly for my entertainment purposes!!! most informative - jbr and saleen biggest asshole - ibclubbin and whatevaman, they use there's the most !!! i made up my own titles too: nicest club members - clubchic1006 and marissabella cutest gay couple - whatevaman and ibclubbin biggest club whore - sexyinthecity who i thought was a jerk but isn't - kettleoneforme stud muffin - slimcalhoun best barbiegirl defender - northstar and sweepy and last but not least ... BIGGEST BS ARTIST THAT HAS THIS ENTIRE BOARD FOOLED ...... BARBIEGIRL .......
  5. you are soooo DUMB - if you think the threads that i'm in or that i start are so dumb and boring .... then why the fuck do you not only READ them but COMMENT on then EVERY SINGLE time ??? talk about contradiction you dumb whore !!! you're right about one thing - being entitled to your own opinion but like i always say ... opinions are like assholes, if you have one then chances are YOU are one !!!
  6. i thought you said you were done with this thread - shoooo fly shoooo !!!
  7. 'knees' as in what you were down on crying when you got CANNED from platinum or 'knees' as in what you were down on when you were applying for the job at platinum ?? oh and before you go and say "but barbiegirl, learn to read, i didn't get fired ....." can you refresh my memory as to what it is when you find out about losing your job on a message board ?? do they have a specific name for what that is called or is really just FIRED !!!
  8. penny loafers - YUCK but the NERDS are pretty DOPE when you just need a night out away from the club scene once in a while !!!
  9. do they wear tablecloths on tuesdays too ??
  11. hold on - i'll go with you !!! (hee-hee-hee-hee)
  12. and the truth shall set HIM freeeeeeeeeeeee .... he's in love with me - that's what this obsession is really all about and i'm glad that the rest of you could finally see what a stalker this clown really is. sorry though - i'm in love with Marc Amatucci you're just going to have keep bangin' your mom for now !!!
  13. i've been to this place only 2x's and it wasn't anything to talk about. if you want a quiet chill night with a bunch of guys in khakis and sandals and a bunch of girls who look like guys in sandals then go there .... this is your place !!!
  14. i'm not explaining myself at all - i'm just adding to my own publicity and your own stupididty !!! i love it that barbiegirl has her own threads and that everyone pays this much attention to me - especially you BIG PAPA !!!
  15. you spend all this time trying to figure me out and you really still have no idea. but if it makes you feel better and like a BIG SMART BOY, to think you know who barbiegirl is then fine .... i think i'm going to just let you keep assuming and go along with it. you're right barbiegirl HATES platinum because a dj she knows of hates platinum too, or wait if he spun at platinum like you said he did, maybe she just THINKS he hates it there ...... so i want to hate it there because i want to be just like him. which in turn will make me just like YOU !! because you are a little platinum groupie and just because you suck your friends off to get places .... doesn't mean we all do ! SERIOUSLY dude you need to get a life.
  16. day #2 and everyone is still so concerned about barbiegirls identity ... this is really comical !!! however - i like the attention that i'm getting please continue on with it !!! this shit is classic !!!
  17. what nothing to say about seeing you at platinum ?? .... you will be there right ?? THURSDAY NIGHT COLLEGIATE NIGHT AT PLATINUM WITH DJ BG !!! hmmm - maybe it was you who didn't get banged in the ass hard enough !!
  18. being that the chances of BARBIEGIRL actually being BARBIEBOY are pretty damn high .... IBCLUBBIN and fag platinum friends will truly enjoy BANGING ME IN THE ASS !!! see you thursday fellows ... it's platinum i'll see you at though right BG ???
  19. not that obvious pal ... because if you had any common sense what so ever you would know who BARBIEGIRL really is however - i like the new identity you gave me maybe i will go along with it for a little while after all - BARBIE is one hot BITCH !!!
  20. tell me about it - BARBIEGIRL is FAMOUS !!!
  21. hey pal ... i don't visit the site my 15 year old brother buys his skateboard shit there and oh guess what .... they even sell VINYL, so i've heard !!!
  22. why wouldn't i admit it ?? you admit that your friends with the people at platinum i have nothing to hide my friend ... trust me on that !! besides - how dumb would you feel if you REALLY knew who barbiegirl was ??? hmmmmmm .... i wonder ???
  23. this is pretty comical if you ask me - mr. detective over here thinking he has it all figured out ... ahhhh the life you must lead to spend all this time trying to figure out who barbiegirl is, i swear i love this shit !!! for the record - my beef with platinum is that the place sucks, the crowd is BUSTED looking, the drinks are over-priced for a JERSEY CLUB (and go ahead call me cheap), the floor sucks ass with it's paint chips everywhere, the music is not what is could be and last but not least ..... it's a FRAT HOUSE turned BASEMENT PARTY !!! as for promoting planet x - you're right i did and i would again !! ATTENTION EVERYONE ... check out www.planetxusa.com you can get ALL the records that they AREN'T spinning at platinum ... that my dear is reason enough to check it out !!!
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