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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. hey perns, do we know jp18 ??
  2. i have always seen gay people in there but i didn't know that was because it was a GAY CLUB all the time .... there were 2x's i was their and it seemed like it was mostly straight. either way - the place is a GREAT TIME !!!
  3. i am SMART and i do LISTEN :D tyco - are you having a bad day today or something ?? :(
  4. go to STUDIO 6 - that place is so FUN !! they expanded it ?? that's good because the only thing about it that i didn't like was that it was sooooo small and HOT !! i've been there 3 x's and everytime was a good time especially the night that we went on gay night not knowing and my friend puked on the bar and my boyfriend knocked over the tray of shots that the shot guy/girl was carrying. they kicked us all out and then the manager begged us to come back in .... we got like 30 FREE PASSES !!! it was FUN !!!
  5. yeah the part about no frozen drinks did suck !!! miami vices's .... i had about 9 of them thursday, it was CRAZY !! hey - what's with surf not making RUM RUNNERS anymore ?? anybody know why ??
  6. i bet the same people who stole notallthere's girls wallet have your watch !!! ... just kidding ... hope you find it !!
  7. from what i have heard - belmar pretty much SUCKS if you want to do anything other than go to d'jais. why does everyone still get summer houses there if there is so much nonsense that goes on ?? if the judge is anything like the cops are (that is what people seem to be saying) then looks like you are screwed !!! i still say hire a lawyer screw that shit - that would piss me off so bad !!!
  8. so i guess nobody saw the movie huh ??
  9. has anyone seen MINORITY REPORT yet ?? i saw it last night - it was an AWESOME FLICK and that is coming from somebody who didn't even want to see it in the first place !! i'm not big on sci-fi movies but this was really good !!! if you haven't seen it yet - you should !!!
  10. i'm just tired today .... i always need a day or two more these long weekends make going back to work HELL !!!
  11. OH MY GOD - i can't believe they gave you a ticket for throwing a napkin on the ground !!! was it a littering ticket ?? i would fight it - get a lawyer and fight it that is such SHIT !!!
  12. my favorite things about summer are ..... the SUN the BEACH being TAN FLIP FLOPS clam strips at THE BEACHCOMBER cheesteaks at MIDWAY and with my honey ....
  13. what happened is what's called a "brown out" when the heat gets so high like it has been, people tend to use more electricity (ac's, fans. etc.) so what the town does is it turnes off power in certain parts of the town for a certain amount of time (anywhere from an hour to 2 or 3) in an effort to try to conserve energy in case of an emergency. it was happening all over the beach this past weekend cause that's where all the people were !!!
  14. if you people believe this crap - then the only thing you should be reading is the BIBLE !!!
  15. on bad days when he is behaving when he is really behaving hangover days at work if you don't like it - kiss it !!!
  16. that SUCKS !!! i bet the cheap ass insurance company tries to fix and then you wind up driving a lemon !!! i say we find the f'ers who stole it and have a BEAT DOWN party !!!
  17. is this the guy who used to spin at EXIT ??
  18. where exactly is this place ??
  19. the water was COLD at first but after you were in it for a few minutes it warmed up and you were used to it .... not only that but it was so DAMN HOT out that i had to jump in, no matter how gross. we usually go to ortley - the water is usually nicer there but like i said we didn't want to go to far down south. i won't ever go back to sandy hook, not unless they put some oxi-clean in that shit or something !!! hey perns - i agree, if i could see all the fishies and sea life i would run for the shore faster than anything !!!
  20. this past saturday a few of us went to SANDY HOOK - i know it's the grossest beach but still ... we needed something close because we had plans later that night and didn't want to drive the whole way down to ortley. all i have to say is the OCEAN WATER is DISGUSTING !!! i swear i felt like i was swimming in a toilet. i have been to sandy hook a few times last year and it was nothing like it was this past saturday - WHAT HAPPENED ?? i know the city is right there but still - it was GROSS !! a few years ago the shore was so clean, all those activists cleaning stuff up and it was working ..... now it looks worse than it ever did !!!
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