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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. hey clubchic - that little green guy dances just like YOU !!! :D :D
  2. i would NEVER wish death to anyone - you are a SICK FUCK !!!
  4. it's all about growing up, moving on and wanting better things for yourself ..... WELCOME TO BIG KID WORLD !! we have all been there at some point or another. try not going out so often, then you will appreciate the good times, the good music and the good crowds more than you do rght now !!!
  5. i don't like making fun of people but those people are BUSTED !!!
  6. sometimes i hear CIRCUS MUSIC in my head !!! :D
  7. i would have to go with BARBIE WORLD !!!! :D :D
  8. oh great, like i don't have anough to worry about right now
  9. i'm having a horendous day clubchic - when you have about 3 hours to listen, call me !!! :(
  10. i have my own which i purchased as well as the one that i get through work - which is only a years salary so if you think about $40K to your folks is not that much, considering the costs to pay for a funeral these days !! i pay about $14 a month and it's worth about $60K so if i die my family will get my work policy $$ and my other policy $$. death frightens me severly, it makes me crazy just thinking about it. if i'm going to die, i want someone to benefit from it, most of all my family since they will miss me the most.
  11. FU to stress FU to being indecisive FU to politics FU to THE WORLD today that is how i feel - may you all have a wonderful weekend and please say a prayer for me, i need it today
  12. i hope you have FUN tonight !!! sorry i can't go - but BARBIE is tired and wants to stay local !!!
  13. i just sent that link to like 10 ppl. in my office as i'm sitting here, i keep hearing screams out loud this is so FUNNY !!! :D
  14. OH MY JESUS CHRISTMAS !!!! that was the scariest shit in the world - here i am sitting in my cubicle and i just screamed out loud ... the old lady next to me is like OH MY GOD, are you okay !!!!! what the F - that is sooooooooo AWESOME !!!!! :laugh:
  15. i chose OTHER because after work i am going to my parents house for dinner and then i am going home to BED !! i am sooooooo tired - i didn't sleep but 3 hours last night i was up being naughty all night with my man !!!
  16. OH MY GOD - 165 MILLION by ONE person !!!! if i won all that money i would throw the biggest most sickest party for all of my friends and all of my family. then i would take my man on a trip around the world and wherever we landed that we liked the best, i'd build us a palace and we'd live happily ever after !!! i'd give my mom and my dad a couple million too oh and my sister and brothers !!!
  17. i still have mine - it's at my parents house in the box that i kept all the "things" to show my kids one day !!! it was for cheerleading - and YES that is a SPORT !!!
  19. i don't get it - why didn't she just get off the bar and go to the bathroom ?? i bet this was an act - maybe they wanted to submit it to AFV ?? and if it isn't and this is REAL - that is sick, what a dumb broad !!
  20. hey chicky baby - HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! .... maybe we will see you this weekend at the shore ..... HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY HAPPY HAPPY JOY HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY HAPPY HAPPY JOY
  21. if you are nice to me - you can play too !!
  22. 1 - WORLD PEACE 2 - TO OWN THE MATTEL FACTORY (this would make me rich $$) 3 - TRUE HAPPINESS
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