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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. i was at work when the first plane hit the tower - i remember trying to get damn radio reception in this building. i also remember trying to call all my friends and family, especially those close to the city. i left work at noon - went to my boyfriends house and we just sat and watched the television. after we just couldn't watch anymore we slept most of the rest of that day away. it was so draining and so unbelievably morbid. we all actually witnessed HISTORY - history that will be told for generations to come and generations to go. it's weird isn't it ??
  2. not only is it disturbing because it's close to home .... it's because it's OUR COUNTRY where we live FREE everyday. if you can't show an ounce of respect or sympathy for an event as tragic as this - then get the F out of the damn country !!!
  3. so basically anything tragic could happen to anyone anywhere and as long as it doesn't affect you DIRECTLY, you won't care or feel bad ?? well geez, that's a really shitty way to think !!
  4. you're a good man njdion !!!! was she there last year and got out alive ?? OH MY GOD, that must have been horrible for her
  5. i agree - tell her you are DETAHLY allergic then take a red pen, draw some dots on yourself and tell her that you just broke into HIVES and it's because of the perfume somebody must be wearing .... then say wait, sniff her and then say IT'S YOU and run as fast as you can ... not only will she think you are crazy, she'll probably avoid you for the rest of the time she is there ... and maybe not put on so much damn perfume !!!
  6. i don't watch it too often either but i have "morbid curiousity" so i know if i was home i would tune in. SOPRANOS - i just ordered HBO yesterday i can not wait .... it's been too long !!!
  7. i'm meeting my best friend for THAI it 12:15 ..... yummmy in my tummmy ....
  8. i'm actually glad i'll be working - if i wasn't here keeping busy i would probably be home watching tv and seeing that day happen all over again - cause you know they are going to show that plane flying into the towers over and over and over and it would make me crazy.
  9. i was just curious as to how everyone is preparing for this coming september 11th ?? will you be working, attending memorials, going about the everyday as usual ?? i know i'll be wearing red, white and blue that day to celebrate my country, i think i may also try to attend a mass. how about you guys ??
  10. no you don't - she would fall over they say if there was an actual woman that had the actual measurments of the doll, she would be about 7 feet tall, have about a 20 inch waist and her boobs would be bigger than her head !!!
  11. i think mine is pretty self explanatory ..... I WANT TO BE BARBIE - THE BITCH HAS EVERYTHING !!!
  12. just found out Deko is hip-hop Fridays and latin Saturdays only until the opening party 2 wks. from now, not what i'm interested in for this weekend - thanks though !!!
  13. can anybody fill me in on this place ?? i have heard good things and was looking to find out about what they do for birthdays .... does anyone have a contact ??
  14. my problem is i usally wake up about 15 minutes before the alarm even goes off, then when i try to go back to sleep for that 15 minutes, when i finally start to drift off - BAM it goes off !!! i think we should be able to work any hours we wanted, they just had to equal 40 hrs. a week !!!
  15. i usually buy my own drinks, even when somebody offers for all i know they could be dropping date rape pills in my drink !!! besides - it's more sexy when a woman is INDEPENDANT !!
  16. most days i don't mind coming to work, i like the chase .... however i need a life as well. some people here live, eat and breathe this place, like it was their duty from god to come here and work for this company. it's now tuesday and first thing this morning AGAIN, my boss asks for utilization reports .... remind you these reports take our software at least 45 minutes to even generate, yet she wants them 15 minutes after i get here !! go figure !!! hey prns - i read your monday FU OUCH !!!
  17. well i just got back to work today from vacation last week ... and let me tell you this - I HATE THIS GOD DAMN PLACE !!! i think i need a vacation more after today then i did before. :shake: at 8am this morning instead of my boss asking me how my week off was she asked for financial reports .... ummm hello, i just walked in the door !!! i had 387 e-mails to be exact 16 voice-mail messages and 4 post-it notes stuck to my pc screen THANK GOD it is 5pm i am OUT OF HERE !!!!
  18. my biggest fear is losing the people most close to me, my family, my dog pickles and my friends. this may sound f'ed up but i hope i die before all of them because i don't know what i would do sometimes. and my second biggest fear is PIGEONS, oh my god did you ever see how close those suckers get to you while you walk on the boardwalk - AHHHH, i get scared just thinking about them now !!!
  19. you make me LAUGH - i just read this thread and started laughing out loud ... now people are peeping in my cubicle at me !!! :laugh:
  20. you are right - i f'ing HATE your guts DIE bastard DIE - just DIE !!!!
  21. if i were you this is what i would ask myself ... is your girlfriend the "one" ?? because if she is she will not only wait for you but she will understand what you need to do. hell i would pack my shit up and go with my man, even if i had to work in a rice field the rest of my life. then ask yourself - do you want to make a difference in somebody's life or do you just want to be another statistic that does the same as 95% of the people in this country ?? i would go if i were you - think of the possibilities and it's only one year of your entire life. you will learn more in that year i think than you ever will anywhere in dc. an unbelievable oppurtunity is knocking at your door - you better answer quick !!!
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