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Posts posted by wideskies

  1. how many times have you been waxed? were you waxing your pink bits?

    oops, there's another nose in your business. smells alright in there, though. :aright:

  2. Originally posted by tastyt

    Well, I think back hair is probably useless, but you still see plenty of guys with lots of fur! :tongue:

    Anyway, you can't really say that something is necessarily useful just because evolution hasn't ridded us of it yet. If evolution is survival of the fittest... is the absence of pubic hair essential for the survival and continuation of the species? Of course not. There's no natural impetus for our dna to change like that. QUOTE]

    i agree. pubic hair is really an accessory, rather than a necessity.

    i guess i find it weird to shave it all off because i *like* the look of it -- i'm not talking forests of pubic hair, but enough to show that the person has gone through puberty, you know? i like looking at my lover and thinking, "aah, s/he's an adult and i can tell."

    Another possible explanation for pubes, as well as armpit hair, is that it traps our scent, our pheromones, which theoretically would make us more attractive to potential mates. In this day and age, no one really wants too much of that scent trapped, lol.

    it's really too bad more people are so afraid of men and women's (clean!) natural scents. i find the muskiness that lingers on the genitals and in the soft fuzz of pubic hair very sexy. but i am very a senses-oriented person, and not everyone is like that.

    (George: the scent in pubic hair is different from the scent of 'pure genitals'.. hehe... so you actually get two scents instead of one)

    people without hair, scent, wrinkles, dimples, freckles, flaws, uniqueness... it's all so overly SANITIZED. it's like people want to date mannequins, not humans.

  3. Originally posted by ladyshady

    i know, i know. but honestly, my body is probally so polluted from drugs and alcohol there is a very little chance that my body is healthy enough to become pregnant.

    as i'm typing this...................god damnit i wish i was healthy. eh, oh well



    be safe.

  4. i always thought underwear was to prevent chafing and to catch errant droplets from the pink bits? :confused:;)

    however, yeah, just as we don't grow thick coats of hair (well, most of us) all over our bodies 'cause we have clothes to take care of that function, it is conceivable that pubic hair would be redundant if underwear did the same thing.

    but we've been covering outselves with clothes for a while now, and the pubic hair remains. if it were indeed useless, wouldn't it go away?...

  5. i also like to think that being human comes first, and being gay/straight/bi is not as important as that...

    i don't assume that the sexuality has anything to do with a person's morality. whether one's more likely to sleep with a man or a woman doesn't determine how likely it will be that s/he'll cheat.

    i know it's confusing, but think of it this way:

    i identify as bisexual because i know the possibility exists within me to be attracted to people of either gender.

    however, when i'm with someone, as i said, it doesn't really MATTER whether i could be sexual with anyone else because i remain faithful to my partner. gender doesn't even play into it. you could say i "act gay" when i'm with a woman and "act straight" when i'm with a man, but when in a monogamous relationship, my sexuality is devoted to that person alone.

    i don't "miss" the other gender... just as straight people in straight monogamous relationships shouldn't "miss" having sex with other straight people

  6. being bi doesn't mean you need to be satisfied by both genders at the same time.

    it just means it's POSSIBLE to be sexual with either gender, although at the same time would work well for some people i'm sure! ;)

    being bi also doesn't mean you're confused about what you want, although i'm sure some bisexuals do feel this way... because HUMANS often feel this way about many different parts of their lives.

    when bi people choose a partner, they're evaluating the person on his or her merits as a person, not as a gender. although some people PREFER one gender or another, often -- IMO-- because of cultural expectations or good/bad past experiences, it doesn't usually mean that they'll decide in the middle of an ongoing relationship that they need to *cheat*... if they're decent, they'll simply end the relationship.

    but people in relationships, i think, cut things off for many many many reasons. sure, some bisexuals might "discover" that they would feel more comfortable with someone of a different gender than their current lover. but that's certainly not the only reason why a bi person would end a relationship or, um, cheat.

  7. well, if it exposes the women's genitals to more germs or something, maybe that might kinda make sense?

    the women wearing such low cut pants are also probably also shaving their pubic hair off, and since pubic hair is there for a purpose (to trap stuff that might give you an infection or something), it would make sense that they might be unhealthy to wear 'em.

    IF that is truly the case.

  8. at first it's difficult, but i think that once people get into a habit of eating a healthy, balanced diet with enough protein and fat, it becomes easier to curb food cravings because moderating your calories by eating regularly thoughout the day enables you to avoid feeling hungry.

    people who avoid fat like the plague and stuff themselves with carbs, which don't provide the same satisfaction/"long burn" that protein/fat does, just end up feeling hungry an hour after they eat. so they snack some more, on more carbs of course, and end up way over their calorie limits at the end of the day.

    i think Atkins is bearable for some people because you end up eating lots of high-protein, high-fat foods that keep you feeling full for longer... even though you're consuming less calories overall.

  9. at my gym, the last row of treadmills are positioned about 3 feet in front of a wall. that means that whoever falls off the treadmill slams right into... you guessed it... a wall! i saw this happen last winter; this woman tripped and hit her head pretty hard. :|


    it's kind of sad seeing people loading up lots of weight and doing their exercises with incorrect form. 99 times out of a 100 maybe these people won't hurt themselves, but there's bound to be people who damage themselves because they move too much weight the wrong way.


    squats seem to be a big problem area. myself, my boyfriend and like 2 other people i've seen are the only people who do correct FULL squats... everyone else barely makes it to parallel, including all those buncha-grapes-on-twigs guys who spend 4 hours in the gym every day and should have learned how to lift properly by now.

    but you KNOW they wouldn't appreciate a "tip" or two.

  10. Originally posted by elitesnautica

    Digest of milk in adults is almost zero. After early childhood we loose the enzymes to digest the protein out of milk. And the carbs in milk are lactose which is essentially a simple sugar.

    If you are going to drink milk, skim milk is the only way to go. Just don't expect to get the full amount of protein out of it.


    i have read that the ability to digest milk and lactose tolerance in general is related to ethnicity as well as simply getting old.

    i don't like drinking milk plain. i must have it with cereal or chocolate... too bad, really, since drinking glasses of skim milk would help me with my protein intake.

  11. hmm...

    i'm curious as to how you judge that people take CP seriously?

    i notice that people accuse others of taking the boards "too seriously" when those others pursue topics with intensity. i'm not talking about name-calling threads, i'm talking about in-depth arguments on actual, thematic (ie, not about a particular person) topics.

    i'm one of those people that likes to think and argue and explore ideas, but people can mistake this for taking people's replies "to heart"... the thing is, if i don't know someone, and that person doesn't know me, and what we're talking about is abstract, then i don't really care what that person thinks of me.

    i just enjoy attempting to explain myself effectively and encourage people to examine their *own* opinions and thoughts.

    when i think of someone taking CP too seriously, i think of a person feeling bad because of what complete strangers say to him on here. i imagine that person going to bed at night feeling bad because someone called him a name (because, honestly, the banter on here rarely rises above a 3rd grade level). on the other hand, if your friends make mean comments to you, the ones you've met "IRL", and you've told them it hurts your feelings but they do it anyway, then i suppose your sadness and anger would be justified.

  12. Originally posted by runway

    People love to experiment with anything and everything however, if you are in a relationship with a girl who is bi- be weary b/c if she will do that there is no telling what else she will do behind your back in the future with another girl or guy. I was with a guy who always told me that its fun to watch but not the kind of woman he would ever want to spend his life with. I agree to that. Hopefully people who consider themselves bi will choose one way or the other eventually in life.

    bullshit. the "bi people are sluts" myth permeates both gay and straight culture, and it's really too bad.

    bi, straight, and gay people cheat. i don't think there's any evidence that people who are bisexual cheat more. cheating has to do with a character flaw, not a sexual preference.

  13. speaking of truth and cowardice, i noticed that phunk did not reply to my last post.

    i'll reiterate.

    shielding yourself from what is ugly and mean will only make you into someone who can't deal with LIFE. the fact is, life is filled with things that you and i just don't like, things that make us fearful, things that make us angry, things that make us cringe.

    NOW GET OVER IT. learn to make yourself into the best possible self you can be.

    i seem idealistic because i choose to admire and encourage what i consider is moral and good in humanity. contrary to what people may think, that takes COURAGE. i'm not wearing blinders. i'm fully aware of how the world works.

    i seek to better it, not hide from it.

  14. Originally posted by tommyarmani

    Be honest, do you think his hand has ever wandered over & felt himself up while jerking off?

    I would also engage in sucking my own tits, feelling em up, it would aid masteration greatly!

    you mean you don't already play with your nipples when you're masturbating? get with the program, do0d!

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